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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ E ] / Eline sağlık

Eline sağlık tradutor Inglês

361 parallel translation
Bundan yana eline sağlık.
Thanks for that.
Babamın eline sağlık.
Thanks to my father.
Eline sağlık.
Mighty good.
Eline sağlık, Stagg.
You've done your best, Stagg.
Eline sağlık, sağ ol.
May God protect your hands.
Eline sağlık.
Well, thank you.
- Tamam, Cabbar Ağa. - Eline sağlık.
- Finished, Cabbar.
Eline sağlık.
Well done.
Eline sağlık Hafize.
- We should flirt with one of them and pull him to our side.
Eline sağlık, ortak.
Nice going partner.
Eline sağlık.
Good work.
Eline sağlık Habişon gerçekten Bravo
Well done, Havisham. Well done, indeed.
- Eline sağlık.Teşekkürler.
- It was good. Thank you.
Eline sağlık Blake.
Well done, Blake.
Eline sağlık Linda.
This is great, Linda.
Eline sağlık.
Thanks for dinner.
Eline sağlık.
You had done well. Well done.
Eline sağlık.
Eline sağlık, Anneciğim.
Thank you, Mom.
Eline sağlık.
Thank you.
- Eline sağlık babalık!
- Way to go, dude!
Eline sağlık, Marie.
Delicious, Marie!
- Eline sağlık, Hawk.
- Good work, Hawk.
Eline sağlık Jack.
Way to go, Jack.
Eline sağlık müthiş olmuş.
That's terrific.
Eline sağlık Roger.
Well done, Roger.
- Eline sağlık Dale.
- Good on you, Dale.
Peki bana "Sağol Ernie, eline sağlık" dedi mi? Hayır.
Did he say, "Thanks, Ernie, it was delicious"?
- Eline sağlık.
- It's very nice.
- Anne Eline sağlık ama bugünlük yeter.
- I'm not really hungry today.
Kim yardıysa eline sağlık.
They did a good job, whoever they were.
" Annene'eline sağlık'de.
" Tell your mama how good the food is.
Eline sağlık.
- Eline sağlık.
- Good for you for doing it.
Eline sağlık.
Just the job.
Eline sağlık.
Thank you, my love.
- Eline sağlık Nick.
- Good job, Nick.
Eline sağlık, tatlım.
- Eline sağlık, Rahmet.
- Thanks, Rahmat.
Eline sağlık, Rahmet.
Well done, Rahmat.
Eline sağlık, Rahmet, bu iyi olmuş.
Thank you, Rahmat, that's nice.
Eline sağlık Warrick. Kalıp çıkarmak da bir sanattır.
You know, casting is an art.
- Eline sağlık.
- Nice work.
- Eline sağlık, Kel.
Thanks for dinner, Kel'.
Eline sağlık, Lily.
Wonderful, Lily.
Eline sağlık, işe yaramaz herif!
Thanks a lot, ass-wipe!
Eline sağlık anne.
Great meal, ma.
Eline sağlık.
Nice work.
Eline sağlık Catherine.
Nice work, Catherine.
- Eline sağlık Nick.
Nicely done, Nick.
Eline sağlık.
Thanks a lot.

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