She couldn't tradutor Russo
3,436 parallel translation
She couldn't stand to put him in a dumpster.
Она не могла просто засунуть его в мусорный контейнер.
She couldn't have gone too far.
Она не могла уйти далеко.
She couldn't come.
Не смогла приехать.
Couldn't have been more than an hour later, she walks in.
И буквально через час она пришла ко мне.
She obviously couldn't live with the guilt.
Она, видимо, не смогла жить с этой виной.
She couldn't see what I could see.
Она не могла увидеть то, что могла видеть я.
She called to say she'd looked everywhere, but couldn't find him.
Звонила и сказала, что искала и нигде не смогла найти.
Her father said she couldn't because he's Irish.
Её отец сказал, что она не может выйти за ирландца.
Because she couldn't be prouder of you.
Потому что она не может не гордиться тобой.
I thought she couldn't talk about it.
Думала, что она не может распространяться об этом.
She couldn't get along like she wanted.
Она не смогла так, как хотела.
"She couldn't get along like she wanted."
Она смогла так, как хотела...
So, I need to prove that the store owner's wife, Gina, was dead before the fire began, and if she was, she couldn't have inhaled any smoke, so the carbon monoxide level in her blood would be zero.
Мне нужно доказать, что Джина, жена владельца магазина, была мертва еще до пожара, и если это так, то она не могла надышаться дымом, а значит уровень монооксида углерода в её крови должен быть равен нулю.
- Well, she couldn't possibly find any fault with that.
- Ну, она вряд ли посчитает это зазорным.
Well, she couldn't have woken up by herself.
Ладно, она не могла очнуться сама.
- She couldn't make it.
- Она не смогла придти.
Uh, yeah, turns out she couldn't make it after all.
А, да, так получилось, что она не смогла прийти.
I needed to see your dad, but she couldn't get me away quick enough.
Мне нужно было увидеть твоего отца, но она очень быстро увела меня.
Yeah, Waller's never seen a problem she didn't think couldn't be solved with a drone strike.
Да, Уоллер никогда не видит проблемы, которую нельзя было бы решить с помощью бомбы.
Yeah. When we got there, she was on her way out, but we couldn't implement a tactical plan because Gabriel made us.
Когда мы приехали туда, она как раз выходила из банка, но мы не смогли действовать по плану, потому что Габриэл засек нас.
Right, so she couldn't have eaten a crayon.
Ясно, значит она не могла съесть карандаш.
Or because she couldn't get out fast enough.
Или потому, что она очень торопилась уйти.
I told you she couldn't handle it.
Я говорила вам, ей с этим не справиться.
She couldn't make it tonight.
Знаете, не смогла сегодня прийти.
She deteriorated, and Howard couldn't make a decision, so I had to intubate her.
Ее состояние ухудшилось, и Говард не смог принять решение, так что пришлось ее интубировать.
She couldn't fall off the bed.
Знала, что не упадет с кровати.
She couldn't have.
Она не могла.
And that way, I couldn't possibly do anything that would set her off, but... then sooner or later, she... got all by herself, and... she'd get taken away to this, uh...
И я ничего не могла сделать чтобы побудить ее, но... рано или поздно, она... сделала это сама, и... ее забрали, в...
You see, I was delivering pamphlets for the CWA and I couldn't help but see your car pulling away from the cottage so early - naturally I thought she'd taken ill.
Видите ли, я развозила буклеты женской ассоциации и случайно увидела вашу машину, когда вы рано утром отъезжали от домика для гостей, естественно я подумала, что она заболела.
She couldn't care less.
Хуже заботы трудно представить.
And when we talked to her, she couldn't remember her own name.
А когда мы с ней решили поговорить, она не могла вспомнить даже собственное имя.
She couldn't handle this right now.
Она сейчас этого не переживет.
Well, couldn't... couldn't she go on an adventure all on her own without a prince?
Может быть она обойдется без принца?
I figured medical schools couldn't turn away a straight-A student, even if she were a woman.
Медицинские институты берут круглых отличников, даже если это женщины.
Why would she go with Dan when he couldn't even poach Jonah from Maddox?
Почему она предпочла Дэна, который даже не смог переманить от Мэддокса Джону?
She was lonely. To the point that she wanted to die. She said she couldn't bear it.
Одинока. ей трудно было терпеть. что одинока.
She just left, only saying that she was very lonely. I couldn't forgive her.
что одинока.
Gloria had started using again, and she was impossible to talk to when she was coming down, and I couldn't take it, so I left.
Глория начала снова употреблять, и с ней было невозможно разговаривать, когда у нее была ломка, терпеть это не мог, и ушел.
But I couldn't, because she's yours, and that is what it is.
Но не смог, она любит тебя, что есть, то есть.
She could've helped us from her cell, couldn't she?
Разве она не могла помочь нам, сидя в своей клетке?
She's on the verge of remembering what you did, and we couldn't afford to have some random orderly at the hospital overhear it.
Она на пути вспоминания того, что ты сделал и мы не можем позволить, чтобы кто-то случайно в больнице это услышал.
So it couldn't be used against her if she got arrested.
Так что их нельзя было использовать против неё в случае ареста.
She couldn't breathe.
Она не могла дышать.
- and she couldn't say her P's?
- и она не могла выговорить Р?
Well, maybe she couldn't tell, because you seemed pretty serious just now when you said you set up a drug deal. How else are we supposed to sell it?
А как ещё нам их продать?
Well, she couldn't have it in the house...
она не могла рожать в доме.
She tried to make it a whole car ride without a fix, but couldn't.
Она попыталась поехать на машине, не останавливаясь, но не смогла.
I couldn't get sober till she left town.
Я не мог перестать, пока она не покинула город.
She said that she couldn't trust me to put her interests before France.
Она сказала, что не может быть уверена в том, что я поставлю её интересы превыше интересов Франции.
No, she couldn't.
Нет, не могла.
Couldn't rebuild the nipples, though, so she had them tattooed on.
Всё же, не удалось восстановить соски, поэтому она сделала татуировку.
she couldn't make it 29
she couldn't have 22
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
couldn't be better 98
couldn't have done it without you 30
couldn't be happier 21
couldn't resist 29
couldn't hurt 30
couldn't sleep 124
she couldn't have 22
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
couldn't be better 98
couldn't have done it without you 30
couldn't be happier 21
couldn't resist 29
couldn't hurt 30
couldn't sleep 124
couldn't be helped 16
couldn't do it 36
couldn't you 97
couldn't say 28
couldn't wait 18
couldn't we 54
couldn't it 66
couldn't be 25
couldn't i 47
couldn't care less 19
couldn't do it 36
couldn't you 97
couldn't say 28
couldn't wait 18
couldn't we 54
couldn't it 66
couldn't be 25
couldn't i 47
couldn't care less 19
couldn't stay away 16
couldn't they 19
couldn't he 26
she comes 18
she can't 238
she chose me 21
she came back 47
she can 125
she came 41
she came to me 61
couldn't they 19
couldn't he 26
she comes 18
she can't 238
she chose me 21
she came back 47
she can 125
she came 41
she came to me 61
she can't do that 47
she came here 21
she can't be 45
she can't help it 16
she could 44
she called you 54
she can't hear you 51
she can help 23
she came home 17
she can hear you 24
she came here 21
she can't be 45
she can't help it 16
she could 44
she called you 54
she can't hear you 51
she can help 23
she came home 17
she can hear you 24