Family is everything перевод на испанский
226 параллельный перевод
An energetic type, home and family is everything.
Enérgico, hombre de casa y de familia.
- ln Sicily, the family is everything.
- En Sicilia, la familia es lo primero.
On Cardassia, family is everything.
En Cardassia, la familia lo es todo.
into the family, of course my uncle is chief hunting master with the Czar there she'll learn everything you understand that, don't you?
Con la familia, claro. Mi tío es jefe de cazadores del Zar. Allí lo aprenderá todo.
Everything that happens in the Acuna family is my fault.
Todo lo que sucede en la familia Acuña es culpa mía.
With all her daughters, everything is in family!
Viniendo con todas sus niñas todo queda en familia.
- Oh, darling. What I mean is, it's so strange leaving the family and everything.
Quiero decir que es extraño dejar a la familia y...
La Goumbe is like family for these foreigners, everything is shared!
La Goumbé es la verdadera familia de estos extranjeros.
Well, Mr. Foster, to a family such as ours, honour is everything.
Bueno, Sr. Foster, para una familia como la nuestra, el honor lo es todo.
"A family in which everything is taboo." Yes.
"Una familia en la que todo es tabú".
Everything about you is ugly - your mama, your father, the whole family is ugly.
Todo lo tuyo es feo : Tu madre, tu padre y toda tu familia.
Aside from everything else, is the family all right?
Aparte de todo esto, ¿ la familia está bien?
As the head of the family my word counts. You'll have to accept everything I say. If I say it's black, you'll know it is black.
Entonces seré yo quien tomará las decisiones.
And everything is good with you, your family, your kids.
sus hijos.
My end is 2,5 million... plus I'm boss of the Prizzi's... with heavy points in everything the family does.
Me corresponden 2,5 millones... y además seré el jefe de los Prizzi... con una participación importante en todos los negocios.
Just the meaning that before... a minute, an hour before, you were part of a family, you were part of a wife or a husband, and now, all of a sudden, everything is dead.
Estaba en el 2º grupo en vida, él también. Y en el camino, no sé cómo, se había enterado, ya sabía.
Everything which belongs to that family is bad for you.
Todo lo que pertenece a esa familia me sienta mal.
You'll see, this is the story of our family. Everything is there.
Aquí está toda la historia de nuestra familia.
The family - is everything all right?
¿ Le pasa algo a tu familia?
Family is everything.
La familia lo es todo.
adorable. Their relationship is everything that our family's isn't.
Su relación es todo lo que nuestra familia necesita.
His job is everything, he has no family he counts me as a friend.
- Richard... - Su trabajo es todo para él. No tiene familia, me cuenta entre sus amigos.
Wanting everything to go perfectly, the female assures the male... that her family is loving and happy and normal.
Queriendo que todo salga perfecto, la hembra asegura al macho... que su familia es amorosa y perfectamente normal.
... this syndrome, or this Hestia thing, whatever this thing is this is something that attacks mostly upper-class women who... Who have pretty much everything they need in a material sense and in a family sense too.
... que este síndrome, este asunto de Hestia lo que sea es algo que ataca principalmente, a mujeres de clase alta que tienen todo lo que quieren o necesitan tanto a nivel material como familiar.
Everything I do is for my family.
Todo lo que hago es por mi familia.
The first part would be a documentary... of everything that Larry has to do to prepare for the special : The sets at the clubs, time alone with his family... walking down the street, whatever it is, we're gonna see how he prepares for it... leading up to the special, and then the actual special... which will be him doing straight ahead stand-up.
La primera será un documental de todo lo que Larry debe hacer para preparar el especial las rutinas en los bares, el tiempo solo con su familia sus caminatas en la calle, lo que sea, veremos cómo se prepara para el especial, luego el especial en sí que comprenderá sus actuaciones en vivo.
They're everything that is in my family.
Todo lo que es mi familia.
Everything about this family is a lie.
Todo sobre esta familia es una mentira.
Maybe one day you'll have a family of your own, and you'll find out how hard it is to try to do everything right all the time.
Tal vez un día tendrá una familia de su cuenta, y encontrarás lo difícil que es a intentar derecho a hacer todo lo posible todo el tiempo.
Family harmony is the basis of everything.
La armonía familiar es la base de todo.
and an extended member of this family, and I value the friendship you have with my daughter very much. But if you don't tell me everything you know about where the hell she is, I'm gonna become very violent with you.
Liz, te considero una amiga y un miembro de esta familia... y valoro mucho la amistad que tienes con mi hija... pero si no me dices lo que sabes sobre el lugar donde está... me pondré muy violenta contigo.
Is everything okay again within your family?
¿ Ya está todo bien en la familia?
Okay, so everything we need is right here... and we have a happy, all-american family shotgunned to death in their home.
OK, así que todo lo que Necesitamos está justo aquí. Y tenemos una familia americana feliz, Baleada hasta morir en su propia casa.
Let's just pretend for a second... that everything you've told me is true... that... that this isn't your furniture... and this isn't your family... and somehow everything's changed.
Está bien, está bien. Supongamos por un momento que todo lo que me has dicho es verdad. Que... que este mueble no es tuyo.
In all fairness, everything he has is tied up in family trusts.
Todo lo que tiene está en fideicomisos familiares.
... And it always finds me, i s just my luck Ms Tweak lives in Hollywood Looking up at hell she thinks she's got it so good She don't need no friends, no family, no man She don't need nothing, man, she don't give a damn With a mouth full of lies and a heart full of sighs "Why me, oh Lord, why me?" she cries "'Cause everyone else is so fucked up " "And everything else is so fucked up" And it always finds me, i s just my luck She says, "Blah, blah, blah" She says nothing at all She says "Blah, blah, blah" She says nothing at all...
* Y siempre me encuentra, está en mi suerte * * Al menos uno vive en Hollywood * * Mirando al infierno ella cree que la hizo bien *
You've given me everything today. My family is complete
Hoy me han regalado lo que faltaba en nuestras vidas Hoy mi familia está completa.
Their brand driver is family magic and everything that the company does is in and around those two words.
El norte de su marca es la "magia familiar", y todo lo que hace la compañía gira alrededor de esas dos palabras.
Everything that I do is for this family.
Todo lo que hago lo hago por esta familia.
And the amount I don't know about cooking and tying hair ribbons and everything else that happens in a family's daily life is nothing compared to what I don't know about helping a girl become a woman.
Y todo lo que desconozco sobre cocinar, atar lazos del cabello y demás sobre vida cotidiana familiar no es nada comparado con lo que desconozco sobre ayudarla a convertirse en mujer.
Everything else she has told you about herself and her family is a lie!
¡ Todo lo demás que dijo de ella y su familia es una mentira!
All I want to know is that whoever destroyed my life, my family, destroyed everything I worked for, will be locked away forever.
Todo lo que quiero saber es que el que... destruyó mi vida, mi familia... destruyó lo que trabajaba... sea encerrado para siempre.
After the initial shock wears off about that trust fund for the family dog. or the opera seats left to the gardener. there is at least the sense that everything is finally out on the table.
Luego de que pasa la sorpresa inicial porque le dejaron el dinero al perro o los boletos de la ópera al jardinero, al menos hay una sensación de que todo está dicho y hecho.
Uh, I... I love everything there is about the... the hilton family.
Me encanta todo... todo sobre la familia Hilton.
After everything, this is how you thank me, by embarrassing me in front of my family?
Así me agradeces todo lo que he hecho ¿ avergonzándome delante de mi familia?
Dinozzo, I want everything there is on Watson and his family by the time I get back.
DiNozzo, averigua todo lo que puedas sobre Watson y su familia...
In case you haven't noticed, this family is going through a really hard time and you're just making everything a lot worse.
Por si no lo has notado, estamos pasando por un período difícil y tú estás empeorándolo todo.
It is a Turkey organized crime group it si the main anti government power everything is by the rule, and very organized all their name and native has been record if someone betray them, all their family member will be killed
Es una banda del crimen organizado de Turquia es el principal poder antigubernamental todo lo llevan con leyes, y muy bien organizado todo lo relativo a sus miembros es grabado si alguno los traiciona, asesinan a toda su familia
I look out at my family having fun and laughing... and everything in me is screaming for help.
Miro a mi familia divirtiéndose y riendo, y todo en mí pide ayuda a gritos.
My friends, my family, everything i know is gone.
Mis amigos, mi familia, todo lo que conozco ha desaparecido.
I need you to find out everything there is to know about Paul Young and his family.
Necesito que averigüe todo lo que tenga que ver con Paul Young y su familia.
is everything ok 293
is everything okay 1670
is everything 57
is everything alright 119
is everything all right 1024
is everything ready 39
everything is fine 327
everything 4202
everything will be fine 299
everything is awesome 16
is everything okay 1670
is everything 57
is everything alright 119
is everything all right 1024
is everything ready 39
everything is fine 327
everything 4202
everything will be fine 299
everything is awesome 16
everything's gonna be okay 291
everything is good 35
everything will be alright 53
everything is possible 23
everything is perfect 26
everything okay 1482
everything is wrong 17
everything is great 31
everything is alright 24
everything is ok 38
everything is good 35
everything will be alright 53
everything is possible 23
everything is perfect 26
everything okay 1482
everything is wrong 17
everything is great 31
everything is alright 24
everything is ok 38