Exactly like that перевод на испанский
1,522 параллельный перевод
- It's exactly like that.
- Como eso exactamente.
- Yes. Yes, exactly like that.
Sí, sí. exactamente así.
It is exactly like that. He / she flees while it is time.
Eso es, amigo, lárgate.
If I shaved my stomach and my chest, I would look exactly like that.
Si me afeitara la tripa y el pecho tendría justo ese aspecto.
Yeah, you talk exactly like that.
- Sí, tú hablas así.
It's almost exactly like that.
Es casi exactamente eso.
I mean, this is exactly like that night I caught you in the bathroom at the bus station.
Quiero decir, así es como te encontré esa noche en el baño de la estación.
Exactly like that.
- Exactamente así.
"I assure you, the S type will look exactly like that."
"Te aseguro que el S-Type será exactamente así."
'It's exactly like that. - The fan is stuck.
Ayudan a los padres a pasar por el proceso, lo cual es mucho.
- Yes, it's exactly like that
- Sí, exactamente igual...
Can't say that I do, but I remember exactly what he looked like.
No podría decirles, pero recuerdo exactamente cómo se veía.
They found out exactly what the bat cries were like, how they work, how the brain works. Everything about it added up to a complete picture of mutually supporting evidence that this really was a fact.
Ellos encontraron exactamente como era el grito de los murciélagos, como funcionaba, como el cerebro funcionaba, y todo lo que fue añadido sirvió para tener una visión completa y evidencias mutuamente soportadas de que eso realmente era un hecho.
That sounds exactly like what the organization would pull.
Esto suena exactamente a lo que hace la organización.
They're, like, exactly the kind of people that i don't like being around who are all, like, " everything's always great.
Son exactamente el tipo de personas con los que... no me gusta estar. Todos son, algo como, "siempre es genial, ¿ no es impresionante?"
When I saw that picture in the paper, I thought, "It looks exactly like him, except around the eyes."
Cuando vi la foto en el diario pensé : "Es exactamente igual a él excepto por los ojos".
That's exactly what it looks like - C-4 explosive with a remote detonator.
Así es como luce un explosivo de C-4 con detonador remoto.
I'd imagine that's exactly the thing you'd like to keep from the clients you so quietly sold down the river.
Imagino que eso es exactamente lo que no le gustaría que supieran sus clientes a los que traicionó tan tranquilamente.
That woman looks exactly like the pictures of Princess Panchali in the book.
Esa mujer se ve exactamente como las fotos de la princesa Panchali del libro.
This tastes exactly like a soup that's been in our family for generations.
Sabe exactamente como una sopa... Que ha estado en nuestra familia por generaciones.
That's exactly what it feels like- -
Es exactamente cómo se siente...
Exactly, just to sit like that...
- Exactamente, solo te sientas así...
Exactly like it says right there. Okay, i'll have that.
Uno para mí.
Exactly what does that do for the common folk like myself?
¿ Eso en qué nos afecta a la gente común como yo?
Which is not exactly like, whatever but it definitely indicates that he might be, you know...
Lo cual no es exactamente, lo que sea... Pero definitivamente indica que podría estar, tú sabes...
More like 42 million, but that's exactly what I'm telling you.
42 millones, pero es exactamente lo que estoy diciendo.
Trust that I am looking out for you and your well-being, even if at times it may seem like I'm not. How exactly does this build trust? You have to trust me.
- ¿ Qué tiene que ver con la confianza?
That's exactly the word I would like to talk to you about.
Es exactamente eso lo que quiero que hablemos.
Well, that's exactly how I like it.
Pues así es justamente como me gusta.
- No, but when I get, like, nervous or excited, that's exactly how I sound.
- Es que cuando me pongo nerviosa sueno de esa manera.
That girl looked exactly like Ann.
Esa chica se parecía mucho a Ann.
Well, Bronson, doesn't he look exactly like uncle albert, except that he's so sad?
Bronson ¿ no luce igual al tío Albert? Excepto que él está tan triste.
And why does it feel like that's exactly what I should do?
¿ Y por qué parece que es lo que debería hacer?
that's exactly what my baby's like.
Es exactamente cómo es mi bebé.
- That sounds exactly like Sawyer.
- Sí, muy propio de Sawyer.
I still know exactly what that feels like... though I've never felt it.
Ahora recuerdo exactamente como me sentí aunque nunca lo había vuelto a sentir.
Like, you know we've got... There's this big policy initiative and it's exactly the kind of thing that you'd be interested in. Totally down your street and I just want to able to know that I can talk about it in front of you, openly, you know?
Sabes, tenemos esta gran iniciativa política, y es exactamente el tipo de cosa que te interesaría, llamaría tu atención totalmente y quiero saber si puedo hablar de ella frente a ti sin tapujos, sabes?
Don't you understand that is exactly what Reed and Carson wanted this to look like? And now you're playing right into it!
Realmente no entiendes exactamente lo que Reed y este Carson buscaban y ahora tú estás haciendo lo correcto.
We keep trying to pretend like nothing's changed, that our lives are exactly like they were before we went to New Caprica.
Seguimos intentando fingir que nada ha cambiado que nuestras vidas son exactamente iguales a antes de ir a Nueva Caprica.
You're pretending like nothing's changed, that our lives are exactly like they were before we went to New Caprica.
Parece que nada hubiera cambiado, como si no hubiera pasado lo de Nueva Cáprica.
What does that mean, exactly? " And she's like," Most people kind of charge to do it. "
¿ "Regalar todo el postre" o "regalar el agujero"?
That sounds like exactly what I want to do.
Eso suena como justamente lo que quiero hacer.
Just make sure that you mouth the words exactly like we recorded them.
Tan solo aseguraos de decir las palabras tal y como las grabamos.
Do you find it ironic that the character you passed on is exactly like you?
¿ No encuentras irónico que el personaje del que pasas es exacto a ti?
Here's the question of the century, what's a police training facility that looks exactly like the Tosrona shoe factory doing way out here
Esta es la pregunta del siglo ¿ por qué una academia de entrenamiento policial que luce igual a la fábrica de zapatos Tosrona, se encuentra en el punto exacto donde mi auto se descompuso?
And, uh... though it wasn't exactly like looking in the mirror, you can't deny that there's a certain commonality in our visages.
Y aunque no es exactamente como mirarse en el espejo no puede negar que hay cierto parecido en nuestras apariencias.
to airports and aircraft maintenance facilities a week before the crash- - sketches that look exactly like the victims?
¿ Bocetos exactamente iguales a las dos víctimas del accidente?
That's exactly what it's like, yeah.
-... que el agua sale más deprisa. - Así es exactamente, sí.
Like on "What's Happening!" When that man used Rerun to bootleg that Doobie Brothers concert. Exactly.
Como en "What's Happening!" Cuando ese hombre usó Rerun para piratear ese concierto de los Doobie Brothers.
That sounds like exactly what they need.
Eso parece ser exactamente lo que ellas necesitan.
You know, the individuals that I interviewed after giving them a severe talking-to gave me a very nice description of somebody that looks exactly like you.
Los individuos que entrevisté luego de darles una reprimenda me describieron a alguien como tú.
like that 1389
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
like that one 32
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19