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You've seen him tradutor Português

619 parallel translation
I bought some pretty expensive cloth and took it to him and you should've seen the mess he made of it
Comprei um tecido caro e pedi-lhe para fazer um fato. Nem imaginas a desgraça que ele fez.
This monster you've seen, you think your bombs will stop him?
Acha que as bombas vão detê-lo?
You should've seen him slice up some fox stoles with a razor!
Você tinha que vê-lo rasgando uns cachecóis de raposa com uma navalha!
- You've seen him?
- Viste-o?
How long since you've seen him, Professor?
Há quanto tempo não o vê, Professor?
You know, I think I've seen him before.
Sabes? Acho que o vi antes.
- Are you saying you've never seen him?
Nunca viu este homem antes?
You mean you've really seen him? Yes and that strange girl you were looking for.
Ragheb, temos de encontrar o Dr. Halsey.
- You've seen him these late years?
Tem-no visto, nos últimos anos?
And now you've seen fit to take him where being crookedly in mind or limb don't matter.
E agora decidiu levá-lo... para onde ser deformado da mente ou dos membros não importa.
You know, I've seen a lot worse fellows than him keep their word.
Vi sujeitos muito piores que ele cumprirem a sua palavra.
I'm immune to it but I've seen it work on some people. Now you get him down here, Kelly.
Vá buscá-lo, nem que faça um striptease!
If you could've seen him standing there smirking...
Se pudesse tê-lo visto ali de pé sorrindo maliciosamente.
You've never seen him?
Nunca viste uma cruz?
- And you've never seen him.
- E nunca o viste.
You've seen him before, years ago, in that show in Central Park.
Já o tinhas visto, há uns anos, no espectáculo do Central Park.
You've seen him, he's alive?
Viu-o, está vivo?
You don't look much like any of the pictures I've seen of him.
Prefiro conhecê-lo só pelos retratos que vi dele.
I've seen your face when you look at him.
Vi a tua cara quando olhas para ele.
You've never seen him, you know.
Tu nunca o viste, sabes?
Death, men, you've seen him.
A morte homens, haveis visto.
How much did they pay you? I tell you, Mr. Bishop, I've never seen him.
Eu lhe digo, Sr. Bishop, que nunca o vi.
And you say that you've only seen him two or three times?
E diz que só o viu duas ou três vezes?
Don't tell him about what you've seen here.
Não lhe fale sobre o que viu aqui.
Promise me on your love for him you will never tell him you've seen us.
Jura-me pelo amor que lhe tens, que jamais lhe dirás que nos viste.
Karen, you do understand that it's been a long time since you've seen him.
Karen, tu compreendes que passou muito tempo desde que o viste.
Seu pedaço de lixo.
If this is true, I know that you've seen him. Well?
Se for verdade, já deve te-lo visto.
I've seen him as close as you now.
Vi-o tão perto como o estou a ver a si.
He's the healthiest man I've ever seen. You can tell by just looking at him.
É o homem mais saudável que já vi. Basta olhar para ele.
Hmm. But you said yourself she was an old woman. But i've seen him since, several times.
Quando o ônibus chegou no final do itinerário... ela estava morta.
- You've never seen him before either?
Nunca o viu antes? Não, pelo amor de Deus.
You've seen my brother and listened to him?
Viste o meu irmão e ouviste-o?
I must've hit every part of his face. You should have seen him.
Devo ter-lhe atingido cada centímetro da sua cara.
But I've just seen him, I tell you.
Acabo de vê-lo.
I've seen you with Him!
Eu o vi contigo!
Now that you've seen me modeling for Cos Erickson, you are dying to know about him, too.
Ainda mais agora que me viu sendo modelada por Cos Erickson, está ansioso para saber sobre ele também.
Talvez já o tenha visto.
By waiting for him outside the theater you saved CONTROL $ 1.80. I've seen the picture.
Já vi esse filme.
- Doesn't look as though you've seen him.
- Mas pelos vistos tu não o viste.
- You've seen him, then?
- Então viu-o?
As a matter of fact, you know what I've seen him do?
Além do mais, sabe o que eu já o vi fazer?
You should've seen him pick up glowing embers with his fingers.
Havia de o ver a pegar em brasas com os dedos.
You should've seen him sniveling like a street whore.
Devia tê-lo visto chorar como uma prostituta de rua.
You've seen him.
Nero may become Emperor - you've seen to that - but your wife will rule through him, as Livia ruled through Tiberius.
Nero pode tornar-se Imperador, haveis tratado disso, mas será ela quem governará através dele, a vossa mulher, Agripinila.
I've seen how you preferred him to me.
Achais que não vejo como o preferis a mim?
That I've seen you with him before?
Que já te vi com ele antes?
I've seen enough to know I'll keelhaul you or any other man who don't do what I tell him...
E também vejo que vais andar na prancha assim como todos os que não me obedecerem...
Hey, you know they called me yesterday from the supermarket asking if I've seen him.
Ontem me ligaram do supermercado... perguntando se o tinha visto.
I'm sure you've seen a vid-story or two on him :
Estou certo de que já conhece a sua história.

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