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I did it all for you перевод на испанский

187 параллельный перевод
I did it all for you, and you don't care.
Lo hice por ti y no te importa.
I don't want to see him again. I know I've acted badly. But I did it all for you.
No quiero verle... ¡ Se que actué mal pero lo hice por ti!
But I did it all for you.
Lo sé pero todo lo hice por ti, Deborah, por ti.
I did it all for you.
Lo hice por ti.
Uh, but, Eddie, I did it all for you.
Pero, Eddie, lo hice todo por ti.
Why, baby, I did it all for you!
¡ Nena, silo hice para ti!
I did it all for you!
Lo hice por ti.
- I did it all for you.
- Lo he hecho todo por ti.
I did it all for you.
Todo lo hice por ti.
i admit that the séance was a cruel trick, but i did it all for you.
Admito que la sesión fue una broma cruel. Pero lo hice por ti.
I did it all for you.
Yo hice todo eso por ti.
But I did it all for you.
Pero lo hice todo por ti.
But I did it all for you.
Pero todo lo hice por Usted.
And I did it all for you.
Todo lo hice por ti.
I did it all for you.
Hice todo por ti.
0 [I did it all for you.]
[Todo Io he hecho por ti.]
I did it all for you... to have you be spared - - why are you acting like this!
Lo hice todo por ti... Para que fueras perdonada. ¿ ¡ Por qué actúas así!
I wouldn't cover Washington crossing the Delaware for you if he did it all over again.
Oh, chico, así se habla. Escuchadle.
I worked all my Iife for you and what I did when I quit didn't make two cents worth of difference in your life and it looked like it'd mean all the difference in the world to my family.
Trabajé toda mi vida para usted y lo que hice cuando renuncié no significó ni siquiera dos centavos de diferencia en su vida mas, para mi familia, era como si representase toda la diferencia del mundo.
If you did do it, I'm all for you.
Si fue Ud., yo lo apoyo.
I only did this for you, so you'd realize it was all over between us.
Lo hice por ti, para que te dieras cuenta de que habíamos terminado.
You distinctly told me - i know, but, after all, it is christmas eve, and phil always did play santa claus for flip.
Claramente me dijiste... Lo se, pero despues de todo es Nochebuena y Phil siempre hace de Papá Noel para Flip.
Then let me make it up to you For all the selfish, hateful things that I did.
Entonces déjame compensarte por todas las cosas egoístas y odiosas que te hice.
Listen, I did ask for a permit to visit you to see if it is possible... in general, with what I have to tell you to shed some light to this tragedy that struck my family and all of us, and poor Elinte.
Verá, Sr. Director, me he permitido venir aquí para ver si sería posible con todo lo que voy a decirle ahora intentar ver algo claro en esta desgracia que ha afectado a toda nuestra familia, incluyendo a la pobre Elide.
After all, if I hadn't left for Nassau when I did it might've been me. But no hard feelings, you see.
Pero sin rencor, ya ves.
Mrs Peel will vouch for it. I haven't killed anyone all week. - If not you, then who did?
La Sra. Peel le puede dar fe de que no he matado a nadie en toda la semana.
Daddy did it all for me. When can I have it, daddy? Not until we bury you?
Para mí, pero sólo podré tenerlo cuando tu estés enterrado.
You don't know how hard it was for me coming to you, after all the evil I did to you.
No sabes cuánto me ha costado venir a verte, después de todo el mal que te he hecho.
I made it for you with my own hands, Completely, I did it all myself,
Lo he hecho con mis propias manos.
After all, it's just what I did for you, isn't it?
Al fin y al cabo, es lo que yo hice por ti, ¿ o no?
I assumed you meant that it might be all right if we were by ourselves for a while and did some thinking.
Supuse que te referías a que podria estar bien Que nos tomaramos un tiempo y pensaramos las cosas.
Daddy did it all for me. When can I have it, daddy? Not until we bury you?
Para mí, pero sólo podré tenerlo cuando tú estés enterrado.
And I had to ask myself why you did that, and got charged for it and all, when you knew it was gonna rain.
Y tuve que preguntarme porque hizó eso, y le encargo a todos, cuando usted sabía que llovería.
I was braver than you. For all the good it did you.
Yo me arriesgué, tú no hiciste nada.
All of you asked for it and I did it!
Todos ustedes me lo pidieron y lo hice!
I mean, did you feel it was all right for him to stop?
Es decir, ¿ le pareció que podía dejarlo?
I raised you to be a chef, for all the good it did me.
Te eduqué para ser jefe de cocina, y mira en qué terminaste.
I mean, did she stage it all for you and then go hide?
¿ Me refiero, a que ella armo todo esto para ti y luego se escondió?
All right. Whatever it is, I didn't do it. But if I did do it, I want you to know I take complete responsibility for my actions.
Sea lo que sea yo no fui pero en caso de que haya sido yo, me hago responsable.
Gotta... gather up all that stuff. Find out what you need and make it work for you. I did that.
Tienes que reunir todo eso... averiguar qué es lo que necesitas y usarlo.
And I think you did it, of all things, for a woman.
Y creo que lo hiciste por una mujer.
all goddamn... for two days then i'm going to throw it out i bet you didn't do that to your wife, did you?
Maldita sea... durante 2 días. Entonces tengo que tirarla. Apuesto a que no eras así con tu mujer, ¿ no?
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I was doing that all for you?
¿ No se te ha ocurrido que lo estuviera haciendo por ti?
I don't think that this movement is actually new at all. It's been around for a long time. Even in the 1970's, the whole attitude that we had around UNIX even though technically it wasn't open source, it wasn't free, because you did need to go get this license from ATT.
En mi opinión este movimiento no tiene nada de nuevo anda flotando por ahí desde hace bastante tiempo, recuerden la actitud general que teniamos en los años 70 respecto a UNIX aunque técnicamente no se trataba de un código fuente abierto y no
But when you grew up, and did all kinds of sports, I thought it was fortunate he fought for you instead Then after you turned out that way, he lost his energy to live, and aged 10 years faster
Cuando creciste, e hiciste toda clase de deportes, yo creía que era una suerte el lucharía por ti, en vez de eso cuando tu dejaste ese camino, perdió su energía de vivir y envejeció 10 años muy rápido
If I put up with all things you did to me it's for love.
Si soporté todo Io que me hiciste, fue por amor.
So I say : " Now, if you've given it all up, and... you did so for God, that's enough, isn't it, Ada?
Entonces yo le digo : " Pero si usted renunció a todo, y renunció por Dios, basta, ¿ eh? Ada.
- It was the least I could do after all that free poking and prodding you did for me.
Era lo menos luego de lo que hiciste por mí.
That he arranged a screening for "Some Call It Loving" there... you can't help but respect someone... who has taken all the time and effort... to educate himself, become familiar with... with not only my films... ones I did with Kubrick of course weren't obscure... but "Some Call It Loving" was kind of an obscure film.
El hecho que organizara el pase de "Some Call It Loving" ahí... respeto mucho a alguien que se ha tomado todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo... de educarse a sí mismo, familiarizarse con... no sólo mis películas... las que hice con Kubrick no eran tan oscuras... pero "Some Call It Loving" era ciertamente algo oscura.
And I always admire San Fran for that. And today, I've realized how you did it. put all the niggers on the other side of that bridge.
y siempre admire a San Fran por eso, y hoy, me di cuenta de cómo lo consiguieron... poniendo a todos los negros al otro lado del puente
It's been very pleasurable for us to go through our archives and come up with all this stuff, and I hope you all enjoy it,'cause we certainly did.
Ha sido muy agradable revisar nuestros archivos y salir con tantas cosas, y espero que Io disfruten, porque nosotros sí Io disfrutamos.

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