You would say tradutor Português
6,335 parallel translation
You're always talking about a door closing or a window closing or opening, something... the point is... you would say...
Estás sempre a falar sobre a porta a fechar ou a janela a fechar ou abri, algo... o que quero dizer é... tu dizias...
So you would say you know the Lord.
Entéo, vocé diria que conhece o Senhor.
You would say something if you could help find them, right?
Dirias algo, se pudesses ajudar a encontrá-los, certo?
Yeah, well, you would say the wiring's a bit faulty.
Sim, bem, você diria a fiação está defeituosa.
I realize you can't vote for me yourself, but I was hoping that maybe you would say something to the effect to...
Eu sei que não pode votar em mim, mas esperava que, talvez, pudesse dizer algo para o efeito à...
What, you would say " You took our hard-earned tax payer's dollars and you fixed the goddamn Statute of Liberty'?
"Usaram os nossos impostos para arranjar a Estátua da Liberdade?"
I told Lynn, the firm could not say no. You would have a tough time saying no, too.
Disse ao Lynn que o escritório não pode recusar e que também terias dificuldade em fazê-lo.
Peter was always an honest man, and I know that if Peter were here with us today, he would say that he was not disappointed in Snapchat, and he would forgive you, Lev, for your misunderstanding.
Peter sempre foi um homem honesto, e sei que, se estivesse aqui hoje, diria que não ficou desiludido com a Snapchat. E perdoar-te-ia, Lev, pelo teu mal-entendido.
And would you say that about yourself, father-in-law?
E porque dizeis isso sobre vós, sogro?
Why would you say that?
Porque dizes isso?
Eva, I said, "Shut the fuck up!" You know... you know what my dad would say if he knew a fucking Jew was in his house, huh?
Eva, já te disse para te calares! Ouve... Sabe o que diria o meu pai, se soubesse que a merda de um judeu estava na casa dele?
Now, Trudy explained to me that you said it's a question of space. And I say Tammy would make it worth your while.
Ora, o senhor disse à Trudy que era uma questão de espaço, e eu digo que vai valer a pena admitir a Tammy.
If you are who you say you are, why would anybody consider you a credible character witness?
Se dizes ser quem és, porque é que alguém te consideraria uma testemunha credível?
So, Kant would say, if a killer came to your house, looking to kill the man hiding upstairs and asked where he was, you'd be obliged to tell him.
Então, Kant diria, se um assassino invadisse a vossa casa querendo matar o homem que se escondia no andar de cima, e perguntasse onde ele está, vocês seriam obrigados a dizer-lhe.
Would you say I secured my position, Professor Sogliato?
Diria que garanti o meu cargo, Professor Sogliato?
Say, Sarah, you wouldn't happen to have some gum, would you?
Sarah, tens pastilhas elásticas?
What would you say is the thing that matters to us most?
Qual dirias que é a coisa que nos importa acima de tudo?
Why did you say, would I date a younger man?
Se andaria com um homem mais novo?
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it glows all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names they never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games... Billy Pettigrew, room nine.
Billy Pettigrew, Quarto 9.
It would look good on my bomber jacket, wouldn't you say?
Vão ficar bons no meu blusão, não acham?
More of a turmeric, would you say?
Seriam da cor do açafrão?
Why would you say that?
Porque disse isso?
Didn't I say I would take care of you?
Eu não disse que ia cuidar de ti?
Think you underestimate how hungry I am and how much I'd like to appease my hungry friends right outside that door. And just what would Davina say about that?
Estás a subestimar a minha fome, e como gostaria de acalmar os meus amigos esfomeados ali fora.
Would you mind telling me where you were last night, say, from 8 : 30 to 7 : 00 this morning?
Importa-se de dizer onde esteve ontem à noite, entre as 20 : 30 e as 7 : 00 da manhã?
Would you say that I "keep in the background"?
Dirias que me "mantenho nos bastidores"?
If I was a lesser person, I would say, "I told you so."
Se eu fosse mesquinha, iria dizer, "Já te tinha avisado." PRISÃO LITCHFIELD CONTRATA PESSOAL Guardas em part-time
Would you say that I'm bad at my job?
Dirias que sou mau no que faço?
And I would say, " What the hell are you talking about?
E eu disse, de que raios estás a falar?
I think you created an amateur-looking project so no one would suspect you're actually competing, and then used, let us say, unnatural means to create an amazing effect to win.
Acho que criaste um projecto de aparência amadora para ninguém suspeitar que estavas mesmo a competir, e depois usaste, digamos, meios pouco naturais para criar um efeito fantástico para venceres.
Is there anything else you would like to say?
Há alguma coisa que deseja dizer?
So, if I asked you what your prayer life was like, would you say that it was hot or cold?
Se eu perguntasse como é a sua vida de oragéo, dma que'e quente ou ma'?
I was just gonna say I still think I would have - been a better sheriff than you.
Só ia dizer que continuo a achar que eu seria um melhor xerife do que tu.
I would say already, don't trouble me if you can't give me what I want.
- Porque, antes do colegial e do bullying começar, nunca soube que gay existia.
- Jimmy, why would you say that?
- Jimmy, porque dizes isso?
Normal kid, I would say it was sexual, but no way you're breaking cult rules to do something normal.
Um rapaz normal, eu diria que é uma coisa sexual, mas nem pensar que quebravas as regras do culto para fazer uma coisa normal.
So would you say this is a pattern of hers?
Então dirias este é um padrão dela?
Would it be accurate to say... you were looking for anything negative about the president?
Seria correcto dizer... Você estava á procura de alguma coisa negativa sobre o presidente?
Well, what would you say?
Bem, o que é que diria?
" I would like to say to you now that I am so sorry, co-pilot.
" Quero dizer-te agora que lamento, copiloto.
What would you say if I told you we have a great sinner in our very midst?
E se disser que há um pecador no meio de nós?
What would you say if I told you of a great sinner in our very midst?
Que diríeis se vos revelasse um grande pecador que vive entre nós?
- Did you smoke it? ! Why would you say something like that?
- Porque é que dirias uma coisa dessas?
No, but why would you say that?
Por que dirias isso? - Porque é a verdade!
He thought you would you say that.
- Ele achou que diria isso.
If you have something you would like to say, Francis...
Se há algo que gostarias de dizer, Francis...
And I dare say this. If you don't know anything about the lineage of Boston comedy this place would not exist if this guy didn't start where he started way back in the 80s.
Se não conhece a linhagem da comédia de Boston, este sítio não existiria, se este tipo não tivesse começado aqui, nos anos 80.
- One of the finest political satirists you will ever see. Would you please say hello to Mr. Barry Crimmins.
Um dos melhores satíricos políticos, dêem as boas-vindas ao Sr. Barry Crimmins.
And they would just, you know, patronize him and say,
COLUNISTA Eles tentavam serená-lo e diziam :
Why would you even say something like that?
Porque é que dizes uma coisa dessas?
You knew that she would say whatever you wanted for the price.
Sabia que ela diria o que quisesse por um determinado preço.
you would say that 39
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19
you wouldn't understand 308
you wouldn't get it 22
you wouldn't like it 33
you wouldn't dare 115
you wouldn't 511
you wouldn't know it 28
you wouldn't believe me 53
you wouldn't be here 60
you wouldn't mind 19