He works перевод на испанский
6,199 параллельный перевод
As I told you, she works for the police, but she poses no threat to you.
Como te he dicho, trabaja para la policía, pero no representa ninguna amenaza para ti.
He works for us.
Trabaja para nosotros.
He works for Gavin Belson.
Trabaja para Gavin Belson. Hola.
I meant to say that he works for ConEx.
Quise decir que trabaja para conex.
He works with the boy's dad.
Trabaja con el padre del niño.
He works for me.
Trabaja para mí.
You understand every hour he works costs money?
¿ Entiendes que cada hora que trabaja cuesta dinero?
He works for Nevison Gallagher.
Trabaja para Nevison Gallagher.
Yeah, except my pros can't get on the bag because lawyer mcbrentwood wants to do his cardio after he works out.
Sí, excepto que mis profesionales no pueden seguir con el saco porque el abotago Mcbrentwood quiere hacer su cardio después de entrenar.
He works over there.
Trabaja allá.
- Because he works with his hands, and has a beard and is hot, and I like him!
- Porque trabaja con las manos, y tiene barba y es sexy y ¡ me gusta!
He took a room there upstairs, and he works as a janitor at an office building.
¿ Un homenaje a la palabra escrita? ¿ Algo escrito por... Benjamin Franklin, el mismísimo primer Jefe General de Correos?
~ He works with horses.
- Trabaja con caballos.
Apparently, he works as a day laborer around the city.
Aparentemente, trabaja de jornalero en la ciudad.
Where he works, known locations, known associates, his foster parents in Woodstock.
Donde trabaja, lugares que frecuenta, conocidos, sus padres adoptivos en Woodstock.
Wait, I'm sorry... he works at your school?
Espera, perdona... ¿ él trabaja en tu escuela?
Or he was noticed, but it wasn't unusual, because he works there.
O se dieron cuenta, pero no fue nada raro, porque trabaja ahí.
He works here at the book store.
Trabaja aquí en la librería.
But he didn't have authorization, but he works for me,
Pero no tenía autorización, pero trabaja para mí,
But he works for us.
Pero trabaja para nosotros.
Let's talk about who she works for, and what he made her do.
Para quien trabaja, y lo que le hizo hacer.
So I suppose what I've been doing is seeing the works together, thinking about what makes them a complete oeuvre by a single artist, what makes them Leonardo, and really, I suppose, I've been struck over and over again
Así que supongo que lo que he estado haciendo es ver las obras juntas, pensando en lo que las convierte en una obra completa de un solo artista, lo que las convierte en Leonardo.
He works for an Internet dating company and is passionate about helping others find happiness.
Trabaja para una compañía de citas de internet y es un apasionado de ayudar a los demás a encontrar la felicidad.
Oh, he couldn't go because his name is Stu and he works with Andrew.
No ha podido ir porque su nombre es Stu y trabaja con Andrew.
He works for Harcourt.
Trabaja para Hartcourt.
He's going to have a handshake with Michael Heseltine, the works.
Lo arreglará todo con Michael Heseltine, el que se encarga del tema.
He works for the mayor of New York.
Trabaja para el alcalde de Nueva York.
His name is Darius, he works for Malachi.
Se llama Darius, trabaja para Malachi.
He works for Malachi Strand.
Trabaja para Malachi Strand.
He works at Borough Market.
Trabaja en Borough Market.
That's where he works.
Es donde trabaja.
He works as a consultant with the team.
Trabaja con el equipo como asesor.
He works for you.
Él trabaja para usted.
I'll make sure he works around you.
Me asegurare que trabaje alrededor de ti.
He works for his uncle, who's a mechanic with his own garage.
Trabaja para su tío, que es mecánico en su propio taller.
He works for Malachi.
Trabaja para Malaquías.
He works for my father.
Él trabaja para mi padre.
We've confirmed that he works at Oldham General Hospital.
Confirmamos que trabaja en el Hospital General de Oldham.
He works here.
Él trabaja aquí.
He met Lori at the Quick-and-Easy where he works, which he was not happy about.
Encontró a Lori en el Quick-and-Easy donde trabaja, lo que no lo puso contento. ¿ Y eso fue ayer?
I've got an address match in Seattle, and it looks like he works at satellite defense technologies.
Tengo una dirección que concuerda en Seattle, y parece que trabaja en tecnologías de defensa por satélite.
But he at? You do, really do not It works, but est? always busy!
Pero que hace, realmente no trabaja, pero siempre está ocupado!
Tell everybody who works here and... and if he does come in, if you recognise him, if you see him looking at your menu out there, if you see him walk past, anything, can you...
Dígaselo a todos los que trabajan aquí y si él entra, si le reconoce, si le ve mirar el menú afuera, si le ve pasando, lo que sea, puede...
Titian called these works something special - he called them "poems" - "poesie" - and that was the first time that an artist had referred to his works in a way comparing himself to...
Tiziano llamó a estas obras de forma especial, las llamó "poemas", "poesie", y fue la primera vez que un artista se refirió a su obra de una manera en que se comparaba a sí mismo,
who could conjure up poetry visually - and that's why, in this famous letter to Philip, he called these works "poems".
Mientras que Tiziano era un pintor que podía evocar la poesía visualmente. Y es por eso que, en esa famosa carta a Felipe, llamó a estas obras "poemas".
Everything that Larry is now doing in terms of retouching is on top of a layer of varnish that, once it's cleaned, it's varnished and then Larry works on top of the varnish, so that all the work that he does -
Todo lo que Larry está haciendo, en términos de retoque, está en la parte superior de una capa de barniz que, una vez que se limpia, es barnizada y luego Larry trabaja en la parte superior de ese barniz.
Randy works and he goes home and he plays video games and he goes to bed and he wakes up, and he does it all over again the next day.
Randy trabaja y se va a casa y juega a videojuegos y se va a la cama y se levanta, y vuelve a hacerlo todo otra vez al día siguiente.
But because he's someone close to me... who works closest to me.
Pero debido a que es alguien cercano a mí, que trabajó junto a mí.
I looked into Boorman's credit card history, it seems like he buys all his clothes at Clark Brothers, he's one of their most loyal customers, he spends tens of thousands of dollars there and guess who works there?
Miré el historial de la tarjeta de crédito de Boorman, parece que compra toda su ropa en Clark y Brothers, es uno de sus clientes más fieles, gasta decenas de miles de dólares allí y... ¿ quién supones que trabaja allí?
And to show them how that works, I figured I'd introduce them to Mr. Bugs Moran.
Y para enseñarles cómo funciona, he pensado en presentarles al Sr. Bugs Moran.
Not only does Albertson have a collar for battery last year... beat up some guy in the Village... but he also works for Borough Quality Cleaning.
No sólo Albertson tenía un arresto por agresión el año pasado... golpeó a un tipo en el Village... pero también trabajó para Borough Quality Cleaning.
he works for me 32
he works here 45
he works there 17
he works for you 19
works 73
works like a charm 20
works for me 181
works every time 63
he won't be long 18
he won't be there 16
he works here 45
he works there 17
he works for you 19
works 73
works like a charm 20
works for me 181
works every time 63
he won't be long 18
he won't be there 16
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he won't wake up 17
he wouldn't do that 83
he won't talk to me 33
he won't get far 29
he won't come back 18
he won't leave me alone 16
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he won't listen to me 40
he wouldn't dare 22
he won't wake up 17
he wouldn't do that 83
he won't talk to me 33
he won't get far 29
he won't come back 18
he won't leave me alone 16
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he won't listen to me 40
he wouldn't dare 22