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But you were there перевод на испанский

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But you were there.
Pero tú estabas allí.
But you were there for me.
Pero tú me apoyaste.
But you were there for me.
Pero estuviste ahí para mi.
But you admit you were there.
Pero admite que estuvo ahí.
Yeah, but you said there was another reason that you were telling me.
Mencionaste que había otra razón para decírmelo...
I know, it doesn't make any sense, but he said that you were flying with him, and you told him it was all going to be okay, that there were people who cared, who would make a difference.
Sé que no tiene sentido, pero dijo que tú volabas con él y que le dijiste que todo iba a estar bien, que había gente que se preocupaba, que iba a cambiar las cosas.
You can tell by the impression left. But were there no witnesses?
Se puede saber por la distancia que coincide con la de las baldosas Pero, ¿ no había testigos?
[David] In my opinion when you look at the details in 9 / 11 and you read reports that there were planes that supposedly contained terrorists, but did not take off that day, and that the flight 93, for example, was supposed
[David] En mi opinión, cuando miras los detalles del 9 / 11 y lees informes de que había aviones que, supuestamente, contenían terroristas, pero no despegaron aquel día, y que el vuelo 93, por ejemplo, se suponía que se estaba dirigiendo hacia el Capitolio o la Casa Blanca,
( remember when we were young and brave ) ( nothin'could tear us apart... ) and although it's tough at times you have to try to be honest. You have to try to be there for each other and you have to believe not just in love but in the people you love.
# Recuerda cuando eramos jovenes y valientes # nada podía quebrarnos y a pesar que es duro a veces... tienes que tratar de ser honesto... tienes que tratar de estar ahí para otros y tienes que creer... no solo en el amor... sino en las personas que amas.
I never knew what happened, but you know, we were sitting there and then we just got up and left.
Nunca supe qué sucedió, pero estábamos ahí sentados y luego nos levantamos y nos fuimos.
I'm sure that you've heard, there were, or maybe you haven't heard... but a plane crashed into the WTC 1.
" Oye, mamá, es Brad. Solo te llamo para que sepas... estoy seguro que ya escuchaste, hubo, o tal vez no hayas escuchado... pero un avión se estrello contra el W.T.C. 1.
But you didn't start working there till you were 28.
- Si. ¡ Pero si no empezaste a trabajar hasta los 28 años!
You were originally located in North Carolina, but we understand you ran into some troubles there?
Ustedes estaban originalmente en Carolina de Norte pero tenemos entendido que tuvieron algunos problemas ahí.
But I want you to know that, that there were circumstances that, uh...
Pero quiero que sepas eso, que van a haber circunstancias eso, uh...
La luz era hermosa.
There were certain elements of what you performed I've seen on television, but it didn't remind me of my time in prison.
Algunas de las cosas que representó las he visto en televisión pero no me recordaron mi estadía en la prisión.
no, she improvised but i do remember some of the words i write the last part was dad, you were there the first?
No. Ella improvisó. Pero si recuerdo algo de lo que escribí.
for me i never told you how scare i was but knowing you were there that gave me confidence you always brought out the best for me thank you you're welcome i love you dad i love you too, Emma
Eres el que siempre está ahí para mí. Nunca te dije que tan asustada he estado. Pero.
But you knew they were in there?
¿ Pero sabias que estaban ahí?
I wish I could have been a better role model, you know, but you were always perfect at everything, and... there wasn't ever anything you need me for, so...
Desearía poder haber sido un mejor ejemplo, sabes pero siempre fuiste perfecta en todo y nunca me necesitaste para nada, así que- -
But I thought you were going to be there.
Pensé que ibas a estar allí.
Yeah, but that's'cause you were there.
Sí, pero es porque tú estabas allí.
See... you hold on to the good things, but there were bad things, too.
Ves... te aferras a las cosas buenas, pero hubo cosas malas también.
But there were those who didn't think assigning you to the B.A.U was a good idea.
Pero están aquellos que pensaban que ponerle al frente de la U.A.C. no era una buena idea.
Oh, you're up? You almost died out there, but you were lucky and got rescued.
¿ estás despierto? pero fuiste afortunado y te rescataron.
I went to your grandma's, but you were not there either.
Entonces, fui donde tu abuela, pero ustedes no estaban allá.
He resisted for a while and there were some legal... boundaries, you know, keeping me from being near him or... his family, but... in the end, love overcame.
Se resistió un tiempo y hubo algunos límites legales, saben evitando que me le acercara, o su familia, pero al final, triunfó el amor.
I mean, did you find him with a noose around his neck and you didn't quite know how it got there, or did he drown in his bed, but the sheets were all dry?
¿ Lo encontraron con una soga alrededor del cuello y él no sabía cómo llegó ahí? ¿ Se ahogó en su cama, pero las sábanas estaban secas?
I blacked out there in the middle, when you were really strumming my pain with your fingers, but... well done.
Me desmayé justo en la mitad cuando estabas revolviendo mi dolor con los dedos, pero bien hecho.
I see. The report said there were five Yoma, and you personally took care of four. But one of them got away, and a woman was almost killed.
Ya veo. y sólo derrotaste a cuatro. y una mujer casi es asesinada.
But I assure you, there were good reasons.
Pero te aseguro, había buenas razones.
They're really really good there, they're not paying me nothing, I'm just talking about'em, but I go to order and these guys were kinda, you know- - the girls were cool but the guys were mean.
"que se ríen como klingons de Viaje a las estrellas. " No les diré nada. Te lo dejaré a ti ".
Maybe it was someone that was there but you forgot they were there- -
Puede ser alguien que no recordamos...
There were things you just didn't talk about... but Carrie did.
Hay cosas de las que simplemente no hablas... pero Carrie lo hizo.
You wanted the most coveted job the paper had to offer, and you were in the good graces of the one guy that could give it to you, but there was a problem.
Tú querías el trabajo más codiciado del periódico y tenías buena relación con la persona que podía dártelo. Pero había un problema.
Yeah, you were there, but you didn't- -
Sí, estabas allí, pero no...
You know, I thought the NICU was tough but at least both of us were there.
Yo creía que la uci infantil era dura. Pero allí estábamos los dos.
I mean, true, there were times you were difficult to warm up to, But even then I loved you.
Es cierto que hubo un tiempo en el que era difícil llegar a ti, pero a pesar de eso te quería.
It's so bittersweet, like, you're so sad to be leaving people that you really like, but there were 16 of us, and one of us is going to be the winner.
Es difícil, es muy triste expulsar a personas que te agradan, pero éramos 16 y solamente uno ganará.
playtime's over - since year six i been a playground soldier dem days were lyrical dat lyrical G but now everything is colder now there's content flows and everything - mix tape promos everything - who'd you name your favorite MC, I'll write the sixteen make him look like...
playtime's over - since year six i been a playground soldier dem days were lyrical dat lyrical G but now everything is colder now there's content flows and everything - mix tape promos everything - who'd you name your favorite MC, I'll write the sixteen
But as strange as this is, you know, we were questioning it you know, is this just too out there?
Pero por extraño que sea, no lo cuestionábamos decíamos : ¿ Es demasiado pasado de rosca?
But this evening, when you were singing, Edith I was there in the streets, beneath its sky.
Pero esta tarde, cuando estabas cantando, Edith estuve allí en sus calles, bajo su cielo.
You were asleep, but we went through there about three hours ago.
Dormías cuando pasamos por ahí hace unas tres horas.
He didn't see who it was, but we know that you and Amy were the only ones in there.
No vio quién pero Amy y tú eran las únicas con él.
While you were there, they do not had control over me, but... when you left and, again, I could not do anything.
Mientras estabas allí, ellos perdieron el control sobre mí, pero cuando te fuiste, sentada allí quedé indefensa otra vez.
Amber and I were patient, Steve a prisoner Stacey was a visitor, but what are there of you Charlie?
Amber y yo éramos pacientes, Steve un prisionero Stacey era una visitante, pero ¿ qué hay de ti Charlie?
All right, but what I want to know is what the hell you were doing out there in the first place.
- Sí, pero quiero saber qué Joder hacías ahí afuera.
Well, I wish I could've given you a daddy but there were no daddies available.
Bueno, me gustaría haberte podido dar un papá pero no había papás disponibles.
But you were sitting there.
Pero estabas allí sentado.
I know it's not exactly the porn you were expecting, but there's some useful stuff in here.
Sé que no es exactamente el porno que esperabas, pero hay cosas útiles ahi.
But God had other plans, and you were born right there.
Pero Dios tenía otros planes, y naciste justo allí.

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