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Yorgundum tradutor Inglês

350 parallel translation
Biraz yorgundum.
I was a little tired.
Evet, yorgundum, ama... hiç böyle canlı hissetmemiştim!
I was tired, but I... Why, I've never felt so alive before.
Çok üşüyordum, çok aç ve yorgundum onu bulamadım.
Rhett, I was so cold and hungry and so tired. I couldn't find it.
I... felt tired.
Çok yorgundum.
I was too tired.
I was tired.
Lokantayı gördüğümde çok yorgundum.
I was sick at heart when I saw the restaurant.
Sanırım yorgundum.
I was tired I guess.
Bunu düşündüm çünkü yorgundum.
I thought about it because I was tired.
Ben çok yorgundum eve gidip uyumak istedim.
I was tired and wanted to go home and go to bed.
Hatırlıyorum da bir keresinde çok yorgundum çünkü lav alanlarında yürümüştüm ve sahilde uyudum.
I remember one time I was very tired because he had walked through lava fields for a long time. I had slept on the beach.
O kadar yorgundum ki, çamaşırcı kadınların dizleri üzerinde giysileri ovup güldüklerini, benimle alay ettiklerini duyduğumu sandım.
I was so tired, I thought I heard washerwomen on their knees scrubbing clothes and laughing, mocking me.
Well, I was tired.
- Yorgundum ve korkmuş ve...
- I was tired and frightened and...
Annemi gömdükleri gün bir uyurgezer gibi yorgundum.
The day they buried mother I was tired like a sleepwalker.
Yorgundum, Kaptan.
I was tired, Captain.
Cenazeden sonra çok yorgundum.
Well, I was very tired after the funeral, you know.
Garip ama ben hep çok yorgundum, bu yüzden çok dinlendirici gelmişti.
Strange, but I was always exhausted, so it was very relaxing.
Yorgundum ve elim acıyordu. Possum Amca için utanıyor ve korkuyordum.
I was tired and my hand hurt, and I felt ashamed, and afraid for Uncle Possum.
Yorgundum. Hepimiz yorgunduk.
We all were.
Yorgundum, ölçmedim.
I was tired, I didn't take it
O gece öyle yorgundum ki, hemen uykuya daldım.
That night, I tossed around, unable to sleep.
Çok yorgundum, "Tanrı aşkına, neden istemeyeyim ki?" diye yanıt verdim.
I was tired and said : " My God, because not?
Dün gece çok yorgundum.
I was tired last night.
Hasmane düşünceler beslemek için çok yorgundum ancak savaştan nefret ettim.
She was too much tired and it was. thinking about. but the war detestava.
Sanırım sadece çok yorgundum, biliyorsun.
I think I was just so tired, you know.
Kusuruma bakma, çok yorgundum.
I'm sorry I was so tired.
İtiraf etmeliyim ki biraz yorgundum.
I confess to being a bit tired.
20 gecedir sevişiyor gibi yorgundum ama mutluluktan uçuyordum. Dokuz eylül.
I felt exhilarated... exhausted... walking on air... stiff, yet laughing with fatigue.
Hayır, içeri girdim çünkü çok yorgundum.
No : I came in because I was tired :
- Çok yorgundum...
- I was very tired :
Çok yorgundum.
I was just so tired.
Çok yorgundum.
I was very tired.
I was exhausted.
Yorgundum ve çok uzun sürmeyeceğini umuyordum,
I was tired and hoped it wouldn't take too long.
" Kederli değildim ama, sadece yorgundum,
" I was not sorrowful, but only tired
- Çünkü yorgundum.
- Because I was tired.
Biraz yorgundum ve erken yatmanın iyi olacağını düşündüm.
I'm a little tired. I wanted to go to bed early.
Yorgundum mu diyeceğim?
That I was tired?
Yorgundum, eve gitmek istedim. Arabama bindim ve yine çalışmadı.
I'm tired, I wanna go home, I go to my car and it won't start.
Buğun bir şeyler almaya uğradım ve çok yorgundum.
But I hate everyone. You had to get rid of him, didn't you?
Yardım etmek istedim... ve yorgundum.
I wanted to help him... and I was tired.
Yorgundum, çok yorgundum.
I was tired, very tired.
Oraya vardım ama, çok yorgundum Koç, onu kaybettim.
By the time I got there, I was so tired, Coach, I lost him.
Yorgundum. Korkunç bir durumdaydım.
I was so tired, I was in a stinking mood.
- Çok yorgundum.
- I was real pooped.
- Bayağı yorgundum patron.
- I was really pooped, boss.
Çok yorgundum.
I was pretty tired.
Biraz yorgundum.
He was worried.
Aşağıda gölün yanındaydı ve ben de biraz yorgundum.
Yorgundum, hepsi bu.
I was tired, that's all.

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