Sarhoştu tradutor Inglês
1,068 parallel translation
Sarhoştu ve elinde bıçak vardı.
He was drunk... he had this knife.
Önceki gemisi torpillendiğinde sarhoştu.
He was drunk when his last ship was torpedoed.
Baban herhalde çok sarhoştu.
Your pa must have been pretty drunk.
Sarhoştu ve...
He was drunk and...
Herkes diyecek ki, o kadar sarhoştu ki nedensiz yere kıskandığı bir adama meydan okudu, ve o adam her açıdan ondan iyi biriydi.
And everyone will be able to say that you had drunk so much that you challenged a man of whom you were jealous for no reason and who, in every way, is a better man than you are.
He was drunk.
Dışarı atmışlardı, küp gibi sarhoştu.
He'd been thrown out, drunk as a tar.
Yaşlı bayan sarhoştu, uçurumdan düşüp boynunu kırdı.
The old lady was drunk, fell over the cliff, broke her neck.
Sanırım babam sarhoştu.
I guess my father was drunk.
Dün gece çok sarhoştu.
Very drunk last night.
İkinci kişi sarhoştu ve bu kadar isabetli olamazdı.
The 2nd man was drunk and couldn't have been so precise.
Geçen sene bu zamanda bütün Fransız garnizonu sarhoştu.
By noon of that day last year the entire French garrison was drunk.
Dün gece kör kütük sarhoştu...
He was so drunk last night -
Benimki yine kör kütük sarhoştu.
Mine was dead drunk again.
Sarhoştu dediler.
They said he was drunk.
Welbeck geldiğinde sarhoştu. IVP talimatı verdi, alerjiyi önlermiş...
Welbeck turned up half-stoned, orders an IVP, clears him for allergies...
İşin garibi, o gece, işe gitmeden önce sarhoştu.
That night, oddly, he got drunk before going to work.
Sabah akşam sürekli sarhoştu ağzından çıkanı kontrol edemez ve sızıp kaldığında horlardı.
All the time, all day long, she got drunk and couldn't control what she said, and when she fell asleep she-she snored.
- Körkütük sarhoştu.
She was dead-drunk.
Onlar gibi gözleri vardı, ama senin kadar uzundu... ve sarhoştu.
He had their kind of eyes, but he was tall, tall as you and drunk.
Herhalde sarhoştu.
He must've been drunk.
Herkes sarhoştu.
Everybody's drunk!
Kötü, ters ve kör kütük sarhoştu.
Now, he was mean and testy and damn near blind drunk.
Şey, Komiser, o adam kör kütük sarhoştu. Ne işittiğini bilmiyordu. Bir başka şey daha var, efendim.
The lab definitely established... that the heel marks belong to Mr. Stafford's shoes.
Güzel salata yapardı ama sürekli sarhoştu.
He made good salads, but he was drunk all the time.
Babamı son gördüğümde dut gibi sarhoştu.
The last time I've seen my father he was blind in the cedars from drinking.
Ve Randolph Hunt'ta her zamanki gibi sarhoştu.
And Randolph Hunt was drunk as usual.
Anayola çıkıp sürdük, ve çok sarhoştu...
We got on a highway and we rode, and she was drunker than...
Dut gibi sarhoştu.
He was all rummed up.
Daha önce de böyle şeyler görmüştüm. Belki de sarhoştu.
Maybe he was drunk.
Cilacı çok sarhoştu.
Waxer was hanging one.
Ne yaptığını bilmiyordu. Sarhoştu.
She didn't know what she was doing.
Muhtemelen çok fazla sarhoştu.
He was probably too drunk.
Usta yakalandığında sarhoştu.
He was drunk when he was caught.
Alkolik, umutsuz bir sarhoştu.
An alcoholic, a hopeless drunk
Afei hala ayılmadı, dün gerçekten çok sarhoştu.
Afei is still not awake, he was really drunk yesterday.
O gerçekten sarhoştu.
He was real drunk.
Sarhoştu, bir şarkı mırıldanıyordu...
He was drunk, humming a song...
Neyse o akşam gve arabasıyla gidemeyecek kadar sarhoştu.
Anyway, this one time he was too tanked to drive home.
Wittgenstein zom olmuş bir domuzdu Her zaman Schlegel kadar sarhoştu
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine Who was just as sloshed as Schlegel
Her zaman Schlegel kadar sarhoştu
Who was just as sloshed as Schlegel
In the hospital.
Sarhoştu, ve her zamanki gibi kavga etmiştik.
He was drunk, and we fought as usual.
Her zaman sarhoştu.
He stayed drunk all the time.
Şey, sarhoştu.
Well, he was drunk.
Adam sarhoştu.
Maudlin man.
Tek müşterimiz de o kadar sarhoştu ki ona hizmet edemedik.
Our only customer was so drunk we couldn't serve him.
Üstelik yürüyemeyecek kadar sarhoştu.
Besides... he was too drunk to walk.
Çok sarhoştu.
He was drunk.
Geceydi... 14 yaşıma girmiştim sarhoştu ve onunla tartıştık.
It was my 1 4th birthday and she was drunk and we had an argument.
Annem sarhoştu, beni babamı öldürmeye çalışmakla suçladı.
My mother was drunk, and she accused me of trying to kill him.
sarhoştum 66
sarhoş 94
sarhoşum 46
sarhoş oldum 18
sarhoş musun 75
sarhoşsun 100
sarhoş musun sen 16
sarhoş mu 44
sarhoş değilim 42
sarhoşsun sen 28
sarhoş 94
sarhoşum 46
sarhoş oldum 18
sarhoş musun 75
sarhoşsun 100
sarhoş musun sen 16
sarhoş mu 44
sarhoş değilim 42
sarhoşsun sen 28