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Get ahold of yourself перевод на испанский

152 параллельный перевод
Esther, you gotta get ahold of yourself.
Esther, tienes que calmarte.
My dear girl,... get ahold of yourself.
Mi niña,... reacciona.
Sure, I know it's tough, but you've gotta get ahold of yourself, or you'll crack up.
Sí, ya sé que es duro, pero tiene que cuidar de sí misma o se destrozará.
Get ahold of yourself, Julia.
Ya empezamos, Julia.
Get ahold of yourself Jack.
- Contente, Jack.
- Get ahold of yourself, Will.
- Contrólese, Will.
Get ahold of yourself.
Get ahold of yourself.
Tienes que controlarte.
Take these and get ahold of yourself. If you'd let me keep the light on, I would have seen it.
Tienes que tranquilizarte, si hubiera dado la luz la habría visto.
Edith, aclárate. ¿ Qué pasa?
And get ahold of yourself.
Y compórtate.
Get ahold of yourself.
Venga, levántate.
All right, Stryker, get ahold of yourself.
Muy bien, Stryker, contrólese.
- Get ahold of yourself.
Resista. Pero yo...
Get ahold of yourself, Ann.
Contrólate, Ann.
You've got to get ahold of yourself, fast.
Tienes que recuperar la calma, rápidamente.
First, get ahold of yourself.
Primero, encuéntrate tú mismo
! Get ahold of yourself!
¡ Tranquila!
Max, Max, you've got to get ahold of yourself.
Max, Max, debes controlarte.
I say, "Babe, just get ahold of yourself, and pull yourself in, man,'cause this is it."
Digo, "Ey, sólo controlate un poco, y concentrate, man, porque es por esto"
You're moving too fast. - Better get ahold of yourself.
Creo que Vas demasiado rápido.
Boy, you better get ahold of yourself.
Chico, será mejor que te contengas.
Get ahold of yourself, man.
Cálmese, por favor.
You gotta get ahold of yourself so you can talk to him, see if he'll come out of the bank.
Tienes que reponerte para poder hablarle y ver si va a salir.
You better get ahold of yourself, me lad!
¡ Debes controlarte, mi niño!
Mrs. Schmauss, get ahold of yourself.
Sra. Schmauss, tranquilícese.
All right, get ahold of yourself.
Está bien, contrólate.
You might be valuable out there, but get ahold of yourself.
Quizá ahí fuera sea muy útil. Pero cuidado, esto no lo toleraré.
Get ahold of yourself.
Get ahold of yourself!
¡ Contrólate!
Vera, get ahold of yourself.
No pierdas la cabeza.
Get ahold of yourself.
¡ Tranquilícese!
Get ahold of yourself, okay?
Tranquilícese, hombre.
Get ahold of yourself. Get ahold of yourself. What would Gordon Liddy do?
Cálmate. ¿ Qué haría Gordon Liddy?
No, uh, get ahold of yourself, now, Vera.
No, uh, ponerme en contacto con usted, ahora, Vera.
Get ahold of yourself, Jack.
Controlate, Jack.
- Get ahold of yourself. - No, no, no.
Presiento que me lo vas a decir.
Get ahold of yourself!
¡ Cálmate!
I love you, but you're gonna have to get ahold of yourself.
Te amo, pero nos vas a volver todos locos
- Joey, get ahold of yourself.
- Joey, contrólate.
Get ahold of yourself.
Procura controlarte.
If you get ahold of yourself right now.
Siempre y cuando te controles.
Get ahold of yourself.
¡ Compórtese!
you've got to get ahold of yourself.
Debes controlarte a ti mismo.
- Get ahold of yourself!
- ¡ Cálmate! - ¡ Demonios!
Get ahold of yourself, Duckman.
Conectate contigo mismo, Duckman.
Get ahold of yourself, for God's sake.
CáImate, cielo santo.
- George, get ahold of yourself!
- George, portate bien!
Get ahold of yourself.
Cálmate un poco.
Get ahold of yourself, emily, please.
Por favor Emily, contrólate un poco.
You give yourself a couple of seconds, get ahold of it and deal with it.
Te das un par de segundos, tomas control y lidias con la situación.

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