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Emotionally перевод на испанский

2,940 параллельный перевод
I haven't been that emotionally moved in a long time.
No he sido que movido emocionalmente en mucho tiempo.
Tenacity for me has had to be, like, emotionally and physically, just like from my injury.
Tenacidad para mí tiene que ser emocional y fisicamente, tal como mi lesión.
This is my third time in the bottom, and it's definitely hitting home for me, like, emotionally.
Es mi tercera vez en los peores, y definitivamente da en el blanco en mi, emocionalmente.
This is the most emotionally brutal thing...
Esta es la cosa más emocionalmente...
Emotionally, financially, logistically?
¿ Emocional, financiera y logísticamente?
And I thought you were just emotionally infantile.
Pensaba que eras emocionalmente infantil.
Look, you're stubborn, you hold grudges, you're emotionally repressed.
Eres cabezota, rencorosa, emocionalmente reprimida.
Now it's certainly part of moving on, but you want to be emotionally prepared.
Forma parte de seguir adelante, pero querrás estar emocionalmente preparado.
Yeah, I'm emotionally prepared.
Sí, estoy emocionalmente preparado.
Baby, I was emotionally shattered.
Nena, estaba emocionalmente roto.
Bro, don't react emotionally.
Colega, no reacciones emocionalmente.
This is complicated, and I can see how you might get emotionally invested in the whole "justice for all" angle, but this is a criminal investigation best left to the experts.
Vaya, esto es complicado, y sé que al final te vas a implicar emocionalmente desde la visión de "justicia para todos" pero esto es una investigación criminal que es mejor dejar a los expertos.
My client is emotionally attached to those cars.
Mi cliente tiene un apego emocional a esos coches.
But why is she emotionally attached to them?
Pero ¿ por qué les tiene un apego emocional?
I mean, emotionally standing tall.
Bueno, emocionalmente alta y erguida.
It's very psychologically and emotionally exhausting.
Es muy agotador psicológica y emocionalmente.
This massacre has emotionally disturbed our men.
Esta masacre ha perturbado emocionalmente a nuestros hombres.
Just keep an eye on the clock, and try not to get emotionally involved.
Simplemente vigila la hora e intenta no implicarte emocionalmente.
If you two are done draining each other emotionally,
Si han acabado de cansarse emocionalmente el uno al otro,
It could affect him emotionally.
Podría afectarlo emocionalmente.
You are going to get beaten up, maybe physically, but more likely emotionally, count on it!
Podeis salir golpeados, tal vez físicamente, pero más que nada emocionalmente, ¡ contad con eso!
So, if you're thinking that he can just be a friend and then emotionally distance himself from the baby...
Así que si estás pensando que él puede ser solo un amigo y luego distanciarse emocionalmente del bebé...
But even if we did have the time, it would be emotionally manipulative.
Pero si tuviéramos tiempo sería manipulación sentimental. - ¿ Cómo?
I'm tired and emotionally drained. Where's the car?
Estoy cansado y emocionalmente exhausto. ¿ Dónde está el auto?
My client is emotionally exhausted.
Mi cliente está emocionalmente exhausto.
I did not bring you here to retread old territory emotionally.
No te he traído para entrar en un territorio de reproches emocionales.
You're getting emotionally attached to me and we don't want that.
Te estás vinculando emocionalmente conmigo y no queremos eso.
If I see one more sign that you are getting emotionally involved, it is over.
Si veo una señal más de que estás involucrándote emocionalmente se terminó.
I started thinking about what you said about us not getting too emotionally involved. I think that kissing might be part of the problem.
Comencé a pensar sobre lo que dijiste con respecto a no involucrarnos emocionalmente en demasía y se me ocurrió que los besos quizá sean parte del problema.
He's just emotionally broken.
Está roto emocionalmente.
She's very emotionally attached.
Ella esta muy ligada emocionalmente.
Because what you want to do with this song is really connect emotionally with the audience.
Porque lo que queremos hacer con esta es que conectes con la audiencia emocionalmente.
I was asked this morning how I have made such critical choices when at my weakest, emotionally and physically.
Esta mañana me preguntaron cómo tomé decisiones vitales en mi peor momento emocional y físico.
Joanne is just emotionally vulnerable.
Es solo que Joanne es emocionalmente vulnerable.
So if you were an emotionally unstable female...
Así que si tú fueras una mujer emocionalmente inestable...
Young adults just aren't emotionally mature enough to handle everything that goes with the territory.
Los adolescentes no son lo suficientemente maduros emocionalmente para manejar todo eso viene con la edad.
It's probably because you didn't feel emotionally ready to see it, and yet, you clearly have a need to come to terms with it since you were the one that brought it up the stairs, and put it in plain view so that you would notice it.
Probablemente porque no te sentías... emocionalmente listo para verla. Es claro que debes ponerte de acuerdo con ello, dado que fuiste tú quien... la subió por la escalera y la puso a plena vista para que la notaras.
" Emotionally cut off.
"Emocionalmente aislada".
Men don't talk because they are emotionally lazy.
Los hombres no hablan, porque son emocionalmente perezosa.
An emotionally stable, healthy and balanced adult can only exist when, as a child, he has been tended to with much love and treated with lots of patience and affection ;
Solamente habrá un adulto equilibrado y emocionalmente estable y saludable, cuando haya sido atendido con mucho amor de niño y cuando le hayan tenido mucha paciencia y mucho cariño ;
But they're emotionally detached.
Pero son emocionalmente distantes.
I don't know if I should say this, but I don't think Nancy's loved anyone since Judah died, like truly, emotionally loved someone, for what it's worth.
No sé si deba decir esto, pero no creo que Nancy haya amado a alguien desde que Judah murió. Realmente amar a alguien, por si te sirve de algo.
But it is the best book. was the that captivated me emotionally.
Pero es el mejor libro. fue el que me cautivó emocionalmente.
Basically, for parents, a birthday is a chance to make up for the other 364 days, when you probably have scarred your child emotionally, so...
Básicamente, para los padres... es una oportunidad de compensar los restantes 364 días... en los que seguramente marcaste emocionalmente a tu hijo.
Okay, sure, look, did Caroline physically, mentally and emotionally abuse me for years?
Vale, claro, mirad, ¿ Caroline ha abusado de mí físicamente, mentalmente y emocionalmente durante años?
Pete, you are so emotionally cut off and so unwilling to communicate that I have no choice but to analyze and ascribe motive.
Pete, eres tan poco emocional y tan reacio a comunicarte que no tengo más remedio que analizar y atribuir motivos.
You're not gonna tell me how she's doing physically, emotionally- -
No vas a contarme cómo se encuentra físicamente, emocionalmente...
But emotionally, I am a little concerned, which is why I asked Dr. Turner to join us.
Pero emocionalmente, me preocupa un poco, por eso le he pedido a la Dra. Turner que nos acompañe.
The woman is emotionally unstable.
La mujer es inestable emocionalmente.
When exactly do you think. Allison will be emotionally. Prepared enough to handle.
¿ Cuándo crees exactamente que Allison estará emocionalmente preparada para manejar la muerte de su madre?

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