All things considered перевод на испанский
447 параллельный перевод
All things considered... we cannot accept his proposal of marriage.
Teniendo todo en cuenta... No podemos aceptar su propuesta de matrimonio.
All things considered, This much is all I can offer.
Considerándolo todo, esto es todo lo que puedo ofrecer.
You had a girl who was quite special, all things considered.
Tenías una chica que, bien mirado, era bastante especial.
So all things considered, he's thinking of giving his wife a divorce.
Considerando las circunstancias, él está pensando en darle el divorcio a su esposa.
I mean, all things considered.
Bien, supongo. Vaya, aun con todo.
All things considered, I think it's disgusting.
Considerando todo eso, creo que es repugnante.
But all things considered... ... a man who got born on a horse might as well die on one.
Pero a pesar de todo el hombre que nace sobre un caballo debe morir sobre un caballo.
Do you not think it will be better, all things considered...
- ¿ No cree que sería mejor...? - ¡ Sáquelo de aquí!
All things considered... maybe you'd better come back in.
Bien mirado mejor será que vuelvas a entrar.
All things considered, what am I to you?
¿ Qué soy yo para ti?
Ask me, all things considered, it's just as well.
En mi opinión, teniéndolo todo en cuenta, es una suerte.
All things considered, she took it well.
Creo que se lo tomó bien.
All things considered, we think we've done fairly well.
Teniéndolo todo en cuenta, pensamos que hemos hecho bastante bien.
But let's see, Nightingale, all things considered, where's this headed?
Pero vamos a ver, ruiseñor, todo eso, ¿ a qué viene?
All things considered, I think the poor guy hasn't behaved too badly.
Dadas las circunstancias, el pobre no se ha portado tan mal.
All things considered, ma'am, I'd appreciate it if you would regard this as my resignation.
Teniendo en cuenta todo esto, apreciaría que Ud. lo considerase como mi dimisión.
All things considered, I thank you making my mother happy, even it was only for a little while.
Bien mirado, te agradezco que hayas hecho feliz a mi madre, aunque sea por unos momentos.
Well, all things considered, let's go for a drive!
Bien considerando las cosas vamos a pasear.
Well, all things considered, I'd say dinner was a roaring success.
Teniendo todo en cuenta, diría que la cena fue un tremendo éxito.
All things considered, it's not really such a good deal to come work down here anymore.
Considerando todo, no es realmente conveniente venir a trabajar aquí.
I hope that your decision turns out to be just and true and that I, all things considered, was wrong.
Espero que tu decisión acabe siendo justa y verdadera, y que yo estuviese equivocado con respecto a todo esto.
All things considered, Gershwin and Armstrong have defeated Karl Marx.
En suma, Gershwin y Armstrong han batido a Karl Marx.
The honor of God, gentlemen, is a very good thing and all things considered one gains by having it on one's side.
El honor de Dios, caballeros, es una cosa muy buena, y considerándolo todo... uno gana si lo tiene de su lado.
I don't think Caracas will hurt, all things considered.
No creo que Caracas le haga daño, analizando la situación.
However... given that, all things considered... we have at our disposal today... no more than... five rubles and change... a natural question seems to arise... as to how this amount can be approximately tripled...
Sin embargo,... puesto que, bien mirado,... hoy no disponemos... más que... de cinco rublos y pico... parece natural que surja la pregunta... de cómo esta cantidad puede ser aproximadamente triplicada...
I think we've been having a real good evening, all things considered.
Considerándolo todo, hemos pasado una gran velada.
That, all things considered, it is preferable to be your friend.
Que, considerándolo todo, es preferible que yo sea su amigo.
All things considered, hanging is better.
De todas las opciones, colgarlo es la mejor.
Well, I'm not surprised, all things considered.
Bien mirado, no me sorprende.
All things considered, I think it best you should come along with me.
Si consideramos todo esto, lo mejor es que te vengas conmigo.
All things considered, I think things are running fairly smoothly.
Bien mirado, todo va sobre ruedas.
All things considered I can only believe that you and your partner took advantage of Joe Billy's anger and changed what should have been a simple fistfight into an act of deliberate murder.
Considerando todo eso sólo puedo creer que Ud. y su compañero se aprovecharon de la ira de Joe Billy y convirtieron lo que debió haber sido una simple pelea en un acto de homicidio deliberado.
All things considered, she's probably more like the master.
Aunque pensándolo bien, sí se parece al señor.
Say, you look pretty good. All things considered.
Parece estar muy bien.
All things considered, why don't we parcel out too?
Puestos ya, ¿ por qué nos parcela a nosotros?
You look well, all things considered.
Tienes buen aspecto, dentro de lo que cabe.
But all things considered, you are the most qualified.
Pero considerando las circunstancias, eres el más calificado.
I would say, all things considered and without overstating it... they're just about...
Yo diría, bien mirado y sin exagerar... que son casi- -
You'll probably think it's an extravagance, but it's not, all things considered.
Te parecerá que es tirar el dinero, pero no lo es.
I just think that, uh... All things considered, you know, we...
Creo que si lo piensas bien...
But all things considered...
Pero en nuestra situación...
All things considered, she's his wife
Todas la cosas son consideradas, ella es su esposa.
All I can say is, all things considered...'ve come to the conclusion that there is a 90 % chance or even 99 %, that God doesn't exist.
Todo lo que puedo decir es, considerado todo he llegado a la conclusión de que hay un 90 % de posibilidades... o incluso 99 %, de que Dios no existe.
You know, Herbert, all things considered, you don't have to be afraid of prison.
Sabes, Herbert, si lo miras bien, no hay por qué tenerle miedo a la cárcel.
When I think of Tegel... I had plenty of time to experience it all and to observe it and take it all in. All things considered, it's no different from outside.
Cuando pienso en Tegel, tuve tiempo de experimentarlo todo, de observarlo y entenderlo, y en realidad, si lo miras bien, no es distinta al exterior.
All things considered, they don't know us.
Después de todo no nos conocen.
Listen, Sócrates, and all things considered, do you think he'll ever be a champion?
Oye, Sócrates, y a todo esto, ¿ tú crees que él llegue a ser campeón?
All things considered, you made a delightful Remington Steele.
Teniendo todo en cuenta ha sido un Remington Steele encantador.
- Well, all things considered, it was kind of fun. Hey, Hannibal, you were right.
- Bien mirado, creo que fue divertido.
Well, that's very considerate of you, Victoria, but, between you and me, I'm really quite lively actually - all things being considered.
Bueno, eso es muy considerado por tu parte, Victoria, pero entre tú y yo, de hecho soy bastante animado, teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias.
I'm sorry, but sometimes one is forced to consider the possibility that affairs are being conducted in a way which, all things being considered, and making all possible allowances, is, not to put too fine a point on it, perhaps not entirely straightforward.
A veces, uno se ve obligado a considerar la posibilidad de que las cosas se hagan de una manera que, teniéndolo todo en cuenta, no es, para decirlo sin rodeos, muy clara.
all things are possible 16
all things being equal 21
all the world's a stage 17
all the way up 39
all this time 373
all the way home 19
all the time in the world 18
all the way down 60
all the time 1146
all the way back 32
all things being equal 21
all the world's a stage 17
all the way up 39
all this time 373
all the way home 19
all the time in the world 18
all the way down 60
all the time 1146
all the way back 32
all the single ladies 21
all these years 280
all those years ago 44
all these years later 16
all that matters 18
all the while 44
all the way 252
all this stuff 25
all these people 52
all the things that make us 45
all these years 280
all those years ago 44
all these years later 16
all that matters 18
all the while 44
all the way 252
all this stuff 25
all these people 52
all the things that make us 45
all that shit 30
all the same 273
all the best 179
all that 276
all the better 80
all the more reason 40
all the 77
all the way in 16
all this 330
all there 16
all the same 273
all the best 179
all that 276
all the better 80
all the more reason 40
all the 77
all the way in 16
all this 330
all there 16