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His lawyer перевод на испанский

2,015 параллельный перевод
Courcelles and his lawyer should be here.
Courcelles y su abogado deberían estar aquí.
She identified herself as his lawyer and you are denying him counsel.
Ella se identificó como su abogado, y tu le estás negando asesoramiento.
He asked for his lawyer.
- Pidió que viniera su abogado.
And you believe Johnny Cook and his lawyer?
¿ Y tú crees a Johnny Cook y a su abogado?
One of your meetings today with Bo crowder and his lawyer?
¿ Una de tus reuniones con Bo Crowder y su abogado hoy?
His lawyer sprung him an hour ago.
Su abogado le sacó hace una hora.
Or rather his lawyer.
- Y también su abogado.
His lawyer just came up to me.
Su abogado acaba de visitarme.
No, his lawyer.
No, su abogado.
He must have overruled his lawyer or something, but he endorsed you.
Tiene que haber anulado a su abogado o algo así, pero te ha avalado.
Excuse me, I am his lawyer.
Disculpe, soy su abogada.
Why else would his lawyer have him plead guilty?
¿ Por que si no el abogado le ha declarado culpable?
Mateo told the police I was his lawyer.
Mateo le dijo a la policiía que yo era su abogado.
- Well, if elroy cooperates, He's got to tell his lawyer, who tells his partner.
Bueno, si Elroy coopera, tendrá que decirle a su abogado, quien se lo dirá a su socio.
If the killer is a 30-year-old, his lawyer will have a field day with this theory.
Si el asesino tiene 30 años, su abogado se aprovecharía de esa teoria
- He didn't call his lawyer.
- No llamó a su abogado.
What are you, his lawyer?
¿ Qué eres tú, su abogado?
I'm his lawyer.
Soy su abogado.
His lawyer says he wanted you to get everything.
Su abogado dice que él quería que tú tuvieras todo.
Anyway, he wanted to kill this lawyer, because the lawyer was on the verge of ruining his evil master plan.
De cualquier manera, el quería matar a este abogado, porque este estaba a punto de arruinar su maléfico plan maestro.
Other than his lawyer and a few curious reporters,
Nada mas que su abogado y algunos periodistas curiosos.
Now you're gonna be his lawyer?
¿ Ahora vas a ser su abogado?
Hopefully he won't change his mind when his lawyer is around.
Con suerte, no cambiará de opinión con el abogado cerca.
'Cause when we picked him up this morning, he didn't want his lawyer, didn't want the public defender.
Porque cuando lo fuimos a buscar esta mañana, no quería un abogado, ni un defensor público.
No, Harvey Dublin is not a Saint, but I'm his lawyer, and I speak for him.
No, Harvey Dublin no es un santo, pero soy su abogado, y tengo que defenderle.
I'm ah... PARK Min-uk... his lawyer.
Soy Park Min-uk... su abogado.
And he didn't ask for his lawyer.
Uno. ¿ Y no ha preguntado por su abogado?
He can correspond with his lawyer and a brother in Virginia, but that's it.
Puede escribirse con su abogado y con un hermano que tiene en Virginia, pero con nadie más.
Sophie, steal his lawyer.
Sophie, roba su abogado.
I need to get him to trust me as his lawyer, which means I need to get him to confess.
Necesito que confíe en mí como en su abogado, lo que significa que necesito que confiese.
Well, he's in a panic waiting for his lawyer.
Bien, está frenetico esperando a su abogado.
Let's say a lawyer was running a little late For his "drum circle" at venice beach
Digamos que un abogado llegaba un poquito tarde a "tocar el tambor" en Venice Beach
You're my lawyer, not his!
¡ Eres mi abogado, no el suyo!
Mother, Lord Grantham has made the unwelcome discovery that his heir is a middle-class lawyer and the son of a middle-class doctor.
Madre, Lord Grantham acaba de descubrir que su heredero es un abogado de clase media, hijo de un médico de clase media.
Last night, Dylan Gautier and his lawyer came to see me at my office.
La noche pasada, Dylan Gautier y su abogado vinieron a verme a mi oficina.
If you're insinuating Skander is somehow a suspect in his mother's murder I'm officially letting you know, he has a lawyer.
Si usted está insinuando que Skander es de alguna manera sospechoso en el asesinato... oficialmente le hago saber, que tiene un abogado... yo.
Great. So Mr. Garcia's lawyer already contacted the hospital where Oscar got his organ transplant.
Bueno, el abogado del Sr. García ya ha contactado con el hospital en el que a Óscar le hicieron el trasplante de órganos.
His wife is my lawyer.
Su esposa es mi abogada.
Yes, and while you were drinking champagne, your lawyer was using his access to your information to create a scam in your name.
Sí, y mientras usted bebía champán, su abogado estaba usando su acceso a la información para crear un timo en su nombre.
He went in as a lawyer who'd had his license revoked because of a couple of shady land deals.
- Se hizo pasar por una abogado al que le revocaron la licencia por un par de acuerdos de tierras algo turbios.
Scott's divorce just came through, and his ex-wife's idiot lawyer,
El divorcio de Scott acaba de salir, y el abogado idiota de su ex-mujer,
We want to hear from you about three murders in Stockholm of the journalist Dag Svensson and his girlfriend Mia Bergman and about the lawyer Nils Bjurman.
Queremos su versión de los tres asesinatos en Estocolmo, del periodista Dag Svensson, su novia Mia Bergman y el abogado Nils Bjurman.
Word has it on campus that Winger's too busy hanging out with his cool new lawyer friend.
Word mantiene en el campus que Winger está demasiado ocupado saliendo por ahí con su nuevo amigo abogado guay.
A 56-year-old socially engaged lawyer who was found shot at his home.
El abogado comprometido con la sociedad, de 56 años de edad, fue encontrado en su apartamento.
Well, his dad was a lawyer.
Bueno, su padre era abogado.
The lawyer at the investment bank was his only contact.
El abogado del banco de inversiones era su único contacto.
Well, his face is on the cover of "California Lawyer."
Bueno su rostro esta en la portada de "Abogados de California"
I am a lawyer. If Mr. Khalid is a "worshiper of Allah" that's his business.
Soy abogada y si el Sr. Kallihd es devoto a Allah, es su derecho- -
Sitting in his studio apartment and cursing my divorce lawyer for taking all of his money.
Sentado en su apartamento y maldiciendo a mi abogado por haberle quitado todo el dinero en el divorcio.
Uh, the lawyer that screwed Johnny and his family out of the proceeds from the Granada.
La abogada que jodió a Johnny y su familia por la procedencia del Granada.
That's his Spanish lawyer.
Ese su abogado español.

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