Family history перевод на испанский
889 параллельный перевод
So Abigail's been telling you her family history, eh?
Conque Abigail le ha estado contando la historia de su familia, ¿ eh?
- You see, our family history states... that the structure was built by the Romans over a natural sulphur pit... and used by them as mineral baths.
- Verás, según nuestra historia familiar, los romanos levantaron esa casa sobre una mina natural de azufre... y la usaron como baños minerales.
Not long, if I find the right books. Family history and stuff.
No mucho, si encuentro la historia familiar.
If you want to know more about it, there's a family history in the library.
Si quieren saber más, está la historia familiar en la biblioteca.
Well, it's part of my family history. 160-some-odd years ago, my great-great-great grandfather, Cuthbert Greenway, was a butler on this estate.
Bueno, es parte de mi historia familiar. 160 años atrás, mi tátara-tátara-abuelo, Cuthbert Greenway, fue mayordomo de esta finca.
She felt that her family had conspired to cheat me of my birthright, and I passed from infancy to childhood in an atmosphere of family history and genealogies.
Acusaba a su familia de haber conspirado para despojarme de mis derechos... y pasé de la infancia a la adolescencia... dentro de una atmósfera de historia familiar y genealogías.
Who, which it to be a sort of family history, it begins with a coat of arms.
Ah, es como un árbol genealógico, empieza con un escudo de armas.
But as soon as you check his family history, you stumble upon an uncle who ended up in an asylum or a grandfather who died of alcohol poisoning.
Pero cuando se estudia a su famila, encontramos a un tio que acabó en una casa de locos. o un abuelo muerto de alcoholismo.
You have not been called here to describe your family history!
No han sido llamados para describir su historia familiar!
I don't want your family history.
¿ Me estás contando la historia de tu familia?
No more jokes about the family history.
No más bromas sobre la historia familiar.
Curzio's been giving me some of the family history.
Curzio me ha puesto al día en la historia de la familia.
- Family history.
- La historia familiar.
what a shame. Any family history of this type before?
Lástima. ¿ Algún antecedente familiar?
After what I discovered at the old house I asked Roger to show me the books of Collins'family history.
Después de lo que descubrí en esa casa le pedí a Roger verla historia familiar de los Collins.
I am suggesting that you investigate whether Mr. Thaxted's family history has any Irish in it.
Estoy sugiriendo... que usted investigue, si la historia familiar, del Sr. Thaxted, tiene alguna... antecedente irlandés en ella?
Even greater now I've heard your family history.
Desde que sé cómo ha sido su vida, aún más.
Tell me, Lieutenant, why are you so fascinated with my family history?
Dígame, teniente. ¿ Por qué tanto interés en mi historia familiar?
Since I was coming here to Austria, I thought I'd bring it along and scare up a Little family history while I was at it.
La guardé y, más adelante, empecé a estudiar la historia de mi familia, con el fin de descubrir el secreto de esta oración.
Did you also research the Vulcan family history requested?
? Verificaron la historia familiar vulcana también, como pedimos?
Que un miembro de la familia pase adelante y verifique el historial.
You'll start the family history program on my mark.
Inicio del programa de historia familiar a mi señal.
Uncle Albert... I appreciate this visit and the bits of family history.
Tío Albert... te agradezco la visita y las historias familiares.
I want to leave my name in history as the man who defeated the world's best ; the Yoshioka family.
Suena interesante. Musashi-dono.
Your family's name... is inextricably entwined with our glorious army's history. And every shot which isn't fired in self-defense is murder!
El nombre de su familia está inextricablemente entrelazada con la historia de nuestro glorioso ejército y los disparos que no se hagan en defensa propia son asesinatos.
Such is the history of the hound that has cursed the Baskerville family ever since. Many having been unhappy in their deaths, that have been sudden, violent and mysterious.
Ésta es la historia del perro que ha maldecido a la familia desde entonces, y que ha dado lugar a muertes extrañas, siempre súbitas, violentas... y misteriosas.
Looks like somebody else is interested in the history of the Hammond family, eh?
Parece que a alguien más le interesa la historia de los Hammond.
That book telling the history of the family had a hint in it.
El libro de la historia de la familia lo mencionaba.
As you know, it is connected to my family's history.
Como sabe, tiene mucho que ver con la historia de mi familia.
I know nothing of the history to which you refer, but I have often felt that the attitude of my husband's family has failed to move with the times, that they think too much of the rights of nobility and too little of its duties.
No sé nada de la historia a la que se refiere... pero a menudo he pensado que la actitud de la familia de mi marido... no ha cambiado con los tiempos... que piensan demasiado en los derechos de la nobleza... y demasiado poco en sus deberes.
No history of it in the family.
- No hay antecedentes en la familia.
Is there a history of insanity in your family?
¿ Hay antecedentes de demencia en su familia?
I know the history of your family.
Conozco la historia de tu familia, sé que eres el último de tu linaje.
Each family acts upon his own history.
Cada familia actúa según su propia historia.
Religion and family are your history
Religión, familia : Una historia.
You know what we've never had in the family since its history's been recorded?
Sabes que es lo que nunca tuvimos en esta historia?
There's such a history of illness in the family.
Menudo historial de enfermedades hay en la familia.
It's time to tell him about the history of our family.
Es hora de contarle la historia de nuestra familia.
Your Majesty, have you forgotten the history of your royal family?
Su majestad, ¿ no habrá olvidado la historia de su real familia?
Down through history this only happened once before in our family... when Grandpa overdrew his account at the blood bank.
Esto sólo había sucedido una vez en la historia de nuestra familia... cuando el abuelo se sobregiró en el banco de sangre.
Dr. Hoffman has taken a sabbatical from her practice... ... and has been writing a history of our family.
La doctora Hoffman está de sabático y escribe nuestra historia familiar.
We've just spent the past two hours reading the 1 8th-century history of the family.
Pasamos dos horas leyendo la historia familiar del siglo XVIII.
The inevitability of history moving forward quite often. the victim is the family.
La inevitabilidad de la historia que avanza bastante a menudo, la víctima es la familia.
I was telling Valerie about the history of our family, the Bathorys.
Le contaba a Valerie la historia de nuestra familia, los Báthory.
I'm not looking for a culprit, Professor. There's a history of insanity in my wife's family so I can't blame anybody.
No busco responsabilidades doctor, conociendo los antecedentes de la familia de mi esposa...
Uh, his new book, The War Between Men and Women, designed to destroy the American family with a smile, is the most detestably anti-child, anti-dog, anti-female publication in history.
Su nuevo libro, La Guerra entre Hombres y Mujeres, diseñado para destruir a la familia americana con una sonrisa, es la más detestable publicación, anti-niños, anti-perros y anti-mujeres de la historia.
There's never been a history of insanity in my side of the family.
Nunca ha habido una historia de locura en mi lado de la familia.
Never before in American history has one family held such an enormous concentration of political power.
Jamás en la historia de los Estados Unidos ha habido otra familia que poseyera tan enorme concentración de poder político.
My story My history of the family.
Mi historia de la familia.
I, Claudius, am now about to begin this strange history of my life... of my family. 0f Livia, my grandmother. of Augustus Caesar.
Yo, Claudio voy a comenzar esta extraña historia de mi vida de mi familia de Livia, mi abuela de César Augusto de Marco Agripa, sí.
And in 1963, after I had retired from a career in the U.S. Coast Guard I became obsessed with knowing more about our family more about its history.
En 1963, tras jubilarme como guardacostas de EE.UU me obsesioné con saber más sobre nuestra familia sobre su historia.
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family 1231
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