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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / She killed him

She killed him tradutor Português

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She killed him all alone.
Matou-o sózinha.
She killed him just as she tried to kill me.
Ela matou-o tal como tentou matar-me a mim.
- So you think she killed him?
- Então acha que foi ela? - É o que a coroa pensa.
You see, she was just about to give it to him when she killed him instead.
Ela estava prestes a entregar-lhe o dinheiro, quando o matou.
- She killed him.
- Ela matou-o.
It's Tragg's theory that she killed him and that you're harbouring her.
É a teoria de Tragg que ela o matou e que você está escondendo-a.
Yes, she killed him.
Sim, ela o matou.
- Nothing, except she killed him. And how...
- Nada, excepto que o matou e como.
I still don't understand why she killed him.
Eu ainda não entendo por que ela o matou.
Why, do you think she killed him?
Por que, você acha que ela o matou?
Has she killed him?
Ela já o matou?
- How she killed him.
- Como é que ela o matou.
You say she killed him?
Diz que ela o matou?
He couldn't go through with the wedding. He was gonna have the law down on her, so she killed him.
Como não se podia casar com ela, ia denunciá-la à polícia, e ela matou-o.
She killed him.
- Näo faço ideia. - Foi ela que o matou.
She killed him, then set it up to look that way.
Ela matou-o. Depois, fez com que parecesse um rapto.
- But she killed him!
- Mas ela matou-o!
She killed him with her evil blood.
Ela matou-o com o seu sangue maligno.
- I was there when she killed him.
- Eu estava lá quando ela o matou. - Ela quem?
Yes, she killed him.
Sim, ela matou-o.
She killed him!
Por isso fugiu!
She killed him.
Ela matou-o.
She killed him!
Ela matou...
Oh, my God, she killed him.
Meu Deus, ela matou-o
She killed her husband same as if she shot him.
Foi como se tivesse sido ela a matar o marido.
Do you suppose she could have killed him?
Achas que ela o podia ter matado?
If she did wash the glass... it's because she knew he killed him.
Se Iavou mesmo o copo, foi porque ela sabia que tinha sido ele a matar o Paradine.
It all adds up to a confession, except she said you killed him.
Equivale a uma confissão, mas ela disse que tu é que o mataste.
Read the scene just before she has him killed.
Leia a cena antes de ela o ter morto.
She shot him, got panicky, killed herself.
Ela disparou contra ele, entrou em pânico e matou-se.
She would tell me nothing except that she'd killed him.
Ela não me contou nada a não ser que o tinha morto.
Well, if he did, why does she say she killed him?
Se se suicidou, porque ia ela dizer que o matou?
Mr Benson, Mr Benson, she's killed him!
Sr. Benson, Sr. Benson, ela matou-o!
She had enough evidence to send him to the electric chair, so he had her killed.
Ela tinha provas suficientes para o enviar para a cadeira eléctrica,.. ... e por isso ele matou-a.
She killed her lover for money and planted him at La Peluque.
Ela matou o amante por dinheiro, e enterrou-o em La Peluque.
So, after the ransom was paid, she brought in her boyfriend and killed him...
Depois do resgate ter sido pago, ela chamou o namorado e matou-o.
She killed Burke Dennings. She pushed him out her window.
Foi ela quem empurrou o Burke Dennings pela janela.
He must've seen his mother get killed, all because she loved him.
Ele deve ter visto a mãe a ser assassinada, só porque o amava.
Yeah, but like Carol said when she found out they killed him, by dying, he accomplished everything he tried to in life.
Sim, mas como a Carol disse quando descobriu que o tinham matado, ao morrer, ele realizou tudo aquilo porque tinha lutado em vida.
Perhaps she was killed with him.
Talvez ela tenha sido morta, juntamente com ele.
- Ela matou-o.
She surprised him. And the guy who killed her tried to make it look like suicide.
- Ela apanhou o tipo em flagrante, ele matou-a e fez com que parecesse suicídio.
She doesn't even know they killed him.
Ela nem sabe que o assassinaram.
Maybe she thought I actually killed him.
Talvez pense que eu o matei.
"Yes Sir, he raped her" so she committed su icide! "He killed my wife, I'll kill him!"
Sim Sr. ele violou-a e ela suicidou-se!
- Yeah, the only way she could've killed him was in the bed.
Pois, ela só o podia ter morto na cama.
She got onto him, fought him. He killed her, okay. But she really hurt him bad.
Ele matou-a, mas ela ainda lhe deixou marcas.
- She killed him.
Ela matou o marido.
She said Sam knew who killed him.
Ela disse que o Sam sabia quem o matou.
She brought him into the neighborhood and they killed the guy.
Trouxe-o para o bairro, e mataram-no.
She actually killed him.
Ela matou-o mesmo.

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