Because i didn't перевод на испанский
9,659 параллельный перевод
I didn't trust her, because of you, for one thing.
No confiaba en ella, por ti, por una cosa.
I didn't shoot Cleveland Junior because he was black!
¡ No le dispare a Cleveland Junior porque fuera negro!
I almost didn't listen to it, because...
Casi no le escuché, porque...
Hey! I didn't tell you that I took my sister to Nanda Parbat because I knew that you wouldn't approve.
¡ No te dije que llevaría a mi hermana a Nanda Parbat porque sabía que no lo aprobarías!
I didn't break either of you out, because I was looking to make some new friends.
No ayudé a ninguno de ustedes a escapar porque estaba buscando hacer algunos nuevos amigos.
Right now, there's a tour bus full of corpses in the cemetery because I didn't do anything stupid.
Ahora mismo, hay un autobús turístico lleno de cadáveres en el cementerio porque no hice nada estúpido.
I didn't because we didn't do it.
No lo sabía porque nosotros no lo hicimos.
And that's why I didn't tell you, because I was avoiding that look.
Y por eso no te lo dije, porque estaba evitando esa mirada.
Because I'm going to get her back, and I didn't want you to do the very thing that you're about to do.
Porque voy a recuperarla, y no quiero que hagas la única cosa que estás apunto de hacer.
Jackson's grandmother just showed up, which is very strange, considering that he's out sulking in the bayou, not that I can really blame him, considering I didn't try to stop him or run after him, mainly because I figured that you would need me here.
La abuela de Jackson ha aparecido, lo que es extraño considerando que está de mal humor en el pantano, no es que pueda realmente culparle, teniendo en cuenta que no intenté pararle o fui tras él, mayormente porque imaginé
[Sighs] Look, I... I didn't want her going to this party because I thought it might be nice to delay the life-changing mistakes...
Mira, no quería que fuera a esa fiesta porque pensaba que podría estar bien que retrasara un poco los errores que te cambian la vida.
But if-if they're doing this, then I believe it's because they didn't have any other options.
Pero si están haciendo esto, entonce creo que es debido a que no tienen otra elección.
well and I know you're the professional here, but, I would theorize that he killed them because they rejected him. Oh. and didn't I read in the press that the killer you profiled had a military history?
Bueno... y sé que usted es el profesional, pero yo diría que las mataba porque le rechazaban. ¿ Y no he leído en la prensa que el perfil del asesino tendría un pasado militar?
I didn't know what had happened, but when I was climbing those stairs, I was praying one thing, one thing only, that you were still behind that desk because I knew that if you were still in charge, that Defiance had a pulse.
No sabía lo que había sucedido, pero mientras subía esas escaleras, solo rezaba por una cosa, una sola cosa, que todavía siguieras detrás de esa mesa porque sabía que si continuabas al frente,
Are you jealous because i got the promotion and you didn't?
¿ Estás celoso porque me han ascendido a mí y a ti no?
It... it bothers me to this day when I see those students that I went to school with in nursing school, getting those degrees, and the only reason why I didn't get in was because I'm trans.
Me molesta ver a la gente con la que fui a clase obtener sus títulos, porque el único motivo por el que no entré fue por ser trans.
But I won't have the courage to outspeak in my country because I choose life and I didn't have the courage to be persecuted.
Pero no tenía el valor de expresarme en mi país porque escogía vivir y no tenía el valor de ser perseguida.
I was looking at my passport on the way here, and I've seen so much of the world, and you know, it was probably mostly because my mom didn't get to travel.
He estado mirando mi pasaporte de camino aquí, y he visto hasta gran parte del mundo, y sabes, probablemente ha sido porque mi madre no llegó a viajar.
I counted on you being smarter, better than the next guy, and still I didn't give you enough credit, because you caught on to me.
Contaba con que fueras listo, mejor que el vecino de al lado, y aún así no te doy el suficiente crédito, porque me descubriste.
And I lied to you because I knew something like this would happen if you didn't hear it directly from him.
Y te mentí porque sabía que algo así pasaría si no te lo contaba él directamente.
But the reason I threatened that suit is because she didn't like not getting her way with me, and she was going to call you instead.
Pero la razón de amenazarla con esa demanda fue que no quería tratar conmigo, e iba a llamarte en su lugar.
Because you've convinced her that it's all gonna be okay, that you two are just gonna get to live happily ever after, and I didn't want to be the one to make that all come crashing down.
Porque la has convencido de que todo irá bien, que vosotros dos conseguiréis vivir felices para siempre, y yo no quería ser la que hiciera que todo se derrumbe.
I didn't call 911 because it's not allowed for two people like us to live together.
No llamé al 911, ya que no está permitido para dos personas como nosotros a vivir juntos.
It's so true what he's saying, because I didn't know I was as strong as I am until Zoey.
- Es muy cierto lo que dice, yo no sabía lo fuerte que era hasta lo de Zoey.
Because I didn't think you'd understand.
Porque no creí que lo entenderías.
I didn't tell you because you were so full of hope.
No te lo dije porque estabas llena de esperanzas.
Look, I know you think I'm the bad guy because I didn't welcome you with open arms.
Mira, sé que piensas que soy el malo porque no te di la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos.
Meanwhile, I've just gotten through evacuating 200 Americans from ISIS territory using spit and chewing gum, because, as usual, I didn't have funding for it in my budget.
Mientras tanto, he logrado la evacuación de 200 Norteamericanos del territorio de ISIS usando saliva y goma de mascar, porque, como siempre, no tenía los fondos en mi presupuesto.
Because I was emerging from your shadow, and you didn't like it.
Porque estaba emergiendo desde tu sombra, y no te gustaba.
Because I didn't know how you would react.
Porque yo no sabía cómo iba a reaccionar.
Because I didn't want to disappoint you.
Porque yo no quería decepcionarte.
[voice breaking] I almost didn't become a doctor because of him.
[Voz quebrada] casi no convierto un médico a causa de él.
Because I didn't offer to make him name partner.
Porque no se lo ofrecí.
Your mother and I didn't always get along, but I know that she read this to you every night when you were little because she told me.
Tu madre y yo no siempre nos llevábamos bien, pero sé que te leía esto todas las noches cuando eras pequeño porque me lo dijo.
Because I didn't want there to be any secrets between us.
Porque no quería que hubiera ningún secreto entre nosotros.
Because I didn't respond to your big speech about how we're destined to be together.
Porque no respondí a tu discurso de que estamos destinados a estar juntos.
As a child I was the one in the block where the parents didn't want their kids to hang out with me because I was crazy.
Era el niño de mi cuadra con el que los padres no querían que sus hijos se juntaran porque estaba loco.
I didn't tell you about it because I knew you would have this reaction.
No te lo dije porque sabía que reaccionarías así.
- You lied to me. - Because I didn't stupid like this!
- ¡ Porque no quería que hiciera algo estúpido como esto!
I didn't tell you because at the time it didn't seem important.
No se los dije porque en ese momento no parecía importante.
I didn't know that he disappeared for so long was because he had a surgery.
No sabía que... desapareció durante tanto tiempo... porque tuvo una cirugía.
If I were a paranoid man, I'd say Sterling wanted to scuttle lifting the embargo not only'cause he didn't believe in it, but because we did, and Dalton listened to us.
Si yo fuese un hombre paranoico, diría que Sterling quería sabotear el levantamiento del embargo no solo debido a que no creía en ello, sino debido a que lo hicimos nosotros, y Dalton nos escuchó.
I was quite desperate, because family of woman whom I love, didn't allow us to marry.
Estaba dolido con la familia de la mujer que amaba ; no querían dármela.
Look, I didn't tell you because I knew what you would think.
Mire, no se lo dije porque sabía lo que pensaría.
I didn't tell you about dinner because I knew that you'd waste all your time focusing your energy on investigating me.
No le dije sobre la cena porque sabía que perdería su tiempo enfocando su energía en investigarme.
I told him he'd better pull the trigger, because if he didn't, I would find him and put him down.
- Le dije que mejor apretara el gatillo, porque si no lo hacía, le encontraría y le metería entre rejas.
I didn't want you to come because I thought you would do exactly what you're doing.
No quería que vengas porque pensé que harías lo de siempre.
Because I could have helped her and I didn't, and I feel bad about that.
Porque pude haberla ayudado y no lo hice y me sentía mal por ello.
Especially when a week later, another girl goes missing because I didn't tell anyone.
Especialmente cuando una semana más tarde, otra chica desaparece porque yo no se lo conté a nadie.
I didn't mention it because it doesn't change anything.
No lo he comentado porque no cambia nada.
Uh... [sighs] I didn't pack any food because i could have sworn
No traje nada de comida porque podría jurar que había un lugar de comida china por aquí.
because i didn't do it 21
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i can't 94
because i said so 88
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i can't 94
because i said so 88
because i don't 101
because if you don't 161
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17
because i'm 96
because i'm a woman 25
because i am 105
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm black 19
because i 431
because i did 41
because i don't care 17
because i'm 96
because i'm a woman 25
because i am 105
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm black 19
because i 431
because i did 41