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You guys were right tradutor Português

126 parallel translation
You guys were right across the street.
Vocês estavam do outro lado da rua.
You know, maybe you guys were right.
Sabem, se calhar vocês tinham razão.
Anyway, I guess you guys were right about me.
De qualquer modo, quer-me parecer que tinham razão a meu respeito.
but you guys were right.
Mas vocês estavam certas.
You guys were right, a transition guy is what I needed.
Vocês tinham razão, um gajo de transição era o que precisava.
Honestly, I didn't think you guys were right for each other, anyway.
Honestamente, Não achei que vocês fossem feitos um para o outro mesmo.
You guys were right there, hmm?
Sim.. O que aconteceu connosco?
Because you guys were right.
Porque vocês tinham razão.
You guys were right.
Vocês tinham razão.
- Yeah. I didn't wanna come in, but you guys were right, - it's really helped me a lot.
Eu sei que não queria dar o braço a torcer mas voces tinham razão esta a ajudar-me imenso.
Every time I've had an epiphany on this one, you guys were right on board.
Sempre que tive uma epifania neste caso, vocês embarcaram.
You guys were right about Lumpy.
Vocês tinham razão quanto ao Lumpy.
Maybe you guys were right.
Talvez estejam certos.
It's also true that you guys were right next door in Athens.
Também é verdade que vocês estavam mesmo aqui ao lado em Atenas.
You guys were right, okay?
Estais certas, está bem?
I thought you FBI guys were all Quiz Kids, solved everything right away.
Pensei que vocês do FBI fossem bons nisso, que solucionassem logo.
You guys were over at Mangrove Island taking care of the local talent, right?
Vocês estavam na ilha Mangrove a tratar das miúdas locais, certo?
Listen, if you knew that you were one of the guys who wasn't coming back if you knew that right now, what would you do with the last few days of your life?
Ouçam... Se soubessem que seriam um dos gajos que não voltaria se soubessem isso agora mesmo... O que fariam com os últimos dias das vossas vidas?
I just wanted to make sure you guys were all right.
Eu só queria saber se estava tudo bem com as duas.
Well, you know, make sure that you let me know the right time,'cause last week you said 6 : 30, and when I got there you guys were just leaving.
Não te esqueças dizer-me desta vez, porque na semana passada disseste 6 : 30, cheguei e já se iam embora.
You guys were totally right.
Vocês tinham toda a razão.
You thought firefighters were tough guys, right?
Pensava que os bombeiros fomos duros, verdade?
- You guys were friends, right?
- Vocês eram amigos, certo?
OK, I never meant to insinuate you guys were stupid, all right?
OK, nunca quis insinuar que vocês são estúpidos, ok?
All right, Lex... what were you doing with those guys?
Muito bem, Lex o que fazias com aqueles tipos?
You guys were having a goodbye dinner, right?
Era um jantar de despedida, não era?
I was just too afraid to be honest with you, with myself, because... If I was really honest gut-wrenching honest then I'd have to admit that we weren't right the way you guys are. Were we?
Eu tenho medo de ser honesta contigo e comigo mesma, porque se eu fosse honesta honesta até a alma teria que admitir que nós não éramos como vocês dois são.
You guys were the ones getting really drunk going, "woo, woo," right?
Vocês são aqueles totalmente bêbados que gritam, "woo, woo," certo?
You guys were so right, right from the beginning.
Vocês estavam certos desde o início.
You guys were friends, right?
Vocês eram amigos, certo?
Look, when you guys told me you thought Kristen was cheating on me it hurt, but you were right.
Quando disseste que a Kristen andava a trair-me, doeu, mas tinhas razão.
You guys were pretty serious there for a while, right?
Foi uma coisa séria durante algum tempo, não foi?
Wait, didn't we get a memo, right that you guys were planning more drills?
Espera, não recebemos um recado, a dizer que estavam a planear mais exercícios?
You guys were making money hand over fist, right?
Estavam a fazer dinheiro graças às guerras, certo?
You guys being good friends... you were aware of his medical condition, right?
Vocês, sendo bons amigos... Você sabia da condição médica dele, certo?
What were you guys doing right before?
Que é que estavam a fazer mesmo antes disso?
You guys just put it out yourself, and you were right.
Mas vocês impuseram-se e com razão.
You guys were supposed to be here to go to a party, right?
Vocês estar aqui na festa, certo?
When my guys went to your house, they said you were a little out of it, but you're thinking clearly now, right?
Quando a minha equipa foi a sua casa, disseram que estava um bocadinho fora de si, mas agora já está a raciocinar claramente, não está?
Some of those guys you put away were wearing blue, right?
Alguns desses tipos que vocês prenderam vestiam-se de azul, certo?
All right, when you guys were there, did you happen to steal anything else?
Quando vocês estiveram lá, roubaram mais alguma coisa? Como por exemplo?
These guys were long gone, and now you're trying to bring the devil right back to our doorstep?
Estes gajos pertencem ao passado e agora querem fazer voltar os problemas às nossas vidas?
I know you're pissed, but the guys were right this time.
Sei que estás furioso, mas os rapazes tinham razão desta vez.
we've actually been having sex the whole time that you guys were together, which is just not right, okay?
Por acaso, tivemos sexo todo o tempo que vocês estiveram juntos, o que não é correcto, ok?
Of course, We were right with you guys.
Claro que estávamos na vossa onda.
You guys were asleep while staking out, right?
Estavam a dormir enquanto vigiavam, não foi?
You guys were all at the front of the house, right?
Estavam todos na frente da casa, não é?
Zev told me you guys were short, pulled me right out of security detail.
O Zev disse-me que tinham falta de pessoal, e tirou-me do destacamento de segurança.
You guys were assigned to 15 because we were told you're the best rookies in the city, but, you know, right now I am just not seeing that.
Vocês foram atribuídos à 15ª, porque nos disseram, que eram os melhores novatos da cidade. Só que agora, não estou a ver isso.
You had gangs like the war pigs, the aliens, white lightning, junior KKK, grateful dead, and these guys were like a lot of guys, right?
Tínhamos gangues como os War Pigs, os Aliens, White Lightning, Junior KKK, Grateful Dead, e eram compostos por bastantes membros.
All right, on behalf of the guys, I have to ask... Were you born without testicles, or did they just shrivel up and die over time?
Tenho de perguntar em nome do grupo, nasceste sem testículos ou eles murcharam com o tempo?

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