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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ Y ] / You guys hear that

You guys hear that tradutor Português

225 parallel translation
Did you guys hear that?
Ouviram isto?
Hey, did you guys hear that yell?
Ei, ouviram isto?
Do you guys hear that?
Rapazes, ouvem isto?
You guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram isto?
Did you guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram isto?
- Okay, did you guys hear that?
OK, vocês ouviram aquilo?
Hey, you guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram?
Did you guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram todos?
Oh, man, did you guys hear that?
Oh, meu, vocês ouviram aquilo?
Did you guys hear that?
Isso é maravilhoso.
Did you guys hear that?
Ouviram aquilo?
You guys hear that?
Vocês todos ouviram isto?
Hey, hey. Do you guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram isto?
You guys hear that?
Estão a ouvir?
- You guys hear that, right? - Yep. It's echoing.
- Vocês ouviram isso, não é?
You guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram aquilo?
Do you guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram isso?
Did you guys hear that Ryan's funny now?
Sabiam que o Ryan agora tem piada?
Do you guys hear that?
Estão a ouvir isto?
Did you guys hear that?
Vocês ouviram?
Did you guys hear that thing on NPR this morning?
Vocês ouviram aquela coisa na NPR hoje de manhã?
- Do you guys hear that?
- Ouviram isto?
- So, you guys hear that new 50 Cent?
- Já ouviram o CD dos 50 Cent?
Do you guys hear that?
Ouviram aquilo?
You guys hear that?
Ouviram aquilo?
Did you guys hear that?
Você pessoal ouviram isto?
Did you guys hear that?
Ouviram isto malta?
We could catch that kid faster if we walked, which is what you guys are going to do if I hear another dumb word out of either one of you.
- Mais depressa apanhávamos o puto a pé, que é o que te vai acontecer se voltas a abrir a boca.
Well I hear that he's sittin'all by himself in a cell up on "C" block, and I heard he just loves guys like you.
Ouvi dizer que está sozinho numa cela no Bloco C. E adora tipos como tu.
You guys got nothing to say that I want to hear.
Não têm nada para dizer que eu queira ouvir.
Hey, guys, did you hear that?
Rapazes, ouviram isso?
You hear that, guys?
Ouviram isto, pessoal?
- Sorry you guys had to hear that. - I'm feeling fairly dizzy.
Desculpem terem ouvido aquilo,
- ( SNICKERS ) Did you hear that, guys? He's sorry.
Ouviram isto pessoal, pediu desculpa.
You hear that, guys?
Ouviram, pessoal?
I was joking around'cause you guys were talking... and I wanted to see if you were paying attention. You didn't even hear me say that.
Eu estava a brincar porque vocês estavam a falar e eu queria ver se estavam a tomar atenção.
You guys hear about the sector cop that got attacked by a mutant last night?
Vocês ouviram falar sobre o polícia de sector que foi atacado por um mutante ontem à noite?
You hear that, guys?
Ouviram isso, rapazes?
You hear that, guys?
Ouviram? !
Is that what you guys wanna hear?
É isso que vocês querem ouvir?
- Hear, hear. Leon : I really admire you guys taking a chance like that.
Eu admiro-vos muito, por correrem riscos dessa maneira.
- Well, you know, some guys just don't hear that very well.
- Bom, sabes... Alguns homens não gostam muito de ouvir isso.
Okay. I've gotta say, it means so much to me that you guys are coming all the way over there to hear me give my speech.
Significa muito para mim vocês irem até lá para me ouvirem a discursar.
So - So did you guys hear about that woman... who might be the first female member of the Supreme Court?
Então, vocês ouviram sobre aquela mulher... que pode vir a ser a primeira mulher juíza do supremo tribunal?
You hear that, you guys?
Ouviram, pequenotes?
What are you guys doing? You didn't hear that?
- O que estão a fazer aí?
Do you guys, like, hear that?
Malta, ouviram isso?
Hey, guys, you hear that?
Ouçam, rapazes, ouviram isto?
Did you guys, uh... hear that they found a crack vial in the locker room?
Já sabem, que encontraram... um frasco de Crack nos balneários?
Did you guys hear that? Yeah, i heard it.
Vocês ouviram isto?
Anyway, you guys don't wanna hear about that.
De qualquer forma, vocês não querem ouvir falar disso.

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