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Sir walter tradutor Português

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Sir Walter Raleigh.
Sir Walter Raleigh.
So Sir Walter has turned rhymester.
Então, Sir Walter tornou-se poeta.
My dear Sir Walter.
Meu caro Sir Walter.
"Sir Walter's in silver," they said.
"Sir Walter anda de prata", diziam.
Sir Walter has set the style. The world will follow.
Sir Walter definiu o estilo, o mundo segui-lo-á.
There's always Egerton or Sir Walter the handsome, the....
Há sempre o Egerton ou Sir Walter, o belo, o...
Sir Walter told me before the meeting that he'd go if Your Majesty wished.
Sir Walter disse-me, antes da reunião, que iria, se o desejásseis.
It was owned by the same family ever since that grand Irishman, Sir Walter Raleigh, first smoked a pipe.
Diz-se que estava na mesma família de irlandeses desde que Sir Walter Raleigh fumou cachimbo pela primeira vez.
Dame Ellen, find Sir Walter Blunt. Tell him to come to me in the garden.
Lady Ellen, procure Sir Walter e encontre-se comigo no jardim.
It's the Lay of the Last Minstrel by Sir Walter Scott.
É "O Canto do Último Trovador", de Sir Walter Scott.
Sir Walter Raleigh had a raccoon hat.
Sir Walter Raleigh tinha um chapéu de guaxinim.
Here is Sir Walter Blunt, my lord, new lighted from his horse.
Aquí chega Lorde Rham.
Sir walter raleigh is equipping Another expedition to virginia.
Sir Walter Raleigh está a preparar outra expedição à Virgínia.
Tonight jeremy toogood reads redgauntlet by sir walter scott.
Livro na Hora de Deitar. Esta noite, Jeremy Toogood lê Redgauntlet de Sir Walter Scott.
The looney was, of course, the writer, sir walter scott.
O pinel era, claro, o escritor : Sir Walter Scott.
... for this was sir walter scott's country.
Este era o país de Sir Walter Scott.
Look, Percy, the return of Sir Walter "Oh, what a big ship I've got" Raleigh is a matter of supreme indifference to me.
O regresso de Sir Walter - que grande navio que eu tenho - Raleigh só me causa indiferença.
I want to cheer brave Sir Walter home.
Mas quero dar as boas-vindas a Sir Walter.
To you it's a potato, to me it's a potato. But to Sir Walter Bloody Raleigh it's country estates, fine carriages and as many girls as his tongue can cope with.
Para ti é uma batata, para mim é uma batata, mas para o sacana do Sir Walter Raleigh são propriedades, belos coches e as raparigas que a língua dele aguentar.
I just looked in on my way to the palace to welcome Sir Walter home.
Passei aqui a caminho do Palácio para dar as boas-vindas a Sir Walter.
Splice me timbers, Sir Walter, it's bucko to see you, old matey!
Ensamble a minha madeira, Sir Walter. É bom vê-lo, velho companheiro.
Come on, Sir Walter, I want to hear about absolutely everything.
Sir Walter, quero que me conte tudo.
Well, quite. Don't crowd Sir Walter, Edmund.
Não incomodes Sir Walter, Edmund.
I apprehended, Sir Walter, that there were only seven seas.
Pensei, Sir Walter, que fossem 7 mares.
Oh, Sir Walter, really!
- Sir Walter, por favor ( Really ).
Sir Walter's death warrant for your signature, Majesty.
O mandado de execução de Sir Walter'para assinardes, majestade.
♪ Sir Francis and Sir Walter had ♪ ♪ Discovered new worlds and new nations ♪ ♪ And though Blackadder thought them mad ♪
Sir Francis e Sir Walter haviam descoberto novos mundos e novas nações, e, apesar de Black Adder os achar doidos, também experimentou partir para o mar.
It reminds me of Sir Walter Scott.
Faz-me lembrar Sir Walter Scott.
Sir Walter Scott.
Sir Walter Scott.
Have mercy on the men, Sir Walter. We were not all born to be handsome.
Tenha um pouco de piedade com esses pobres homens, Sir Walter, nem todos nascemos para ser enfeitados.
Sir Walter, I have been your neighbour for many years and am as solicitous for your family as anybody could be.
Sir Walter, fui vizinha sua durante muitos anos e dou crédito por sua família antes que ninguém, isso por certo.
A house is never taken care of without a lady.
Uma casa, Sir Walter, não está bem cuidada sem uma dama.
Only the most comfortable room, Sir Walter.
Talvez a habitação mais cômoda, Sir Walter.
So, Sir Walter and your sister are gone.
Assim que Sir Walter e sua irmã se foram...
- Sir Walter, ladies.
- Sir Walter. Senhoras...
Oh, but we have had a glimpse of each other, Sir Walter. On the seashore at Lyme.
Nos vimos um momento, Sir Walter... na costa, em Lyme.
Sir Walter Elliot, late of Kellynch Hall.
Sir Walter Elliot, de Kellynch Hall.
And to provide Sir Walter with a son.
E quem sabe se pode dar-lhe a Sir Walter um filho?
Whist? I have come on business, Sir Walter.
Minha visita é formal, Sir Walter.
Ever hear of Sir Walter Raleigh?
Já ouviste falar em Sir Walter Raleigh? Claro.
- Walter, where are you? - What is it, sir?
- Walter, onde se meteu?
Sir James told me that Walter Blunt had been knighted by the king.
Sir James disse-me que o Walter Blunt se tornou cavaleiro do Rei.
Was sir walter scott a looney or was he the greatest flowering
Foi Sir Walter Scott um pinel?
Sir Walter...
- Sir Walter, por favor.
Oh, sir, Walter Cronkite lives in New Jersey.
- Senhor, Walter Cronkite mora em Nova Jérsey.
Sir James Walter holds one set. He is the actual official guardian of the papers.
Um deles está com Sir James Walter, é o guardião oficial dos documentos.
My brother, Sir James Walter, died this morning.
O meu irmão, Sir James Walter, faleceu hoje de manhã.
And only you and Sir James Walter had those keys.
E apenas o senhor e Sir James Walter detinham essas chaves?
And, of course, you and West and Sir James Walter have that knowledge.
E o senhor, West e Sir James Walter possuíam esses conhecimentos?
Colonel Valentine Walter, Sir James'younger brother.
- O Coronel Valentine Walter, o irmão mais novo de Sir James.
What's the news, Sir Walter?
Que notícias há, Sir Walter?

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