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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ H ] / Hollister

Hollister перевод на испанский

240 параллельный перевод
Most everything's ready, Captain Hollister.
Casi todo, capitán Hollister.
We realize that, Captain Hollister, but we must keep the family together.
Nos damos cuenta de ello... pero debemos mantener unida a la familia.
Davey, I think I better go find Mrs. Riggs, that lady Captain Hollister told us about.
Davey, voy a encontrar a la Sra. Riggs, la señora de la que nos habló el capitán.
Captain Hollister told me to see you.
El capitán Hollister me dijo que viniera a verla.
Friend of Captain Hollister? Yes, lam.
- ¿ Es amiga del capitán Hollister?
I induced Captain Hollister, an old friend of mine, to put back to shore, and I followed you.
Convencí al capitán Hollister, un viejo amigo, para que zarpara... y la seguí a Ud.
Jack, pile the stuff down by the Hollister house -.
Guardar las cosas en casa de Hollister.
next on the program, ladies and gentlemen.. will be the trick roping contest.
Y a continuación, damas y caballeros... los acróbatas del lazo, con la presentación de Jack Hollister.
How are you, Mr. Hollister?
¿ Cómo le va, Sr. Hollister?
- Oh, Mr. Kruger, Mr. Hollister.
- Ah, Sr. Kruger, el Sr. Hollister.
Mr. Hollister is asking if you could drop over and have a little talk with him.
El Sr. Hollister está preguntando si usted podría pasar y tener una pequeña charla con él.
I don't know, but Mr. Hollister considered it important.
No lo sé, pero el Sr. Hollister lo consideró importante.
Hold it, Hollister.
Alto, Hollister.
Gonna lose Hollister, too, by the look of it.
Y vamos a perder a Hollister, parece.
Hollister, have a drink, old man?
Hollister, ¿ tomas un trago, amigo?
- Hollister.
- Hollister.
No, I was just thinking of Hollister.
No, solo estaba pensando en Hollister.
- Morning, Hollister. - Morning.
Buenos días, Hollister.
Hollister, have a little breakfast.
Hollister, desayuna algo.
Then Hollister.
Luego Hollister.
Hello, Hollister.
Hola, Hollister.
- This is Hollister, Captain Von- -
- Este es Hollister, capitán Von...
He wants to know if Hollister flies.
Quiere saber si Hollister vuela.
- Verdan and Hollister.
- Verdan y Hollister.
- Hollister?
- ¿ Hollister?
- Hollister. How did Hollister go?
- Hollister. ¿ Cómo cayó Hollister?
Mr. Edley, Mr. Hollister and Mr. Badger.
El señor Edley, el señor Hollister y el señor Badger.
I'm Miss Hollister, the nurse.
Hollister, la enfermera.
Well, Miss Hollister, I guess I won't be seeing you again.
Supongo que no volveremos a vernos.
Fay Hollister.
Fay Hollister.
You're gonna wear yourself out if you keep fighting every bump, Miss Hollister.
Si sigue luchando contra todos los baches, se agotará.
Miss Hollister, if we do not hurry, the driver, he will go off without us.
Si no nos damos prisa, se irán sin nosotros.
Miss Hollister.
- Srta. Hollister.
- Miss Hollister...
- Srta. Hollister. - ¿ Sí?
Miss Hollister, you'll be getting off soon, and, well, there's something I want you to know about me.
Srta. Hollister, pronto se marchará y... Hay algo que quiero que sepa.
Is there a Miss Hollister here?
- Disculpen, ¿ la srta.
No, there isn't.
Hollister? - No.
Thank you.
Hollister. - Gracias.
Marquez, Miss Hollister.
McEwen, Marqués, srta. Hollister.
Her bed hasn't been slept in!
Hollister no está!
Sheriff Egan, see that Miss Hollister gets safely back to Alamogordo.
Sheriff, ocúpese de que llegue sana y salva a Alamogordo.
This is Miss Hollister, the nurse.
Hollister, la enfermera.
That nurse, Miss Hollister, she's a nice girl.
La srta. Hollister, la enfermera, es guapa.
Miss Hollister, I would not push my smallest upon this large world.
Srta. Hollister, soy poca cosa para un mundo tan grande.
Four-oh-five, a holdup. Jerry's Liquor Store, Sixth and Hollister.
Un asalto en la licorería de Jerry, en la Sexta y Hollister.
That's what the Bellamy gang did to Hollistefs daughter.
Mirad lo que la banda de Bellamy hizo a la hija de Hollister.
Oh, Miss Hollister, this you must know about El Morro, this rock.
Tiene que saber algo sobre esa peña, El Morro.
You're in the West now, Miss Hollister.
Ahora está en el oeste.
That is Miss Hollister. Oh.
- Aquella es la srta.
- Miss Hollister?
- ¿ Srta. Hollister?
Miss Hollister's not here!
¡ La srta.

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