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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ J ] / Jellybeans

Jellybeans tradutor Português

89 parallel translation
- Good point. - Oh, boy, jellybeans.
- Oh meu, jelly beans!
Harvey thought the beans were jellybeans. He ate them and flew out the door and up the beanstalk. He's gonna suspect something.
O Harvey, pensou que os feijões saltitantes eram jelly beans, comeu alguns e voou porta fora lá para cima, ele vai suspeitar de alguma coisa.
Well, last thing I remember, I was eating some jellybeans, and then suddenly I was swept up into the air.
A última coisa que me lembro foi de estar a comer jelly beans... e de repente ser sugado pelo ar.
You know, jellybeans.
Você sabe, feijões "Jelly".
And jellybeans.
E gomas.
I hate MM's. Jellybeans.
Odeio MM ´ s. Gomas.
Have some jellybeans.
Tome algumas gomas.
I'll buy you a bag of jellybeans if you beat me there, all right?
Compro-te um saco de gomas de me ganhares, ok?
Order 10 pounds of jellybeans!
Temos de festejar condignamente a minha descoberta, vá buscar-me dez francos de caramelos!
I don't even have my jellybeans anymore.
Ja nem tenho geleias.
After our game, we'll have ice cream and candy and jellybeans.
Depois do nosso jogo, vamos ter gelado, doces e gomas.
They measure marriages with jellybeans?
Eles mediram o casamento com feijões?
I need a six-pack of beer, a carton of Morley Lights, and a big old bowl of jellybeans.
Preciso de seis latas de cerveja, uma embalagem de Morley Lights, e uma taça de gomas.
Oh, jellybeans.
Olha, rebuçados.
No jellybeans.
Nada de rebuçados.
A pubescent herd of gabby wretches prattling on about boys and music and jellybeans and stickers...
uma manada de metidas bruxas pubescentes a tagarelar sobre rapazes e música e gomas e cromos...
And jellybeans. And chocolate Kisses.
E rebuçados e chocolate.
I bought a bag of your favorite lemonade jellybeans.
Eu comprei-te um saco das tuas gomas favoritas de limonada.
With painted eggs and jellybeans, too. .
Com ovos pintados e guloseimas também.
With painted eggs and jellybeans, too.
Com ovos pintados e jellybeans, também.
You know, jellybeans and Easter baskets... and great big Easter egg hunts.
Sabes, guloseimas e cestos de Páscoa... e grandes caças aos ovos de Páscoa.
The jellybeans are for decorating, not for eating!
As guloseimas são para decoração, e não para comer!
. With painted eggs and jellybeans, too. .
Com ovos pintados e guloseimas, também.
Yeah. Remember when we told her that jellybeans were diet pills?
E quando lhe dissemos que as gomas eram comprimidos para emagrecer?
And when we told her jellybeans were birth control pills?
E quando lhe dissemos que as gomas eram pílulas contraceptivas?
May I accompany you to the jellybeans?
Posso acompanhar-te até às gomas?
It was so dark and so scary in there that Albi began to cry... dragon tears, which, as we all know, turn into jellybeans!
Era tão escura e assustadora que o Albi começou a chorar lágrimas de dragão que todos nós sabemos que se transformam em gomas.
Please tell me you did not give him jellybeans. Oh! Because he goes crazy when he has a lot of sugar.
Porque ele fica maluco quando come muito açúcar.
Denny, how could they predict you'd eat them like jellybeans?
Como é que eles iriam prever que tu os irias tomar como rebuçados?
– I'm eating jellybeans.
- Estou a comer gomas.
– Wow, I love jellybeans.
- Adoro gomas.
No, you can't have any fucking jellybeans.
Não te dou gomas nenhumas!
You think you're the only one who gets sick when he doesn't have his jellybeans?
Achas que és o único que fica doente quando não tem gomas?
That's my jellybeans!
São as minhas gomas!
I don't have any more jellybeans.
Não tenho mais... gomas.
You know those jellybeans I was eating?
Sabes aquelas gomas que eu andava a comer?
Well, they weren't jellybeans, okay?
Bem, não eram gomas.
We're going to get 10,000 jellybeans.
Vamos buscar 10.000 gomas.
No, no, no. They are not just ordinary jellybeans, little girl.
Não são gomas vulgares, menina.
These are extraordinary jellybeans.
Isto, são gomas extraordinárias!
Well, unless Haden was smuggling radioactive jellybeans then he has a partner.
A menos que o Haden andasse a contrabandear drageias radioactivas, só pode ter um cúmplice.
- Jellybeans.
- Gomas.
I've got jellybeans for teeth.
Tenho gomas em vez de dentes.
Jumping jellybeans!
We need to put a few jellybeans in his jar,
Precisamos de agradá-lo um bocado.
Aren't they the cutest little jellybeans?
Não são uns fofinhos?
Mm, jellybeans.
Feijões de gelatina.

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