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But she won't перевод на испанский

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- Yeah, but she won't come down.
- Sí. Sí. Pero se niega a bajar.
But we won't be able to catch the leviathan if she starbursts.
Pero no podremos capturar a la Leviatán si hay un "Salto Estelar"
I don't know if this can be reversed Pilot, but I promise you this, I won't let Neelam keep what she's stolen!
No sé si esto será reversible, Piloto, pero te prometo que no dejaré a Nilaam conservar lo que ha robado.
Oh, she won't do her homework, But she's got a freakin'novel in there.
No hará los deberes, pero tiene una novela ahí escrita.
Maybe she thinks she meant it at the time... but I bet she won't mean it when I show up without you.
Quiza crea que lo dijo en serio... pero seguro que no le gustara que yo vaya sin ti.
- It's enough to pick him up, but... - She won't say rape, no conviction.
Tenemos bastante para atraparle, pero Si ella no dice violación, no podemos acusarla.
Mom keeps some money in the top left drawer of her dresser but she won't notice if you only take between five and seven dollars.
Mamá guarda dinero en el cajón izquierdo de su buró. No se dará cuenta si sólo toman entre cinco y siete dólares.
Things she won't tell to anyone but you.
Cosas que no le dirá a nadie más que a ti.
She'll blow you, but she won't fuck If you're in this school.
Te la chupa, pero no follará contigo si estás en esta escuela.
Yeah, but she won't be as good as you.
Sí, pero no será tan buena como tú.
I love her, she's cute, adorable and nice to look at and fun to have around, but she's the first in a long list of alphabetical order and she won't get another vote from me unless she pisses me off or something.
Me encanta, es guapa, adorable, agradable a la vista y divertida pero es la 1ª en orden alfabético y no la volveré a votar a no ser que me enfurezca o algo.
The old woman doesn't know yet - menopause or something - but you can bet it won't be long before she does.
La vieja aún no lo sabe... será por la menopausia, pero puedes apostar que no falta mucho para que lo sepa.
This is where he lives. She won't admit it, but she's scared about seeing Ray.
No lo quiere admitir, pero se muere de miedo de ver a Ray.
But I won't have a chance unless she likes my song. So listen while I sing it.
Así que escuchadme con calma, y, cuando cante, decidme qué os gusta, qué no, para que luego pueda corregirla
Every geek has a thing for Lisa, but she won't let anyone get near her.
A todos los "geeks" les gusta Lisa pero no deja que nadie se le acerque.
But she didn't want to tell you, because she wants you gone out on the road, looking for nothing, so you won't be here.
Pero no te lo quiere decir... quiere que te vayas para que no estés aquí.
And do you, my handsome nephew take Natalie to be your lawful wedded wife through the good times and the bad times and the times she won't talk to you for months and even worse, when she will so you pretend you're asleep so she'll leave you alone but you lie there listening to her grind her teeth hour after hour like a fucking hacksaw?
¿ Y tú, mi guapo sobrino tomas a Natalie por tu esposa legal para compartir los tiempos buenos y los malos y las veces en que no te habla durante meses y, lo que es peor, cuando sí te hable y tengas que fingir estar dormido de noche para que te deje en paz pero estés ahí, escuchando cómo rechina los dientes hora tras hora...
It's back there but she won't see you.
Está detrás. Pero Sarah no quiere verte.
She won't tell you, but the layout editor, a nice fellow, who doesn't know you said, "That's as far as we can go, otherwise we'll run into problems."
Ella no se lo dice pero el maquetador, que es amable, me ha dicho : "Cuidado, éste es el máximo. Si no, será difícil."
Yes, but she won't be coming back here any more.
Si, y no vuelve.
But she won't be doing that this morning, will she?
Pero no lo hará esta mañana, ¿ no?
Not physically, but she flips out when she sees me. She won't even open the door.
No físicamente, pero se pone como loca cada vez que me ve.
But at the rate she spends it, it won't last very long.
Pero a la velocidad que ella lo gasta, no durará mucho.
He's a thoroughbred and she pulls a cart, but that won't stop him.
Él es un pura sangre y ella tira de un carro, pero eso no lo detendrá.
He's a thoroughbred and she pulls a cart but that won't stop them.
Él es un pura sangre y ella tira de un carro, pero eso no lo detendrá.
If I'd had my way, we wouldn't have disturbed you, but you know how women are, mine wants a new kitchen and without money, she won't let me into the house.
¿ Sabe? Si por mí fuera, no la hubiéramos molestado pero ya conoce a las mujeres la mía quiere cambiar de cocina. Y como no le llevé el dinero este mes no me va a dejar entrar a la casa.
But she won't treat me.
Pero no me tratará a mí.
But she won't carry brother's name!
Pero ella no llevará el nombre de mi hermano!
Let me tell you Your mom probably won't come back on your birthday but she has already bought the latest model motor-bike... as your birthday present
Déjame decirte que tu madre probablemente no pueda regresar para tu cumpleaños pero ya te ha comprado una moto último modelo... como regalo de cumpleaños.
Yeah, but she won't bother us.
Sí, pero no nos molestará.
But she'll be in the gown and then he won't show up then she'll have to take off the gown...
Ella estará con su vestido, él no aparecerá ella tendrá que quitarse el vestido...
But if you won't talk and she won't listen, then how is anything ever gonna change?
Pero, si no le hablas, y ella no te escucha, ¿ como quieres que cambien las cosas?
Pero no quería escuchar.
But since we're both dark-haired, people won't immediately know that she's not ours.
Pero lo bueno es que, como ambos tenemos cabello oscuro la gente no notará enseguida que no es nuestra.
She won no immunities, she won only one reward, but she just didn't give up, so there's one that didn't win anything, there's one that won almost everything.
No gano inmunidades, gano una sola recompensa, pero nunca se rindió entonces queda entre uno que no gano nada y uno que casi gano todo.
Yes, but a mother will protect, won't she?
Sí, pero una madre va a proteger, ¿ no es cierto? Habría protegido a Sam, ¿ no es cierto?
I've tried everything, but she won't even up.
He intentado de todo, pero no los encontre.
She loves me, but she won't say it... oh why?
"Ella me ama, pero ella no quiere decirlo... oh por qué?"
She won't be any help, but she won't get in the way.
No nos ayudará, pero tampoco pondrá trabas.
I've told her to tell them but she won't listen to me.
Le dije que se los dijera, pero ella no me escucha.
But, Sire, she won't know anything about planning a royal banquet.
Pero, señor, ella no sabe nada acerca de planeando un banquete real.
I don't give a fuck if we do this deal or not, but your girlfriend needs her nose candy or she won't fuck you.
Mira, no me importa un carajo si hacemos este negocio o no, pero tú sí. Tu novia necesita su caramelo de nariz. Sin caramelo, ella no te cogerá, y tú lo sabes.
He liv es with his son and daughter-in-law but she won't wash them for him because they're filthy
Vive con su hijo y su nuera..... pero ella no se los quiere lavar porque son unos marranos.
Not that she won't come back but what he's done to her.
No es que ella no va a volver, sino lo que le han hecho a ella.
I keep telling her to break it off with him... but she won't listen.
No hago más que decirle que rompa con él, pero no me escucha.
I know you have to work but she won't come out if cameras are here.
Yo sé que ustedes tienen que hacer notas pero ella no sale si hacen notas.
But she won't sleep at your place.
Pero no dormirá en tu casa.
I'd take her with me but she won't let me. I don't know what to do with her.
Yo me la llevaría a casa, pero como no eche a mi marido, a ver dónde la meto.
She said : "I doubt it." But I said : "Sandro won't escape."
Ella dijo : "Lo dudo." Pero le contesté : "Sandro no escapará."
And I have a meeting at work, but she won't come to work.
Y yo tengo una reunión en la oficina pero no quiere venir al trabajo...
But what if she- - she won't.
Pero que si ella - ella no lo hará.

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