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Don't listen to me перевод на испанский

2,021 параллельный перевод
Dumbo, listen to me, Dumbo! Don't board that plane!
cielo, escuchame, cielo no tomes ese avion!
Why the hell don't you listen to me man?
¿ Por qué diablos no me escúchas hombre?
- Listen to me. - Don't touch me!
- Escúchame. - ¡ No me toques!
I don't see why you won't just listen to me.
No sé por qué no quieres hacerme caso.
All right, listen. All you guys have to do is play along and don't embarrass me.
Ustesdes chicos lo que tienen que hacer es seguirme la corriente y no avergonzarme
Owen, you need to listen to me, we don't have long.
Owen, tienes que escucharme, no tenemos mucho tiempo.
I don't know why they don't listen to me.
No sé por qué no me escuchan.
Okay, if you don't want me to smother you in your sleep, you'll listen.
Vale, si no me quieres para sofocar en tu dormir, escucharás.
I know you don't normally dream aboung girls on shopping sprees, but I'd like you to listen to these.
Sé que normalmente no sueñas con niñas ricas en escapada de compras pero me gustaría que escuches estos.
Don't get mad and listen to me.
No te enojes y escúchame.
If you don't wanna listen to me, maybe you'll listen to Sarah.
Si no quieres escucharme, quizás quieras escuchar a Sarah.
Um, listen, I hope that you don't think this is silly but I've been trying to reach Stacy Reed for over an hour and it keeps defaulting to voice mail and it's just not like her to turn off her phone.
Escuche, espero que no crea que esto es estúpido. Pero he tratado de localizar a Stacy Reed por una hora, y me sigue atendiendo el contestador. Y ella no acostumbra a apagar el teléfono.
Listen to me, you punk, don't you take me for a fool or I'll kill you.
Escúchame, infradotado, no me tomes por tonto que te mato.
Don't listen to me, Laura.
No me escuchas, Laura.
It's like you don't even listen to me.
Parece que nunca me escucharas.
Listen to me.I don't know what happened.
Escúchame. No sé qué sucedió.
Randy, listen to me : you can do this, okay? Oh, I don't know.
Randy, escúchame : puedes hacerlo, ok?
Listen to me, whatever you want, if it's life or form or consciousness or voice, you don't have to steal it.
Escúcheme. Busque lo que busque, sea vida, forma conciencia o voz, no necesita robarlo.
Listen, when you come over, don't forget to bring me my bag.
Escucha, cuando vienes, no te olvides de traer a mi bolsa.
Listen, I don't want to jinx this, but something tells me I'm going to be buying your team a round of drinks when this is over.
No quiero adelantarme, pero algo me dice que cuando esto acabe pagaré una ronda para tu equipo.
Melinda, I know you don't have much respect for what I say, but I am asking you this one time to listen to me, leave this alone.
Melinda, sé que no tienes mucho respeto por lo que yo digo... pero te pido que esta vez me escuches, deja esto en paz.
Don't listen to me.
No me escuches.
Listen, you don't have to tell me, I mean, far be it from me to pry into your private life but, is everything OK?
Escucha, no tienes que decirme, quiero decir, nada más lejos de mí, entrometerme en tu vida privada, pero ¿ está todo bien?
To screw up Wilson's relationship so you don't have to listen to me while you bowl.
¿ Arruinar la relación de Wilson para no tener que escucharme mientras juegas?
Zoya, please don`t disconnect the phone, listen to me.
Zoya, por favor, no apagues el teléfono. Escúchame.
- Listen to me, I don't even know how I'm gonna keep the condo, I'm so damn broke.
- Escúchame, no sé ni siquiera como podre mantener el piso porque no tengo ni un duro.
Listen, I... I've been a salesman my whole life. Don't tell me how to sell.
Soy vendedor de toda la vida No vengas a decirme como se vende.
Listen to me, lou. You don't show your mug at that party Tomorrow night and thank our advertisers,
Escúchame, Lou... si no apareces en la fiesta de mañana por la noche y agradeces a nuestros anunciantes, vas a perder muchísimo más dinero del que puedes hacer en una mesa de póquer.
All Right, Listen. Listen To Me. Don't...
Mira, escúchame...
Don't call for the patrol. Just listen to me.
No llames a la patrulla y escúchame.
Listen to me, don't be stupid. - Andy!
Escúchame, no seas estúpido.
Don't talk to me, talk to him. Listen! Our air, their air - they want to go live.
Nosotros salimos al aire, y ellos también.
Why don't you just listen to me and stop suffering like this?
¿ Por qué no me escuchas y dejas de sufrir?
And if you don't Listen to me, He's going to die.
Y si no me escuchan, va a morir.
Lucas, if you don't listen to me you won't get anywhere.
Lucas, si no me escuchás no vas a conseguir nada.
Listen, you don't have to keep on checking on me.
Escucha, no tienes que seguir vigilándome.
L-I don't even want to think about that now, just listen to me.
No quiero ni pensarlo - solo escúchame.
The reason you didn't listen to me back at the lily pad was because I don't listen to your feelings.
La razón por la que no me escuchaste en donde los lirios es porque no escucho tus sentimientos.
listen to me.i don't want you to lose yourhand.
Óyeme. No quiero que pierdas tus manos.
I wanted to explain that to you but I'm feeling so impatient lately. Listen to me, I don't serve rotten food in my house!
Ya te pedí calma, pero no tengo paciencia... presta atención... ¡ Yo no sirvo comida rancia en mi casa!
you don't have to listen to me.
No tienes que hacerme caso.
Listen, don't do anything till I get to the office.You want to drive, drop me?
Escucha, no hagas nada hasta que llegue a la oficina ¿ Quieres conducir, acercarme?
- one day if you don't listen to me.
-... si no me escuchas a mí.
I know you don't have to listen to me.
Sé que no tienes que escucharme.
Listen Bart, if I don't get home soon, there won't be time for my mom to give me a hug, my dad to read me a story, and both of them to sing me a song until I gently fall asleep.
Bart, si no llego a casa pronto, no habrá tiempo de que mi mami me de un abrazo, ni de que mi papi me lea un cuento, ni de que me canten juntos una canción hasta que me quede dormido.
- I don't have that. - OK, listen. They did not tell me that you were going to be handicapped.
- no es lo mismo - bueno, no me dijeron que tenías algo así
Don't you listen to me anymore?
¿ Ya no me escuchas?
- Don't listen to me.
- No me escuches a mí.
I don't have to stand here and listen to a big talking garbage can!
¡ No me quedaré aquí parado oyendo a esta basura parlante!
Listen to me. I don't care.
Escucha, no me importa.
Okay, so now you don't have time to listen to me too..
Bien, o sea que ahora tampoco tienes tiempo de escucharme.

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