Being alone перевод на испанский
2,136 параллельный перевод
I just kind of feel like being alone right now, that's all.
Es que me apetece estar sola ahora mismo, es todo.
And now I'm making a fool of myself... throwing myself at straight women, because I'm so afraid of being alone.
Y ahora estoy haciendo el ridículo insinuándome a mujeres heterosexuales porque tengo mucho miedo de estar sola.
But my grandma said Everything is cool with her, and tonight is about Being alone with you, so no calls.
Pero mi abuela dijo todo es genial con ella, y esta noche es para estar a solas contigo, así que sin llamadas si, aparentemente, tampoco habrá comida
Guess I - l just don't like being alone.
Supongo... que no me gusta estar sola.
Um, fear, like, um, fear of the dark or being alone.
Vale, brillante. Em, miedo a, em... ¿ a la oscuridad o a estar sólo?
Fear of growing old and being alone.
El temor a envejecer, estar solo.
It s hard being alone.
Es duro estar sola.
He was all alone in the universe, and the thought of being alone forever bothered Him.
Estaba solo en el universo, y la idea de estar solo para siempre le molestaba.
You, being alone, is better because you don't have to go through all that bullshit, you know?
Max, tú, estando solo, Es mejor porque no tienes que pasar por toda esas chingaderas
And that being alone didn't mean being lonely and miserable and that no man was ever gonna hurt her or take away her spirit ever again.
Que estar sola no significa ser solitaria y miserable. Y que ningún hombre iba a lastimarla o volver a quitarle su espíritu.
Not being alone, I mean.
No estar solo, quiero decir.
I blamed you for me being alone, for him leaving.
Te culpaba por estar sola, por la ida de él.
You know the great thing about being alone?
¿ Sabe qué es lo mejor de estar solo?
Being alone.
Estar sola.
Being alone scares the hell out of you.
Porque te asusta muchísimo estar sola.
And I'm tired of being alone.
Y estoy cansada de estar sola.
You've avoided being alone with me all night.
Has evitado estar a solas conmigo toda la noche.
Well, if having basically a world-class fashion model on your arm is considered being alone, then yeah.
Bueno, si tener a una modelo de clase mundial del brazo es considerado estar solo, entonces sí.
I didn't come here alone, so... you know... being alone alone is hard for me.
No vine aquí solo, así que estar solo de verdad es difícil para mí.
Although, now that I think of it, perhaps your being alone is all the more reason I should've offered my hospitality.
Pensándolo bien, quizá el que usted esté solo sea el mejor motivo para ofrecerle mi hospitalidad.
Fear of being alone.
Miedo a estar solo.
This is how we find out who can handle the preassure of being alone in space and who can't.
Así descubriremos quien soporta quedarse sólo en el espacio y quien no.
Yeah, man, something about being alone and then needing... to not be alone.
Es, amigo... algo sobre estar sólo y necesitado... no estar sólo.
I'm sorry, Rusty. I guess I'm not as good at being alone as you are, OK?
Disculpame Rusty, creo que no soy tan buena para quedarme sola como tu.
I realized last night that maybe the reason you're so bad at being alone is because you haven't had to do it very much.
Yo percibí en la noche pasada que tal vez la razón por la cual te sientes sola... es que no te quedas sola con frecuencia.
Sofie called me because she's terrified and afraid of being alone.
Sofie me llamó porque ella está aterrada y tiene miedo de estar sola.
Being alone in a crappy motel room and disappointing the woman you love, that's just the cost of doing business.
Estar solo en un hotel de cuarta y desilusionar a la mujer que amas es el costo de nuestro trabajo.
And honestly, that's one of the things I love about my run, is being alone.
Sinceramente, es una de las cosas que me gustan de ello, estar solo.
The worst things in this world are being hungry and being alone.
Las peores cosas en el mundo son estar hambriento y estar solo.
Well, if it meant being alone, I could've paid for the car.
Bueno, si era para estar solos, yo hubiera pagado el taxi.
You know, being alone for so long, you need a drink at night to sleep.
Aigoo, cuando se está solo por tanto tiempo... se necesita un trago en la noche para poder dormir.
and felt terror and fear of being alone.
Y sentimos el terror y la desolación de estar solos.
Speaking of... being alone... how are you and Tess doing?
Hablando de... estar solo, ¿ cómo van las cosas con Tess?
This wedding business is more trouble than it's worth. Better than being alone forever.
este asunto de la boda se esta volviendo mas problematico que cualquier otra cosa es mejor que estar solo para siempre.
Especially after a certain age it's tough being alone.
Además, pasada cierta edad, se hace muy duro estar solo...
You'll say anything to get what you want, because you are afraid of being left alone.
Dirás lo que sea porque tienes miedo de quedarte solo.
I don't like the two of you being here alone when I'm not.
No quiero que vosotros dos os quedéis a solas cuando yo no lo estoy.
Well, if I remembere right You left him alone at a party where he was being honored.
Bueno, si recuerdo bien lo dejaste solo en una fiesta en la que lo estaban homenajeando.
Certain people weren't being given a full hour for lunch, let alone any semblance of a break.
A las personas no les daban una hora completa para almorzar... y mucho menos algo parecido a un descanso.
When your entire career consists of making enemies, there's no greater danger than being totally cut off, alone.
Cuando tu carrera entera consiste en hacer enemigos no hay mayor peligro que quedarte totalmente aislado, solo.
I felt so alone being the center of everyone's attention.
Me siento sola siendo el centro de atención de todos.
You hate being alone.
Odias estar solo.
The implication being that you would play that way in King Crimson, and King Crimson alone.
La implicacion es que tu puedes tocar en la manera de King Crimson, y solo en King Crimson.
Not to mention nightmares about death, being left alone my daughter motherless.
Sin mencionar las pesadillas sobre la muerte, que te dejen solo y mi hija sin madre.
Yeah, just being in that big bed just reminds me of how alone I am, you know.
Pero tienes tu habitación... Si, pero estar en esa gran cama me recuerda de lo solo que estoy.
Is it because he's alone here or because you're tired of being on your own?
¿ Es porque esta solo aquí, o porque está cansado de andar solo?
She doesn't want me there and i didn't feel like being home alone. What am i gonna do?
No quiere que esté allí y no quiero estar en casa solo. ¿ Qué podía hacer?
- After everything's that's happened and being here alone, it's the only way I can sleep.
- despues de todo lo que ha pasado y permaneciendo aqui sola es la unica manera que puedo dormir.
I couldn't bear the thought of my son Being so alone and helpless.
No podía soportar la idea de mi hijo estando tan... solo e indefenso.
Elizabeth Jarvis was indicted for that she, on the 29th April last, at the parish of Marylebone, being big with a certain female child, the said female child, alone and secretly from her body by the providence of God, did bring forth alive,
Elizabeth Jarvis fue acusada porque, el pasado 29 de abril, en el distrito de Marylebone, embarazada de una niña, la susodicha niña, en soledad y secreto, por la gracia de Dios, nació viva,
I am in the fuck hut next door... alone, which is as close to being gay as I ever want to be.
Yo estoy en la cabaña para coger de al lado solo,... lo cual es lo más cerca de ser gay que quiero estar alguna vez.
alone 2197
alone at last 32
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being the operative word 35
being a woman 17
being here 45
alone at last 32
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being the operative word 35
being a woman 17
being here 45