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As surgeons перевод на испанский

85 параллельный перевод
As surgeons, we'll sacrifice some tissue in order to save the whole body.
Como cirujanos, sacrificamos tejido para salvar el cuerpo.
This job is about determining what a patient needs and the best way for us, as surgeons, to meet that need.
Se trata de determinar qué necesita un paciente y el mejor modo de satisfacer esa necesidad.
And as surgeons, we cut.
Y como cirujanos, cortamos.
We're thought to think as surgeons that we are... in control Of people's destinies. The truth is, we are really just footsoldiers.
Pensamos a veces que los cirujanos estamos al control... del destino de las personas y la verdad es, que somos sólo marionetas
I guess as surgeons and friends of Sofia's, you have to know... that a gender-reassignment file is as classified as a nuclear weapons program.
Supongo que como cirujanos y amigos de Sofia, deben saber que el historial de una reasignación de género es tan secreto como el programa nuclear.
Because, as surgeons, we like to be in the know.
Porque, como cirujanos, nos gusta estar en el saber...
As surgeons... there are so many things we have to know.
Como cirujanos... Hay muchas cosas que tenemos que saber.
[Meredith] As surgeons we ignore our own needs so we can meet our patients'needs,
Un cirujano ignora sus necesidades para satisfacer las de sus pacientes.
This is the hard part - - to stand around as surgeons and not cut.
Ese es la parte dificil... Estar entre cirujanos y no poder intervenir.
OK. Shut up and drink your juice. [George] And the truth is, as surgeons... we have more chances than most to set the balance in our favor.
Y la verdad es, que como cirujanos... tenemos más oportunidades que los demás de tener el equilibrio a nuestro favor.
As surgeons, we're constantly opening people up and looking around.
Como cirujanos, abrimos personas y las estudiamos.
As surgeons, we live in a world of worst-case scenarios.
Como cirujanos, siempre pensamos qué pasaría en el peor de los casos.
As surgeons, we are trained to fix what's broken.
Como cirujanos, estamos entrenados para arreglar lo que está roto.
But as surgeons, we must learn to deal with that pressure every day. He was preparing me.
Pero los cirujanos debemos aprender a manejar ese tipo de presión.
As surgeons, we like to cut.
A los cirujanos nos gusta cortar.
" As surgeons, as scientists, we're taught to learn from and rely on books, on definitions, on definitives.
como cirujanos, como cientificos, tratamos de aprender basandonos en los libros, en definiciones, en datos fiables.
As surgeons, as scientists, we're taught to learn from and rely on books, on definitions, on definitives.
Como cirujanos, como científicos nos enseñan a aprender de los libros y a confiar en ellos en las definiciones, en lo definitivo.
As surgeons, we're always invested in our patients.
Como cirujanos siempre nos comprometemos con los pacientes.
About how as surgeons, you know, We're meant to push boundaries And do what no one has ever done.
Sobre cómo al ser cirujanos, tú sabes, estamos destinados a quebrar los límites y hacer lo que nadie ha hecho jamás.
As surgeons, you will encounter everything, so your job as interns is to get familiar with everything.
Como cirujanos, hallaréis de todo, así que vuestro trabajo como internos es acostumbraros a todo.
The Kapos, just like the SS surgeons, try their hand as well.
Los capos, al igual que los cirujanos de las SS, ensayan también.
Her beauty is not so much a tribute to the hand of God as to the meticulous craftsmanship of some of this country's finest plastic surgeons.
Su belleza no es sólo un tributo a la mano de Dios sino también a la meticulosa habilidad de algunos de los mejores cirujanos plásticos.
Follow the zany antics of our combat surgeons as they cut and stitch their way along the front lines.
[Sigan las peripecias de nuestro cirujanos de combate...]
Dominique and Danielle were to grow up... from then on within the pale walls of the Loisel Institute, where surgeons, reluctant to risk an operation on their delicate spinal conjoinment, decided to let them live as one.
Dominique y Danielle, crecieron de ahí en adelante dentro de las grises paredes del Instituto Loisel dónde los cirujanos, remisos a arriesgarse a una operación... en sus delicadas médulas interligadas, decidieron dejarlas vivir unidas.
Be sure to follow the zany antics of our combat surgeons... as they cut and stitch their way along the front lines, operating as bombs... operating as bombs and bullets burst around them, snatching laughs and love between amputations and penicillin.
No se pierdan las travesuras de nuestros ciruajanos... mientras se abren paso en el frente cortando y cosiendo. Operan mientras bombas... Operan mientras estallan bombas a su alrededor... e intercambian risas y amor entre amputaciones y penicilina.
I welcomed the transfer here... since your reputation as skillful surgeons is well-known.
Me pareció bien que me transfiirieran aquí... ya que ustedes son cirujanos hábiles reconocidos.
As regarding the body of water to the south of the camp... the surgeons advise that due to the unnaturally high salt content... it is fit neither for drinking nor for bathing.
Respecto de la corriente de agua al sur del campamento, los médicos determinaron que debido al alto contenido salino, no es apta para el consumo ni para el aseo.
He ended as a cobaye for the surgeons of Mac Bee like many others
Él acabó como una cobaya para las operaciones de Mac Bee como muchos otros.
We can make appointments for her to meet with the plastic surgeons as soon as we close.
- ¿ Nada para mi mosquete? - En otra ocasión.
Plastic surgeons have a bad enough image problem as it is.
Los cirujanos plásticos ya tienen bastantes problemas de imagen de por sí.
Okay, Miss Myers, I'm gonna go ahead and get these bandages off and make sure the plastic surgeons have left your face just as beautiful as it always was.
De acuerdo, Sra. Myers, voy a retirarle estos vendajes y estoy seguro que los cirujanos plásticos dejaron su rostro tan hermoso como siempre lo fue.
Surgeons talk fast. It's part of their training to sound as scary as possible.
Los cirujanos están entrenados para hablar rápido y dar miedo
As surgeons, we have to be in the know.
Como cirujanos, tenemos que estar en el conocimiento.
As plastic surgeons, you exploit the social pressures that caused her such agony.
Ustedes explotan las presiones sociales... que le causaron a ella tanto dolor.
And what have the surgeons been giving as their reasons?
¿ Y qué razones han dado para ello los cirujanos?
Well, as long as the surgeons find the bleeding and stop it, he should be fine.
Si los cirujanos consiguen localizar y detener la hemorragia, todo irá bien.
OK, as you all know, Sacred Heart is dealing with a mountain of malpractice lawsuits courtesy of bumbling interns, clueless doctors and hack surgeons, or as I like to refer to them, you people.
Como todos saben el Sagrado Corazón tiene una montaña de demandas por mala praxis cortesía de internos fracasados, médicos ingenuos y cirujanos carniceros o, como me gusta llamarlos ustedes.
At some point during surgical residency, most interns get a sense of who they are as doctors and the kinds of surgeons they're going to become.
En algún momento de la residencia muchos de los residentes comprenden quiénes son como médicos y el tipo de cirujano que serán.
Then I read a lot of things... and found that the denominator common was that each person... whatever treatment who chose... was well because it changes their way of thinking. I knew I was open to surgeons'scalpel... would be an adjunct to my healing... and that I needed to open spiritually as well.
Yo sabía que abrirme físicamente, a un bisturí era ir en contra de la verdadera sanación.
I knew I was open to surgeons'scalpel... would be an adjunct to my healing... and that I needed to open spiritually as well.
Lo que en realidad necesitaba era abrirme espiritualmente.
There actually was four surgeons, as well as all the nurses and two different anesthetists to carry out an operation of that magnitude.
Había cuatro cirujanos además de todas las enfermeras dos anestesistas para realizar una operación de esa magnitud.
It really is just super that you're here with us as a reminder that surgeons really are simply ignorant scalpel jocks.
Es realmente grandioso que estés aquí como un recordatorio de que los cirujanos son simplemente ignorantes hábiles con el bisturí.
Look, you may never have the same grasp on medicine as we real doctors do, but you're miles ahead of your fellow numb-nut surgeons.
Tal vez nunca tengas el alcance que tenemos los verdaderos doctores pero estás muchas millas adelante de tus atontados compañeros cirujanos.
As interns, we know what we want : become surgeons.
Como residentes, sabemos qué queremos : ser cirujanos.
As plastic surgeons you can relate, can't you?
Como cirujano plastico lo puedes entender, no?
As plastic surgeons, you should relate.
Como cirujanos plásticos, deberían entender.
The surgeons and the House Committee are doing battle over the use of stovaine as we speak.
Los cirujanos y el Comité están peleando sobre el uso de la estovaína, tal y como hablamos.
The skills he learned as a soldier were used to protect engineers, bringing water and electricity to the long-suffering people of Baghdad, to protect doctors, surgeons, experts in child nutrition, journalists, electoral advisors.
Las habilidades que aprendió como soldado las utilizó para proteger a los ingenieros, llevando agua y electricidad, al pueblo de Bagdad que tanto ha sufrido. Para proteger a los médicos, cirujanos, expertos en nutrición infantil periodistas, consejeros electorales.
I had the surgeons keep it for me as a memento of that day, preserved in Lucite.
Hice que los cirujanos me lo guardasen como un recuerdo de aquel día, conservado en metacrilato.
Starting today, fifth-year residents rotate in as lead surgeons.
Hoy empieza, el quinto año en que los residentes rotan como cirujanos principales.
There are plenty of surgeons in San Francisco as qualified as I am to do that.
Hay un montón de cirujanos en San Francisco tan cualificados como yo para hacerlo.

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