He's got a перевод на испанский
23,741 параллельный перевод
He's got some photos from when Patient Zero came to town 3 days ago, nice pictures of the family reunion.
Tiene fotos de cuando llegó el paciente cero a la ciudad, hace tres días, bonitas fotos de la reunión familiar.
He's gonna watch Quentin and I've got protective gear, so, we should be all set, right?
Cuidará a Quentin, tengo equipo de protección, deberíamos estar listos, ¿ verdad?
He's got a couple kids.
Tiene un par de niños.
Dennis suddenly remembered he's got a wife on the outside?
¿ De pronto Dennis recordó que tiene una esposa en el exterior?
He's got a bright one, if he can, uh, fall in line.
Tiene uno brillante, si puede seguir la corriente.
He's got a Texas driver's license and a Brennan address.
Tiene un permiso de conducir de Texas y una dirección en Brennan.
He's got a sister, hasn't he?
Tiene una hermana, ¿ verdad?
He can if he likes, but he's got a pub to run, remember.
Puede si así lo desea, pero tiene que llevar un pub, recuerda.
Maybe he's got someone spying on me.
Tal vez tiene a alguien espiándome.
He's not in the system at all, so I'm thinking it's got to be an alias. But Avery has met this guy at the hotel two Wednesdays in a row, and she was supposed to meet him there yesterday.
No está en el sistema, así que estoy pensando que puede ser un alias, pero Avery se estuvo encontrando en el hotel con este tipo dos miércoles seguidos y se suponía que se reuniría allí con él ayer.
I've been reading that book by Sheryl Sandberg, she's the C.O.O. of Facebook, and she wrote that book that got women all riled up about our careers. Talking about how we as women should challenge ourselves to sit at the table and rise to the top.
He estado leyendo ese libro de Sheryl Sandberg, ella es la Directora de Operaciones de Facebook, y escribió ese libro que dejó a las mujeres muy alborotadas con sus carreras... hablando acerca de como las mujeres deberíamos atrevernos... a involucrarnos y elevarnos a la cima.
Anyway, Leslie's lost his interest in guns because he's got a girlfriend.
De todos modos, Leslie perdió su interés en las armas porque tiene una novia.
'Cause he's got a much better chance of defeating Zoom if you're involved.
Porque él tiene una mejor oportunidad de derrotar zoom Si está involucrado.
Danny Waldron's mum died when he was 11, and he moved up north to live with his dad and stepmum, but that didn't work out and he got taken into care.
La madre de Danny Waldron murió cuando tenía 11 años y se mudó al norte a vivir con su padre y su madrastra, pero no funcionó y fue al hogar de acogida.
Well, let's see what he's got to say for himself.
Bueno, vamos a ver qué tiene que decir.
These images tally with the paperwork we got from the storage facility..... and our assumption is that the rucksack contains Linus Murphy's head wrapped in a watertight bin liner and the carrier bag must be a cold-storage container he bought en route.
Estas imágenes concuerdan con el papeleo que nos dieron en el almacén... y nuestra suposición es que la mochila contiene la cabeza de Linus Murphy metida en una bolsa de basura a prueba de agua y la bolsa debe ser una nevera portátil que compró por el camino.
Sir, I've got serious concerns about DI Cottan's performance of his duties under police conduct regs and that's why he's having a go at me.
Señor, tengo serias dudas de la actuación del inspector Cottan en el cumplimiento del deber según las reglas policiales y por eso va a por mí.
Afraid he's got a pretty good case.
Me temo que tiene un buen caso.
Now he's got everybody talkin'about him.
Ahora tiene a todos hablando de él.
You'll like this kid. He's got a lot of good things goin'on.
No me gusta cómo viene la cosa.
We got some pictures of a girl he's been seeing more frequently.
Tenemos fotos de una chica a la que está viendo más seguido.
He's got a big old crush on you.
Él está loco por ti.
He's got a list with names on it.
Tiene una lista con varios nombres.
He's got to come out sooner or later.
Va a tener que salir tarde o temprano.
I got the perfect bottle of wine. We're going to watch a beautiful sunset. She's going to drink this.
He comprado la botella de vino ideal, veremos una puesta de sol, se beberá esto y luego pediré un coche por Uber.
He's had a rocky tenure, plus you've got an open convention.
Tuvo un período inestable, una convención abierta.
- He's got a gun!
- ¡ Tiene una pistola!
He's got a tail-light out.
Él tiene una cola fuera de la luz.
He's got a string of convictions and he's on the Sex Offender's Register.
Él tiene una cadena de condenas y él está en el Registro de Delincuentes Sexuales.
Now, he's denied knowing Ana, so let's see what he's got to say about that.
Ahora, que ha negado conocer a Ana, así que vamos a ver lo que está tiene que decir al respecto.
Let's get back up to Halifax and see if he's got anything he'd like to share with us today, hm?
Volvamos a Halifax y ver si él tiene todo lo que había gustaría compartir con nosotros hoy, ¿ eh?
I'm worried that... because I drink a lot, I don't always remember stuff what's happened..... and I-I don't believe that I did kill those women... but perhaps I've got... perhaps I've got so drunk that I've done stuff and... and I-I don't remember doing it.
Me preocupa que... al beber mucho, no siempre me acuerdo de las cosas que han pasado... y no creo haber matado a esas mujeres... pero quizás lo he hecho... quizás estaba tan borracho que hice cosas y... y no recuerdo haberlas hecho.
So he's been ejected from the premises, we've got CCTV monitoring him now, he's in the street with his top off, banging on the doors, trying to get back in.'
Y le han echado del local, le estoy... viendo ahora mismo por las cámaras de seguridad, está en la calle sin camiseta... y golpeando la puerta para volver a entrar.
I just said she was infatuated and she didn't really know what he was like, but it struck me - it's when he gets home from school. That's when he's got a new thing, a new question, like someone's put ideas in his head.
Sólo que ella estaba encaprichada... y que no sabía realmente cómo era él, pero lo que me sorprende... es que cuando vuelve de la escuela... es cuando vuelve con algo nuevo, una nueva pregunta, como si alguien pusiera ideas en su cabeza.
He says he's got some information about Victoria Fleming, and he wants to see a detective, but they're still all up in the briefing and he's itching to get off to work.
Él dice que tiene algo de información sobre Victoria Fleming, y él quiere ver a un detective, pero siguen siendo todo en la sesión informativa y él está ansioso por llegar a trabajar.
His uncle's a book dealer, and he's got some books that may be Grimm.
Su tío es un vendedor de libros, y ha conseguido algunos libros que pueden ser Grimm.
I am sure he's got a mistress in one of the neighbouring villages.
Estoy segura que él tiene una amante en uno de los pueblos vecinos.
He's got a family.
Él tiene familia.
Well, if that's the case, Jack, all of this preparation and effort, he's definitely got a taste for it now.
Bueno, si ese es el caso, Jack, toda esta preparación y esfuerzo... está claro que lo está disfrutando.
He's got a bit of a record dating back the last several years.
Tiene unos cuantos antecedentes que se remontan a los últimos años.
I was able to spot our unsub's new ride, which is a tow truck, and he's clearly got Alexandra's car hooked up to it.
He podido ver el coche nuevo de nuestro sudes, una grúa y se ve claramente el coche de Alexandra en él.
He's got a sure touch with pastry.
Tiene un toque firme con la pastelería.
Next morning, he comes round to find he's only got half his face left.
A la mañana siguiente, se despierta para descubrir que solo tiene la mitad de su cara.
He caught a notorious hugger named Mr. Butter Pecan last year, and now he's got a book on the best seller list.
Atrapó un hugger notorio llamado Sr. Butter Pecan el año pasado, y ahora él tiene un libro en la lista de best seller.
I mean, unless... unless he's got something over you.
Quiero decir, a menos que... a menos que tenga algo sobre ti.
He's got your son.
Tiene a tu hijo.
Sands has Piper, which according to you, means he's got the immunity shot.
Sands tiene a Piper, que de acuerdo contigo, significa que tiene la inyección de inmunidad.
See if he's got any skeletons hanging in his closet.
A ver si tiene algún esqueleto colgando en su armario.
What if Tom is the brains, and he's got someone on the outside being the brawn?
¿ Qué pasa si Tom es el cerebro, y tiene a alguien afuera siendo la fuerza física?
- He's got a point.
- Tiene un punto.
He's got no arm past his elbow, but it was an accident ; it's not genetic.
No tiene brazo a partir del codo, pero fue un accidente ; no es genético.
he's got a gun 260
he's got a point 133
he's got a girlfriend 23
he's got a knife 47
he's got a job 17
he's got a pulse 20
he's got a lot on his mind 16
he's got 182
he's got the money 17
he's got cancer 17
he's got a point 133
he's got a girlfriend 23
he's got a knife 47
he's got a job 17
he's got a pulse 20
he's got a lot on his mind 16
he's got 182
he's got the money 17
he's got cancer 17
he's got to go 28
he's got me 29
he's got you 20
he's got this 17
he's got nothing 33
he's got to be 16
he's got him 26
he's got it 147
he's got her 23
got any 17
he's got me 29
he's got you 20
he's got this 17
he's got nothing 33
he's got to be 16
he's got him 26
he's got it 147
he's got her 23
got any 17
got a sec 45
got a girlfriend 17
got a pen 27
got a problem 61
got a gun 16
got a secret 29
got a match 36
got a smoke 21
got a 73
got any money 37
got a girlfriend 17
got a pen 27
got a problem 61
got a gun 16
got a secret 29
got a match 36
got a smoke 21
got a 73
got any money 37
got anything 42
got an address 30
got a minute 191
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got away 26
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got another one 25
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got away 26
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got another one 25
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got a warrant 16
got about 16
got a job 23
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got a date 26
got a name 45
got an i 29
got an idea 17
got a warrant 16
got about 16
got a job 23
got a second 42