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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ H ] / He won't be long

He won't be long перевод на испанский

311 параллельный перевод
- He won't be long.
No tardará mucho
You get it while you can, he won't be in there very long.
Disfrútelo mientras pueda.
It won't be long before he puts a bomb in the coffee urn.
No falta mucho para que ponga una bomba en la cafetera.
No tardará mucho.
- As long as he is here, we won't be safe.
- Mientras él esté aquí, no estaremos seguros.
He won't be gone long.
No tardará mucho.
George won't be long. Is he out somewhere?
- Georges no tardará.
He won't be there long. Let me know the minute He wakes up, will you?
- No estaré mucho tiempo allí.
- Maybe he won't be long.
- Quizá no sea tanto.
He knows that it took billions of years to put it here and if we keep taking it at this rate before long, there won't be any oil left in the good old U.S.A.
Él sabe que tardó millones de años en formarse y si continuaba perforando a ese ritmo no quedaría petróleo en EE.UU.
He won't be sheriff very long.
No será alguacil durante mucho tiempo.
But he won't be there long.
Pero no estará allí mucho tiempo.
I'll wait till Dad comes. He won't be long now.
- Esperaré a que vuelva papá.
He won't be long now.
Ya no puede tardar.
Yeah, he won't be with us long.
Espere en el pueblo. - No se quedará mucho tiempo.
So I had to take him home. I won't be long.
Así que he tenido que traerle a casa, no tardaré.
Oh, he won't be long with us, he's a very busy man...
No viajará con nosotros. Es un hombre muy ocupado.
He wouldn't say how long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can help.
No dijo lo que tardaría, pero dado que su tiempo es valioso será poco.
- He won't be long, darling.
- No tardaré, cariño.
He won ´ t be long
No tardará
He won't be back for a long time.
Él no regresará por un largo tiempo.
That means he won't be long.
Por tanto, no tardará.
Maybe because he won't be here long enough to have to go asleep
Quizá salga antes de necesitarlas.
He'll soon learn it's not play, and it won't be long till you notice him cocking an ear back to hear what's coming up behind.
Pronto aprenderá que no es broma, no pasará mucho antes de que notes que levanta la oreja a ver qué viene atrás.
¿ El que vendía zapatos?
Well, as long as he won't be around to talk, nobody can tie us into anything.
Mientras no pueda hablar, nadie nos relacionará con nada.
Not at the moment, but he won't be long.
En este momento no, pero no tardará.
- Don't get angry, he won't be there long.
No te enfades. - No durará mucho.
Hmm... he won't be for long.
Ya falta poco.
He won't be long!
Muy interesante.
As long as there is one man who can't walk free where he wants, as long as there is one displaced person without home, there won't be peace!
Siempre que haya un solo hombre que no pueda ir donde quiera. Siempre que haya una persona desplazada sin hogar,... ¡ no habrá paz!
- Well, he won't be alive for long.
- Bueno, no lo será por mucho tiempo.
He won't be long.
Estará fuera un tiempo.
He won't be gone for long, I promise you.
Tu hombre no tardará, palabra.
Maybe he won't be long.
Puede que no tarde.
The man almost certainly isn't there, but if he is, he won't be there for long.
Ese hombre seguramente no está ahí, pero si está, no estará ahí mucho tiempo.
Won't be long before he escapes!
Pobre Johnny.
But so long as he has children who need him, he won't be too unhappy.
Pero mientras tenga niños que le necesiten, no será tan desdichado.
He won't be here long, among you fools.
Y no vivirá mucho entre vosotros, necios.
He won't be an office boy long.
No será cadete mucho tiempo.
He says it won't be long, you'll get on one of them trains and just go lunkedy-plunk all the way to Tucson without even stopping once.
Dice que en poco tiempo, subirás a uno de esos trenes y podrás ir traqueteando hasta Tucson sin parar una sola vez.
Since he asked you to come, it surely won't be long.
Ya que les ha pedido venir, no creo que tarde.
But I have a feeling that it won't be long before we have visitors.
- No os preocupéis, he borrado mis huellas y deben buscarme quién sabe dónde. Pero tengo el presentimiento de que no vamos a tardar en recibir visitas.
The colonel said he'll come to see you. It won't be too long.
El Coronel dijo que vendrá a verlo.
- But he won't be back for a long time.
- Tardará mucho en volver. - No tengo prisa.
Well, he's out at present, Collecting his father's wages, But he won't be long.
En este momento está fuera, cobrando el sueldo de su padre, pero no tardará.
The senator won't be long, he's coming by private transport.
El senador no tardará, viene en transporte privado.
He won't be long.
No demorará mucho.
Don't worry, he won't be long.
No te preocupes, no tardará.
He won't be staying for long.
No se quedará mucho.
- He won't be long.
- No tardará mucho.

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