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But something happened перевод на испанский

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Sorry I skipped away like that but something happened I have to take care of right away.
Siento haberme ido así pero tenía que encargarme de algo.
But something happened. You were so different.
Pero algo ocurrió, pues era usted muy diferente.
Nothing occurred at all, but something happened.
No pasó nada, pero pasó algo.
But something happened. He did something.
Y usted lo presionó.
You won't believe this... but something happened to a ship I was on.
No se lo creerá... pero le ocurrió algo a un barco en el que estaba.
When other people say something, you act as if nothing happened but when I say something..
- Sí. Nunca te quejas cuando otra gente te critica.
And I know how angry you are about what happened and that you want to do something about it, but I care about you, Callum, I really care.
Y sé lo enfadado que estás por lo que pasó... y que quieres hacer algo al respecto, pero me preocupo por ti, Callum, me preocupas mucho.
But something else has happened.
Pero ocurrió otra cosa.
They don't deny she did it but argue that their case is that the thing happened when... She was in a fit or something.
Debe ser claro para ustedes que en evidencia para la defensa... el doctor expuso la teoría... que fue por la actividad independiente de la experiencia suprimida.
But there must have happened something before!
¡ Pero antes tiene que haber pasado algo!
But if something happened to her while she is traveling, all your effort would be in vain.
Pero si algo le ocurriera a ella mientras está de viaje, todo su esfuerzo será en vano.
Walters put all his hope in the many cogwheels and the big flywheel. But something dreadful happened.
Walters puso sus esperanzas en las muchas ruedas dentadas y el gran volante, pero ocurrió algo espantoso.
I know it must sound foolish, but I have the strangest feeling something's happened to him.
Sé que debe sonar tonto... pero tengo un presentimiento muy extraño de que algo le ha ocurrido.
But something's happened.
Pero es algo que sucedió.
Philip, something's happened something's happened but Baba, what should have happened?
¡ Philip, algo ha ocurrido! ¡ Algo ha ocurrido! ¿ Pero Baba, qué quieres que haya pasado?
But me, something happened to me, something burst inside me, you hear?
¡ Pero yo sí que sentí algo! ¡ Algo que me está destrozando!
Bruce, I know I said I'd be down, but something terrific has happened.
Ya lo sé, Bruce, pero ha ocurrido algo.
No, but something's happened.
No, pero ocurre algo.
I'm sorry, Mr. McLain, but something terrible has happened.
- Ha pasado algo horrible.
I'm sorry to have made such a racket, Mr. Farnsworth... but I thought something had happened to you.
Siento todo este jaleo, Sr. Farnsworth, creía que la había ocurrido algo.
But suddenly, something seems to have happened.
Pero de repente, parece que algo sucediera.
Please forgive me for interrupting, mr. Ambassador, but something has happened i thought you should know about at once.
Siento interrumpir, pero pasó algo que usted debe saber.
But now it's all back again, now that something's happened to my father, too.
Pero ahora no sé, con lo que le pasó a mi padre.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
I'm not very sharp, but it seemed like something happened a while ago.
No soy muy agudo, pero hace tiempo que me parecía que sucedía algo.
But, Mr. Sloan, something happened. Something terrible. Catastrophe.
Señor Sloan, algo terrible sucedió.
I've known it for some time, but something that happened today decided me.
Hace tiempo que lo sé, pero hoy sucedió algo que me hizo tomar una decisión.
I know it sounds idiotic... but the other night, during the séance, something happened.
Sé que le pareceré idiota, pero... la otra noche, durante la sesión, sucedió algo.
- Well, it's awfully sweet of you, Mr Belinski, but I think I should tell you, something has happened. - What?
Es muy amable, Sr. Belinski, pero debo decírselo.
I really did have it, but something just happened.
Tenía billete, pero ha ocurrido algo.
But suddenly one day he looked around and saw that something had happened.
Pero de repente un día miró a su alrededor y vio que algo había sucedido.
Something that happened to me when I was a baby, he says. It takes time, but he'll do it.
dice él.
But then something happened.
Hizo algo.
It's still early. But maybe something's happened to him, Grammy.
¿ Si le hubiera pasado algo?
I hate to bother you... but there's something you oughta know. What is it? I seen what happened.
Odio molestarla Pero hay algo que debe saber.
Colonel, I know you're swamped, but I happened to overhear something outside that I think is rather urgent.
Coronel, sé que está ocupado, pero ocurre que he oído algo fuera que pienso que tal vez sea urgente.
I came to Havana to get Palinov, but when I met you, something happened.
Vine aquí a por Palinov, pero al conocerte, algo cambió.
But I knew something terrible had happened.
Sabía que algo terrible había ocurrido.
I don't really know, Dad, but something's happened.
Realmente no lo sé, papá, pero algo sucedió.
But something had happened to us... to our marriage.
Pero nos había ocurrido algo - a nuestro matrimonio.
But, couldn't something else have happened?
¿ No podría haber sucedido otra cosa?
But something has happened that I had never dreamed.
Pero sucedió algo que jamás soñé.
She was just another good-looking girl, but... something happened.
Era sólo otra chica guapa, pero... algo ocurrió.
Oh, but you can't miss this. It's a special occasion. Something that's happened very rarely since they've been excavating at Pompeii.
No se lo pierdan, es una ocasión única... una cosa que ocurre rara vez durante las excavaciones.
"But since Peter's already told you what has happened to us... I feel I must add something by way of explaining Peter's side of the case."
Pero ya que Peter te dijo lo que nos pasó... siento que debo agregar algo para explicar el lado de Peter ".
"lt's not your fault, but something strange happened to me a few months ago."
"No es tu culpa, pero algo extraño me sucedió hace unos meses."
That's just a lack of faith in the future, something that's in the air today, the groping of a lot of men, who know they've lost their faith, but aren't sure what it is, or how they happened to lose it.
Eso es no tener fe en el futuro algo muy frecuente hoy en día esa cantidad de gente, que han perdido su fe pero no saben cómo ni por qué la han perdido.
But then something happened.
Pero, entonces, pasó algo.
But if I'm correct and the mounting evidence only fortifies my theory then something incredible has happened in this desert.
pero si no me equivoco y las pruebas apoyan mi teoría algo increíble ha ocurrido en este desierto.
No, but I'm all that experienced that I know the difference between a few early fumblings with a girl and something that's nice and lasting that's happened to me.
No, pero tengo mucha experiencia y puedo diferenciar unos torpes escarceos con una chica de algo bonito y duradero como lo nuestro.
I'll tell you what happened, but there's something else first.
Te lo diré, pero debo hacer algo antes.

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