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Translate.vc / Inglês → Turco / [ Y ] / You've had enough

You've had enough tradutor Turco

1,163 parallel translation
I've had enough bullshit from you!
Saçmalıklarından gına geldi!
I've had enough! You're both to blame!
İkiniz de birbirinizden suçlusunuz!
You've had enough.
Yeterince içtin.
Don't you think you've had enough? Of what?
- Yeteri kadar içmedin mi?
I've had enough of you, too.
İkinizi de istemiyorum.
I've had enough from you these years
Zaten bunca sene yeterince katlandım
- You've had enough.
- Yeterince aldın.
I've just about had enough of you.
Bıktım senden.
If you'll excuse me, I think I've had enough combat for now.
Müsaade ederseniz, sanırım şimdilik yeterince dövüştüm.
I've had enough of working for you.
Senin için yeterince çalıştım.
Well, I think I've had about enough of this, thank you very much.
Eh... pekala. Bu kadarı bana yeter. Çok teşekkür ederim.
Don't you think you've had enough? - Enough what? - To drink.
- Yeterince içmedin mi?
Don't you guys think you've had enough?
Ağzınızın payını almadınız mı siz?
No more today, you've had enough.
Bugün yeterince girdin artık!
I've had 15 years of pandering to the likes of you, and I've had enough!
15 senedir sizin gibilerin kaprisini çekiyorum... ve gına geldi!
Just let me know when you've had enough, all right?
Bırakmak istediğin zaman söyle.
I've had enough of you, you asshole!
Sen çok oldun artık serseri!
You've had enough for today.
Bugünlük bu kadar yeter!
I've had enough of you.
Yeter senden çektiğim.
I guess you could say I've had a romance with the West... since I was old enough to read.
Okuyacak yaşa geldiğimden beri Batı'ya aşık olduğumu... söyleyebiliriz sanırım.
I've had enough of you.
Artık dayanamıyorum.
I'll have you hung, drawn, quartered, and whipped and boiled... until... until you've had enough!
Sizi astıracağım, süründüreceğim, dörde böldüreceğim, kırbaçlatacağım ve kaynatacağım... hak ettiğinizi alana kadar!
You've had it, anyway, if she's had enough.
Senden bıktıysa, sonu kötü olacak zaten.
I've had enough. lt's been a tiring day... and would like to take a rest Your presence here is indeed an honour... and I'd like to talk with you all night
Bugün çok yorucuydu erken yatsam iyi olacak burada olman çok hoşuma gidiyor... seninle bütün gece konuşmak isterim!
Thank you very much. We've had enough.
Başka bir şey istemiyoruz.
I've had enough of you, you hear me?
Sen yettin artık, anlıyor musun?
Had I been strong enough I would've slapped some sense into you.
yeterince güçlü olmadığımı düşünüyorsun şimdi sana gösteririm.
You've had enough!
Bu kadar yeter!
All right, I've had enough of it with you.
Tamam, Bu kadarı da yetti artık.
You've had enough.
Çok içtin.
We've had enough of you people.
Sizin halkınızdan bıktık.
I've had just about enough of you, buddy.
Senden yeteri kadar sıkıldım, buddy.
Do you mean that you've had enough of me?
Bazı şeyleri benimle yeteri kadar yaşamadığını mı düşünüyorsun yani?
And you can keep quiet - I've had enough of you.
Pekala susabilirsiniz... Yeter bu çektiğim sizden.
Don't you think you've had enough?
Sence bu kadarı yeterli değil mi?
- I still hate him. - Laurie, you've had enough.
Ondan hâlâ nefret ediyorum.
- You've still had enough.
- Yine de çok içtin.
René, you've had long enough!
René yeterince uzun kaldın.
- You've had enough.
- Yeterince içmişsiniz.
I've had enough of it all and I've had enough of you.
Tüm bunlar yeter ve sana yeterince katlandım.
" And you feel that you've had quite enough
" Ve canınıza tak ederse
A day comes when you've had enough.
Yeterince sahip olduğun bir gün gelir.
Don't you think you've had enough coffee?
Yeterince kahve içmedin mi?
Oh, no, not you again, I've had enough of you.
Oh, hayır, yine mi sen, senden yeterince çektim.
Now, listen, I've had enough of you and those geese.
Şimdi dinle, seni ve kazlarını yeterince çektim.
Yeah, well, I guess you've had enough practice because you're really doing it now.
O zaman yeterince alıştırma yapmışsındır... çünkü bu sefer gerçekten ölüyorsun.
And as for you, I've had enough of your pictures from the past!
Sana gelince, geçmişten getirdiğin görüntüleri fazlasıyla izledim!
I`ve had enough of you and your television set!
sana ve televizyonuna yeterince katlandım!
I've had enough of you for one night.
Seninle uğraşamam.
I've almost had enough of you two.
Siz ikinizden de artık bıktım.
Well, maybe you've already had enough, babe.
Belki de yeterince içmişsindir, bebek.

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