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Caldwell перевод на испанский

1,161 параллельный перевод
"A race for space at the table when you serve Caldwell's leek and potato."
"Una carrera espacial en la mesa cuando sirves Sopas Caldwell".
"The pot's right, Caldwell's Soup." "A pretty kettle of fish."
"Pon tu Sopa Caldwell sobre la mesa". "¡ Quién te pescara!"
Mr. Caldwell, this campaign is not only clever and humorous, but it has taste.
Señor Caldwell, además de inteligente y graciosa, esta campaña tiene clase.
That soupçon of something extra that Caldwell's Soups always looks for.
Tiene ese algo que Sopas Caldwell andaba buscando.
Mr. Caldwell, are you absolutely sure you won't change your mind?
Señor Caldwell, ¿ está seguro de que no va a cambiar de opinión?
- Mr. Caldwell, I'm eternally grateful.
- Señor Caldwell, muchas gracias.
And thanks again, Mr. Caldwell.
Y gracias de nuevo, señor Caldwell.
Mr. Caldwell, before you leave, I can assure you that McMann Tate will come up with a campaign that will be everything you expect it to be.
Señor Caldwell, antes de que se vaya, le aseguro que McMann Tate le ofrecerá una campaña que cumpla todas sus expectativas.
- Caldwell wouldn't buy the campaign.
- A Caldwell no le gusta la campaña.
- To see Caldwell.
- A ver a Caldwell.
It'll be good for her to get out with us, and she'll love the Caldwells.
Le vendrá bien salir con nosotros, y le encantarán los Caldwell.
Aunt Clara, Bea Caldwell.
Tía Clara, Bea Caldwell.
they went into the attic and found all the evidence that enabled Judge Caldwell a nearly exact reconstruction of how the respectable lady and her faithful helper, Caesar, enjoyed their leisure time.
- Untranslated subtitle - - Untranslated subtitle - - Untranslated subtitle -
Look - Caldwell's found us a colonist.
Mira, Caldwell encontró un colono.
Believe me, Caldwell, I regret this just as much as you do.
Créeme, Caldwell, lo lamento tanto como tú.
Where's Caldwell?
¿ Dónde está Caldwell?
When Caldwell found him, he was investigating the wrecked dome.
Caldwell, cuando lo encontró, estaba investigando el domo destrozado.
Don't worry about the colonists, Caldwell.
No te preocupes por los colonos, Caldwell.
- Caldwell, their chief mineralogist.
Caldwell, mineralogista jefe.
Ah, Caldwell.
Ah, Caldwell.
Caldwell, you've just committed professional suicide.
Caldwell, acaba de cometer suicidio profesional.
An item of Caldwell's survey equipment, isn't it, Caldwell?
Un elemento del equipo de estudio de Caldwell, ¿ no es así, Caldwell?
Shut up, Caldwell.
Cállate, Caldwell.
Caldwell, go and release the guards.
Caldwell, libera a los guardias.
I gave you an order, Caldwell.
Te di una orden, Caldwell.
Your reputation's at stake as well, Caldwell.
Su reputación está en juego también, Caldwell.
Caldwell, go with Morgan.
Caldwell, ve con Morgan.
Well, Caldwell?
Bueno, Caldwell?
Caldwell's our mining expert and don't you forget it.
¿ Vale la pena? Caldwell es nuestro experto en minería y que no se te olvide.
Morgan, you can't! Shut up, Caldwell.
Morgan, no puedes!
If we didn't need you, you'd be over with them!
Cállate, Caldwell. Si no te necesitásemos, estarías con ellos!
What about you, Caldwell?
Están enviando un juez.
I don't think I want to.
Esta vez, sí. ¿ Y tú, Caldwell?
Caldwell, you were told to put her on the ship.
Caldwell, que se les dijo que la puso en el barco.
Caldwell, you're still under my discipline, even if you are an engineer - now you remember that!
Caldwell, que está todavía en mi disciplina, incluso si usted es un ingeniero - ahora te acuerdas de eso!
Caldwell's our mining expert and don't you forget it.
Nuestro Caldwell experto en minería y no se te olvide.
The only one we need is Caldwell.
El único que necesitamos es Caldwell.
Shut up, Caldwell.
¡ Cállate, Caldwell.
What about you, Caldwell?
¿ Y tú, Caldwell?
Go into the cantina, and you ask for Russ Caldwell.
Ve a la cantina y pregunta por Russ Caldwell.
Russ Caldwell.
Russ Caldwell.
Excuse me, but I'm looking for Mr. Russ Caldwell.
Disculpe, estoy buscando al Sr. Russ Caldwell.
Mr. Russ Caldwell?
¿ Sr. Russ Caldwell?
Mr. Caldwell, good to see you, sir.
Gusto de verlo, Sr. Caldwell.
A man. I just saw a man running from the Caldwell house.
Vi a un hombre que salió corriendo de la casa de los Caldwell.
Caldwell, you were told to put her on the ship.
Caldwell, se te dijo que la llevases a la nave.
Who could forget it!
Caldwell, estás todavía en mi disciplina, incluso si eres un ingeniero, acuérdate de eso!
Morgan, where's Caldwell?
Morgan, ¿ dónde está Caldwell?
The only one we need is Caldwell.
Al único que necesitamos es a Caldwell.
Caldwell, come over here.
Caldwell, ven aquí.

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