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Horace перевод на испанский

1,724 параллельный перевод
- Huh? - That's him, Horace Baldwin.
- Es él, Horace Baldwin.
And the ever-popular Horace Baldwin... is hereby awarded the fig-leaf cluster for service above and beneath the call of duty.
Horace Baldwin le otorgamos el racimo de hojas de higo... por su servicio por encima y por debajo del cumplimento del deber.
Come on, Horace. Here we go.
Vamos, Horacio, vamos.
Don't eat Higgins'flowers, Horace.
¡ No te comas las flores de Higgins!
See, I'm taking care of Horace for a friend.
Me estoy ocupando de Horacio, como favor a una amiga.
OK, Horace, you're on your own.
Muy bien, Horacio, sigue tú solo.
Tame, a child's pet, called Horace.
Domesticada, un animal de compañía llamado Horacio.
- Hello, Horace. How are you?
- Hola, Horace. ¿ Qué tal?
- Divine, Horace.
- Divino, Horace.
- Hello, Horace.
- Hola, Horace.
The Antonuccis, Adelgisa and Mimi and Horace, who was not at the window that day.
Los Antonuccis, Adelgisa, Mimi... y Horace, quien no estaba en la ventana ese día.
Oh lord, i better get ahold of dexter and horace.
Serà mejor que llame a Dexter y a Horace.
Is, uh... Is your father Horace platt, lionel curwin's cousin?
¿ Es tu padre Horace Platt, el primo de Lionel Curwin?
Horace platt will.
Horace Platt Io hará.
Christ, horace'll kill him.
Cielos, Horace Io matará. Doctor, ve con Jeff.
It is the property of Sir Horace Blatt.
Pertenece a sir Horace Blatt.
Very well, I will see Sir Horace... this afternoon.
Bien, voy a ver a sir Horace esta misma tarde.
You come out here and as near as dammit accuse me, Horace Blatt, of fraud?
Viene hasta aquí, justo para acusarme. ¡ A mí, a Horace Blatt, de fraude!
You must be Sir Horace Blatt's friend.
Usted de debe ser el amigo de sir Horace Blatt.
I've just had a telephone call from your friend, Sir Horace.
Su amigo sir Horace acaba de llamar.
I think it belongs to Sir Horace Blatt.
Creo que es de sir Horace Blatt.
I'm sorry, Sir Horace, but it's my duty to put it to you that you were furious with Madame Arlena... that you were determined to get your jewel back... you came up here in order to demand it.
Lo siento, sir Horace, pero es mi deber sugerir que usted estaba furioso con Arlena y decidido a recuperar la joya.
Of course. It was Sir Horace Blatt.
Claro, fue sir Horace Blatt.
If Horace Blatt is in the clear and Kenneth Marshall is in the clear and I'm... I'm in the clear... and Patrick Redfern is in the clear and Myra Gardener because she was with him. Then it's all down to little Miss Cringe, isn't it?
Si Horace Blatt tiene coartada, Kenneth Marshall también, y yo, tengo coartada, y Patrick Redfem también, y Myra Gardener también, ya que estaba con él, entonces, todo apunta a la Srta. Santurrona, ¿ no?
Chart or no chart, it was perfectly possible for you to have watched Sir Horace Blatt's boat leave and then to have pedaloed into Ladder Bay... there to find the unsuspecting Arlena asleep... and then you strangled her.
Con mapa o no, podía haber visto perfectamente irse el bote de sir Horace Blatt, y luego haber pedaleado hasta la bahía Ladder, encontrar allí a Arlena durmiendo confiadamente, para luego estrangularla.
At 11 : 30 Arlena Marshall was left here alive by Horace Blatt... who then sailed on down here.
A las 11 : 30 Arlena estaba aquí, viva con Horace Blatt, quien después navegó hasta aquí.
- Morning, Sir Horace!
- ¡ Buenos días!
Sorry, I don't find that remotely funny, Sir Horace.
Disculpe, no lo encuentro gracioso para nada.
Yesterday afternoon, not only did I discover the false diamond that Horace Blatt had returned to her... but my excellent wine taster's nose had detected, not as you put it, Madame Castle, a pong... but Souffle de Mer, "the breath of the sea"... which, as you know, messieur Marshall, was her favourite perfume.
Ayer por la tarde, no solo descubrí el diamante falso devuelto por Blatt. Mi excelente nariz de catador de vino detectó no como dijo usted, Sra. Castle, un olor, sino "Brisa del mar", el que, como sabe, Sr. Marshall, era su perfume favorito.
No, messieur, you did not adore her, you adored her money. And, more especially, the magnificent diamond offered her by Sir Horace Blatt.
No, señor, usted no la adoraba a ella, sino su dinero, y especialmente el magnífico diamante, regalado por sir Horace Blatt.
Sir Horace, please be careful to whom you give it next time.
Sir Horace, elija mejor a quién se lo da la próxima vez.
Can't have a new assistant manager spend his lunch hour... scraping for a set of keys, now, can we? Thanks, Horace.
Un subdirector no puede pasarse la hora de la comida buscando las llaves, ¿ no?
[Horace] That's the great thing about bureaucracies.
Eso es lo bueno de la burocracia.
For God's sake, Horace!
¡ Por amor de Dios, Horace!
- Horace!
- ¡ Horace!
Good morning, Horace.
Buenos días, Horace.
Horace, you son of a bitch.
Horace, eres un hijo de puta.
Horace, do me a favor.
Horace, hazme un favor.
¿ Horace?
Thank you, Horace.
Gracias, Horace.
You wouldn ´ t happen to be Horace Smivey, would you?
Por pura casualidad, ¿ no eres Horace Smivey?
- Oh, what ´ s that, Horace?
- ¿ Qué, Horace?
I ´ d like a word with you about your Christmas spirit, Horace.
Quisiera hablar contigo sobre tu espíritu navideño, Horace.
- Will you be spending Christmas Eve with your family, Horace?
¿ Pasarás la Nochebuena con tu familia, Horace?
Didn ´ t your family ever celebrate Christmas, Horace?
¿ Tu familia nunca celebró la Navidad?
And people believe in them, Horace.
Y la gente cree en ellos.
You're gonna kill yourself, Horace.
Te vas a matar, Horace.
Oh, I'm afraid, Horace, you left Cabot Cove strewn with broken hearts last summer.
Dime. Horace, me temo que el verano pasado rompiste muchos corazones en Cabot Cove.
God! It's horace.
- Es Horace.
I just dropped my keys here. No problem.
- Se me han caído las llaves, Horace.
Forget it.
- Gracias, Horace. - No hay de qué.

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