Always was tradutor Turco
14,997 parallel translation
He was always amazed at how well you turned out seeing what a terrible father he was.
Onun ne kadar kötü bir baba olduğunu göz önünde bulundurunca senin iyi bir baba olmana hep hayret etmişti.
It was always, "I'm hurting, Sally." "Can you hook me up, Sally?"
Sürekli "Canım yanıyor Sally." "Bana biraz mal bağlasana Sally?" falan derlerdi.
I always knew he was the one.
Aradığımız kişinin o olduğunu her zaman biliyordum.
Janice was the daughter I always wanted.
Janice, her zaman istediğim kızım gibiydi.
And I was the mother-in-law she'd always hoped for.
Ben de onun her zaman umduğu kaynanasıydım.
I mean, Lee was always the strong one.
Demek istediğim ; Lee her zaman güçlü olan kişiydi.
I was on track with Rosa until you showed up and did your whole "cool guy Mike" routine to overshadow me like you always do.
Her zamanki gibi karizma çocuk Mike ayaklarına yatarak beni gölgede bırakmadan önce Rosa'yla aramız gayet iyiydi.
He was always in trouble with the law.
Kanunlarla hep başı dertteydi.
Her sex was always very good. Oh!
- Yatakta her zaman iyiydi.
Soon'The Tropic'was known as the place to always find the driest Martinis and the prettiest women in Manhattan.
Kısa zamanda'The Tropic'her zaman sek martini ve Manhattan'daki en güzel kızların bulunduğu bir mekân olarak tanındı.
- I was not always in a cage.
Hep kafeste değildim. Öyle mi?
Tony was a very cautious man. He always knew when to walk away.
Tony ihtiyatlı bir adamdı, masadan kalkması gereken zamanı bilirdi.
Mine was always just cigarettes.
Benimki hep sigara oldu.
He always made sure I was... insulated from his business concerns.
Beni, işle ilgili sorunlarının... dışında tutardı.
There's was always something about him that just...
Onda her zaman sanki...
Tony bitched about him all the time, said he was always on his back.
Tony, Joey'nin onu rahat bırakmamasından... dolayı sürekli yakınırdı.
Did the sky of the wolf ever speak to you, or was it always Ahmad whispering in your ear?
Göklerin kurdu mu seninle konuşuyordu yoksa kulağına fısıldayan Ahmet miydi?
Selling my daughter was always part of your plan.
Kızımı satmak her zaman planının bir parçasıydı.
I always knew there was a thing of beauty buried deep in the holy soul of Tommy Saunders.
Her zaman çok derinde bir yerlerde, bize gösterdiginden daha derin... güzel bir şey olduğunu biliyordum.
Kirk was always doing wild and crazy things and sleeping with aliens, and Spock was always thoughtful, and moving in a very deliberate way, and sort of putting the brakes on some of the more physical urges that people had.
Kirk hep çılgınca şeyler yapıyor, uzaylılarla falan yatıyordu, Spock ise hep düşünceliydi, çok hassas bir şekilde hareket ediyor ve insanlara özgü bazı fiziksel dürtüleri frenliyordu.
He was really kind of proving himself as the character actor that he always wanted to be.
Her zaman istediği gibi karakter oyunculuğunda kendini kanıtlıyordu.
One of the things that I really respect about your dad was, I guess, his love and affection for the fans and how he always had time and energy.
Babanın en saygı duyduğum yanlarından biri hayranlarına karşı duyduğu sevgi ve her zaman onlara ayıracak zamanı ve enerjiyi bulmasıydı
The big leverage that he always had beginning with these movies was that Paramount Pictures needed him, and they couldn't make a "Star Trek" movie without him.
Bu filmlerin başlangıcından itibaren elindeki tek büyük koz, Paramount Pictures'ın ona ihtiyacı olması... YAZAR / YÖNETMEN, UZAY YOLU II VE VI EŞ YAZAR, UZAY YOLU IV... ve onsuz bir Uzay Yolu filmi yapamayacak olmalarıydı.
It was always a struggle to try to figure out how to bring some life to this... project.
Projeye biraz canlılık katmanın yolunu bulmak için sürekli bir mücadele içindeydik.
He was just this stable force in my life, and I knew I could always count on him.
Hayatımdaki sarsılmaz bir güçtü ve ona hep güvenebileceğimi bilirdim.
I was engaged in, your mom was always number one in my mind.
Aklımda hep annen vardı.
Hypothetically, if a guy was very nice to, say, another judge, was always complimenting her on her good points, would that mean that she would have to date that man?
Diyelim ki bir erkek yargıca çok nazik davranıyor yaptığı tespitlerle ilgili övgülerde bulunuyor bu erkek o kadınla birlikte olmalı mı?
I always figured there was enough going on down here, I never needed to look elsewhere.
Ben ise hep burada yeterince şey olduğunu düşündüm başka yere bakmak istemedim.
Look, not that we're there, but we did always discuss that the day might come when there was a conflict.
Bak, o noktaya geldiğimizden değil ama bir uyuşmazlık çıkması hâlinde ne yapacağımızı konuşmuştuk.
My father always told me that "mercy" was a word that pussies used when they couldn't take the pain.
Babam hep "insafın" acıya tahammül edemeyen ödleklerin kullandığı bir laf olduğunu söylerdi.
She was always just around, hovering.
Hep buralarda dolanıyordu. Neden ki?
He was always generous, but I did not expect this.
Her zaman cömertti, ve bunu hiç beklemiyordum.
The fact that I was rich and he's not always upset him.
Aslında ben hep zengindim ama bu ona hiç dokunmuyordu.
I was always crazy in love with someone.
Hep birilerine aşıktım.
I always thought it was something more like "Strength"!
Hep daha çok "Güç", "Kararlılık" tarzı
You know, I always felt this place was missing... a real villain.
Bu yerde gerçek bir kötünün eksikliğini daima hissettim.
Landscapes mostly, but I was always just... copying the world outside me.
Çoğunlukla manzara çizerdim ama her zaman dışımdaki dünyayı taklit ederdim.
I was always loyal, Thomas!
Ben hep sadıktım, Thomas!
- Remember when I was little? Always used to put the cookies and lemonade out - at all your open houses.
Ben küçükken hatırlar mısın her açık evde evde limonata ve kurabiyeleri dışarıya koyardınız.
My mother always said there was gonna be an event.
Annem her zaman bir olay olacağını söylerdi.
I mean, we always said it was a package deal.
Demek istediğim, bunu bir paket olduğunu her zaman söylemiştik.
I guess it all got serious when one sports day this guy recorded that he was always beating him in the 100 meters.
Sanırım her şey bir spor gününde birisinin onu her zaman 100 metrede yendiğini söyleyince ciddileşti.
People always say, "What was your best moment, then?" That is my best moment.
İnsanlar hep "En iyi anın ne?" diye soruyorlar. Hayatımın en iyi anıydı.
I think it was just my moment and I was always gonna do great.
Bu benim zamanımdı ve harika iş çıkaracaktım.
You just always acted like everything was so perfect.
Her zaman her şey çok mükemmelmiş gibi davranıyordun.
I was always more of a Hank Williams / Roy Acuff man myself.
Ben kendimce hep, Hank Williams * veya Roy Acuff * türü bir adam olmuşumdur.
We... when I was a kid, what'd you... what'd you always call me?
Biz... ben daha çocukken, bana... bana sürekli ne olarak seslenirdin?
I think Becky was always a little jealous of me.
Sanırım Becky beni birazcık kıskanıyordu.
Before, I was always away racing cars.
Eskiden evden uzakta araba yarışı yapardım.
Because no matter what happens with the business and all that, there was always Abigail.
Çünkü neye mal olursa olsun, her zaman Abigail vardı yanımda.
Keith, who... I called him uncle Keith -'cause he was always around...
-... ben ona Keith amca derdim çünkü hep yanımızdaydı ve...
washington 356
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
wash 146
waste 32
wasabi 19
wasted 66
wassup 84
washing 40
washed 38
wasting 28
washington post 22
washington d 17
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
wasn't 66
wash your face 20
wash your hands 85
wasn't me 102
wash me 17
was it 1813
wasn't it 2231
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219
was it a 18
wasn't there 90
wash up 37
was it fun 48
was that really necessary 35
was it nice 29
was it good 112
wash it 28
was it you 219
was it a 18
wasn't there 90