She didn't make it tradutor Russo
173 parallel translation
It doesn't make a difference. No matter how much she didn't have, my mother wouldn't disinherit me.
Какой бы бедной ни была моя мама, она бы так не сделала.
She didn't like it, and when we got back she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
Ей это не нравилось. После каждой поездки она просила меня оставить спорт и быть просто мужем.
She didn't make it.
Не приехала.
She didn't think I would make it!
Никогда не думала, что я справлюсь!
Probably just as well she didn't make it this far.
Bпpoчeм, вoзмoжнo, oнa бы тaк дaлeкo нe зaшлa.
It didn't make any difference because she saw the women anyway.
У меня всё равно ничего не вышло, потому что... она снова встретилась с этими женщинами.
Then Teresa got scared, she didn't want to let us come in any more, and so I told her she should continue being a servant, being exploited, she deserved it, we wanted to make a stand and resist.
Потом Тереза испугалась, она больше не хотела, чтобы мы приходили, поэтому я сказал ей, что ей стоит и дальше оставаться служанкой, быть эксплуатируемой, она заслужила это, мы хотели противостоять, сопротивляться.
She didn't do it with rope, so what difference does it make?
Она все равно не на ней повесилась, так что, какая разница?
She didn't make it.
Она не успела...
Unfortunately, she didn't make it... because when the Lord called her to Him... he didn't even have a job.
Мама не дожила. Когда Господь призвал её у него не было даже работы.
She didn't make it. Rowena did.
Не она всё приготовила, а Роуэна.
She didn't make it.
У нее не получилось.
She didn't make it.
Она не выжила.
- Yeah, and we were in water so somehow I survived and I started floating to the top in a seat but Georgia, she didn't make it.
- Да. Кругом вода я выжила и старалась выплыть на поверхность но Джорджия... ей не удалось.
Violet, I saw how hard it was for your mother when she didn't make it.
Вайолет, я видел как тяжело было с тобой твоей маме.
She didn't make it too far.
Недолго она прожила.
She left you alive, but three other guys didn't make it.
Вас-то оставила в живых, а три парня загнулись.
She didn't make it.
Ей не удалось выжить.
There were days when even I didn't want to work and she would make me do it.
Бывало я не хотела продолжать, а она настаивала.
How do I make them believe she didn't mean it?
Как я заставлю их поверить, что она не хотела этого?
- She didn't make it.
- Она этого не сделает.
So why didn't she make it?
И почему же она это не сделала?
But then again, she's a super lady that has the currently ultimate EGF-127 engine tuned to the max instead of the planned reactor engine that didn't make it in time, so I guess that's the price we have to pay.
доведённым до своих пределов... но за всё приходится платить.
- She didn't make it, Jack. - I don't believe this.
- Она мертва, Джэк. – Я в это не верю.
Only had time between the ER and the OR, and then, you know, they wash everything away with betadyne, so... She didn't make it. Huh?
Времени было - только дорога от скорой до операционной,... а потом, ты же понимаешь, они все зальют бетадином, так что...
I thought about what she said, but it didn't make much sense and it didn't seem to be working for her, in the first place.
Я думал о том, что она сказала, но это было несколько бессмысленно и не было похоже, что она придерживается этого принципа.
Umbrella was to evac her, but she didn't make it.
"Амбрелла" должна была ее вывезти, но не сделала этого.
Believe me, it'll make the papers and the whole world will talk... about the slut from Bnei Akiva who seduce the boys in her group. She didn't seduce them!
Если об этом услышат СМИ, то весь мир будет говорить о порочной девке из "Бней-Акива", соблазнявшей всех парней в округе.
She was really looking forward to my new book about our cat. She didn't make it, so I also put that in her coffin.
Она очень ждала выхода книги о нашей кошке, но не дождалась, поэтому я положил её тоже.
And she didn't make it either, because she had an accident.
Она тоже не приехала, потому что попала в аварию.
She didn't even make it to her car. - Pretty good memory.
Последний раз её видели примерно в 21.00, 6 апреля 2003 выходящей из спортзала на Кей-стрит.
I was told she didn't make it through the night.
Мне сказали, что она не пережила ту ночь.
She didn't have the temperament to make a career of it, to take all the hard knocks.
У неё не было характера, необходимого, чтобы сделать карьеру, чтобы вынести все препятствия.
If she found out I didn't call you, it would make everything worse.
Если она узнает что я тебе не позвонил, это будет ужасно.
- Because I didn't want her to know it was me, which I now realize doesn't make sense, because she hadn't even met me.
- Потому что я не хотела, чтобы она узнала, что это я, что, как я теперь поняла, совсем не имело смысла, потому что она даже не была знакома со мной.
She didn't make it.
Она умерла.
And, you know, a story not too long ago is, a lady was just taking a picture of a child, you know, the same type of group of people with machetes, and she wasn't so fortunate. - She didn't make it out.
Она решила сфотографировать ребёнка, подошли такие же люди с мачете, только ей не повезло.
- Leave her! - We left her last week, and she didn't make it home for dinner!
- Мы оставляли ее на той неделе, и она не вернулась домой к обеду!
I guess she didn't make it.
Они хотят поговорить с Вами. Сейчас приду!
We coded her nearly 20 minutes, but she didn't make it.
Реанимировали её почти 20 минут, но она так и не выкарабкалась.
Look, I bet she didn't call because she wanted to make it easier on you.
Слушай, я уверена, что она не звонит, потому что хочет, чтобы тебе было легче.
A woman, Libby, she didn't make it through the first week.
Женщина, её звали Либби, не прожила и недели.
Did it make it better? That she didn't struggle?
Ситуация лучше от того, что она не сопротивлялась?
She didn't make it?
Она не вынесла?
She, erm, she didn't make it.
Она... она не справилась.
"Would you mind going out in the corridor?" Now, in retrospect, this was obviously cos she was gonna take the scarf off and it wouldn't be appropriate for me to see her hair, but at the time, I'm ashamed to say I didn't make the connection and I just thought she didn't want me to see how much weight she'd put on.
Не могли бы вы подождать снаружи в коридоре? но тогда сколько она весит. вы же даже не толстая ".
She didn't make it to either yesterday.
Вчера она не доехала ни до школы, ни до офиса.
She didn't make it?
Она не выжила?
She meant to, she wanted to, but she didn't make it.
гхеке ма лоу пеи йати, акка дем пяокабе.
I just--I always felt so bad I didn't make it home to see her Before she died, but now I feel like it's okay.
Я всегда расстраивалась, что так и не увидела её перед смертью, но теперь чувствую себя лучше.
Who's that? She's the one that the king tried to take home To the castle, but she didn't make it.
Она та самая, кого король хотел увезти домой, в замок, но она не захотела.
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't come 18
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't have to 49
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't have to 49
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't care 26
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
didn't make it 25
make it happen 119
make it rain 28
make it count 38
make it last 17
make it up 16
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
didn't make it 25
make it happen 119
make it rain 28
make it count 38
make it last 17
make it up 16