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They all were tradutor Português

3,942 parallel translation
They all were, sir. They all were. ( CHUCKLES )
Não fomos feitos para estar sob a sua misericórdia ou favor.
They all were.
Foi dada a todos.
In the morning of November the 6th, 1905, people all over Britain were reading this in their Guardian newspaper as they ate their bacon and eggs.
Na manhã de 6 de novembro de 1905, Pessoas em todo o Reino Unido estavam lendo isso em seu jornal Guardian Enquanto comiam o bacon e os ovos.
They were all desperately poor.
Todos estavam desesperadamente pobres.
We all know who "they" are - the fat cats who were surviving the slump - and what is this song doing?
Todos nós sabemos quem são "eles" Os gatos gordo que estavam sobrevivendo à queda - e o que esta música está fazendo?
There was a mix-up with the paperwork when his charges were dropped, and some desk monkey accidentally let him go, and now they are all trying to cover their asses.
Houve confusão com a papelada quando retiramos as acusações dele e algum estagiário o libertou por acidente, agora, estão todos a querer proteger-se.
Checking in all those people, and then they were just gone.
Fiz o check-in deles, e eles morreram.
Geographically speaking, none of the victims live near one another, but they were all killed downtown, which is where the unsub likes to operate.
Geograficamente, as vítimas não moravam perto, mas todas foram mortas no centro, onde o suspeito gosta de agir.
Yeah, before collecting the winnings, they were gonna stage an accident, killing'em all.
Antes de levantar o prémio, iam encenar um acidente e matar os 3.
That's all they were.
Ameaças, nada mais que isso.
They had the whole house to themselves last night, and all they did were chores.
Tiveram a casa inteira para eles ontem, e só fizeram limpezas.
And when they were done with their whistle-stop rants, all anyone could say was...
E quando terminaram com os discursos aleatórios todos diziam...
It took me a while to realize that they were all prior aliases for one person.
Demorei a perceber que eram vários pseudónimos... De uma só pessoa.
They got any and all of their people that were in Haley Tyler's apartment the last few days to provide elimination prints.
Entregaram os nomes do pessoal da empresa que foi ao apartamento da Haley Tyler nos últimos dias para que pudermos descartar as impressões digitais.
And all of a sudden, the original idea, the original commands that they were given seem a lot less interesting to them.
E, de repente, a ideia original, as ordens dadas originalmente, passaram a ter muito menos interesse, para eles.
And they were all condemned for it.
E foram todos condenados por isso.
Besides, they were all out of green... hey!
Além disso, acabou o verde.
Within six months, they were all gone. They came for Samaritan
Em seis meses, tinha acabado tudo.
Of all the pain they endured after you were laid to wait.
Por toda a dor que suportaram depois que deitou para esperar.
So, are you saying that they were all suspects?
Está dizer que eram todos suspeitos?
All my answers are the same they were a year ago.
Todas as minhas respostas são as mesmas que dei há um ano atrás.
I just wish they were all here to see it.
Eu só queria que eles estivessem todos aqui para o ver.
GIORGIO TSOUKALOS : Whenever we have references to Mount Olympus, it is described to be this magnificent palace, and the temple walls were always gleaming of gold, or gleaming with silver, and a lot of little lights that they described as jewels, some blinking lights and all those things.
Sempre que temos referências ao Monte Olimpo, ele é descrito como um palácio magnífico um templo com paredes de ouro reluzente, ou brilhante como prata e com muitas pequenas luzes, descritas como jóias, algumas luzes a piscar e tudo isso.
Then they came by my office, and they were asking all these questions about you, about your past.
Fizeram muitas perguntas sobre ti, sobre o teu passado.
They all died or were turned to darkness.
Morreram todos, ou viraram-se para as trevas.
Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of popular culture.
Como todas as crianças, eles foram atraídos pelas distracções da cultura popular.
- They were all out.
- Já não tinham.
They were, all of them...
Eles eram, todos eles...
All the people of the universe were once free to travel... and mingle and build whatever they wanted.
Todas as pessoas do universo puderam, um dia, viajar livremente, conviver e construir tudo o queriam.
They wouldn't know what to do... If all of a sudden they were left to fend for themselves like animals.
Eles não saberiam o que fazer, se, de repente, ficassem entregues a si próprios, como animais.
I liked all of them and wish they were all alive.
Eu gostava delas todas e quem me dera que estivessem todas vivas.
After all, Hector's rates were very fair. They hadn't changed in years. Okay -
Na verdade, o preço das consultas era ra - zoável e mantinha-se inalterado há anos.
The one place where all men truly share the same rank regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
O único local em que os homens estão todos ao mesmo nível, mesmo quando lá chegaram sendo uns ranhosos parasitas.
The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.
O único local em que os homens estão ao mesmo nível, mesmo quando lá chegaram sendo uns ranhosos parasitas.
I thought they were all gone for good.
Julgava que tinham desaparecido para sempre.
They were all crap. Thanks, Ray.
- Não prestaram.
They were all over the place, JB.
- Estavam totalmente perdidos.
You can knock it all you want, but when you were in the hospital they were there for you.
Podes dizer o que quiseres, mas quando estiveste no hospital, eles estiveram ao teu lado.
They were all Catholic.
São todos católicos. É latim.
They were all terrified of me.
Todos tinham medo de mim.
So, a bunch of the girls were talking, and they're all going in limos.
Então, um monte de raparigas estavam a falar, que iam em limusines.
They gave me your old address and all my letters were returned.
Deram-me a tua antiga morada mas todas as cartas vieram devolvidas.
I used to go to meetings of chief police officers in the UK after the formal conference was over around the bar and around the dinner table, they were all agreeing that there was no point in keeping cannabis illegal
Polícia Metropolitana de Londres Eu costumava ir às reuniões dos chefes de polícia no RU. Depois de a conferência formal terminar, no bar e ao jantar, todos concordavam que não adiantava manter a canábis ilegal e, porém, o que eles disseram diante das câmaras com os microfones ligados foi totalmente diferente.
Hey, they were all raped when I got there.
Já tinham sido todas violadas quando lá cheguei...
- They were all somebody's sons, Sam.
- Eram filhos de alguém, Sam.
I used to think that they were all my friends.
Eu sentia-os como se fossem todos meus amigos.
That's all they were able to scrape off the pavement in Paris.
Não conseguiram raspar mais da rua, em Paris.
And if they were, all they'd remember... Would not be our name, but whether or not we had money.
E, se existir, não se irá lembrar do nosso nome, apenas se tínhamos dinheiro ou não.
I wish they were all dead and we were, too.
Oxalá que estivessem todos mortos, e nós também.
They all forgot why they were fuckin'in the first place.
Todos eles se esqueceram porque fodiam.
I thought they were all talk.
Preferia não falar.

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