I said to him перевод на испанский
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I said to him,'If she can do this to you after all these years, she's not worth it'.
"Si te ha hecho algo así después de tantos años, no merece la pena".
And so this duke, I said to him,
Y entonces le dije al duque,
And I said to HIM, "What's That You're Playing? That's really nice."
Y yo le pregunté : " ¿ Qué estás tocando?
I said to him, " Are you mad?
Le contesté : " ¿ Estás loco?
Even after I found out what a louse Dad was, I still hate what I said to him the last time I saw him.
Incluso después de que me enterara lo canalla que era, sigo odiando lo que le dije la última vez que le vi.
♪ I said to him ♪
* Le dije *
So, I said to him, " hell, that's the...
Entonces, le dije a él, " Diablos, este es...
Angela also said to him, look, you might at least have said, I'm bisexual.
También le dijo : podrías al menos haber dicho que eras bisexual...
The paramedics said that there was... there was nothing I could do to save him.
Los paramédicos dijeron que... no había nada que pudiera hacer para salvarlo.
I-I know you guys had said no to him, and my parents said the same thing.
Sé que ustedes le hubieran dicho que no, y mis padres hubieran dicho lo mismo.
Elkins knows that I recorded him, so he's trying to turn this into a he said / she said.
Elkins sabe que lo grabé, así que está tratando de convertir esto en un "él dijo, ella dijo"
- Sir, you once said to me that you can't have it all, and I thought... to hell with him.
- Senor, una vez me dijo que no se puede tener todo, y pense... al diablo con el.
The last thing he said to me was, "Tell Tim I'm sorry I'm doing this to him".
Lo ultimo que me dijo fue : "Dile a Tim que siento hacerle esto."
No, like I said, it's another story for him to tell.
No, como dije, es otra historia que podrá contar.
I'm on break, and like she said, nothing brings him back to life like a pretty girl. I'm coming with you.
Voy contigo.
I went down to him, I said, "look, this is what Ben and I were into."
Fui a por él, le dije, " mira, esto es en lo que estábamos Ben y yo.
Well, for what it's worth, I don't think he said anything to him.
Bueno, por si te vale la pena, no creo que le dijese nada.
Okay, just John said that he would try to find him an immigration lawyer, and I know that Bay and Daphne are waiting...
Bien, John dijo que... iba a intentar contactarlo con un abogado de inmigración... y sé que Bay y Daphne están esperando.
I said in an emotion I didn't mean to kill him.
Lo dije por la excitación pero no pensaba matarlo.
They said I was too young, that I didn't need to see that, so they buried him, and I stayed home with a babysitter.
Decían que era demasiado joven, que no tenía que ver eso, así que le enterraron, y me quedé en casa con una niñera.
When he began to work in the supermarket four years ago, he said he wanted to live alone and I gave him the room next to me.
Cuando empezó a trabajar en el supermercado hace cuatro años, dijo que quería vivir solo y le di la llave de la habitación de al lado.
But instead, I walked him to his car, and I said to stay away from me and my family.
Pero en lugar de eso, le acompañé al coche, y le dije que se alejase de mí y de mi familia.
I told him, I said, "hold on to me."
Se lo dije, le dije, "agárrate a mí."
What did you say to him? He said, I love you. I'm sorry.
Me dijo que me quería y que lo sentía y yo le deseé suerte.
Oh, and tell him I said to watch out for the strawberries and bikini bottoms.
Y dile que dije que vigile las fresas y la parte de abajo del bikini.
Parker said meet him at the office for an announcement, so I got to go.
Parker dijo que nos reuniéramos en la oficina para un anuncio. Ásí que tengo que irme.
I wanted him to go to the E.R., but said the medication just needed to kick in.
Yo quería que él fuera a emergencias, pero dijo que solo necesitaba que el medicamento hiciera efecto.
- When I spoke with him earlier, he said there's enough evidence to raise the level to seven.
- Cuando hablamos antes dijo que había evidencias para aumentar al nivel siete.
He said it to me in the preinterview. And then the company stuck an interpreter next to him, and I think her job was more than interpreting because she wasn't accurately translating...
Me lo dijo en la pre entrevista y luego la compañía le endosó a la traductora y creo que su trabajo era más que traducir porque no estaba traduciendo bien mis preguntas- -
I said hello to him once in a restaurant, and there was absolutely no chemistry.
Una vez le dije hola en un restaurante y no hubo absolutamente nada de química.
Well, I said you loved him and he had to shut his mouth.
- Bueno, yo digo que lo amabas... - pero él se guardó muchas cosas.
After that, I went over to him and said,
Después de eso, me le acerqué y le dije :
I don't know what he said to you to make you marry him, but he's a lucky man.
No se que te dijo para hacerte casar con el. pero es un hombre con suerte.
And I remember asking him every day if we can let the bird go, and he said something to me I'll never forget.
Y recuerdo preguntarle cada día si podíamos dejar al pájaro irse, y él me dijo algo que no olvidaré.
He brought them by trying to win me back, but I said, "Hell, no," and I threw him out.
Me los compró para tratar de que volviera con él, pero le dije "ni de coña" y lo tiré de casa.
- Wait, I thought- - I thought you said something to him about the trampoline.
- Espera, creía que le dijiste algo sobre el trampolín.
I wanted to ask you... you said to Daniel... He was looking for someone, and you said to him,
Quería preguntarte... le dijiste a Daniel... estaba buscando a alguien, y tú le dijiste,
Said I told him to hang in there, poor guy.
¡ Silencio, cierra la boca! . - ¡ Él es mi amigo!
I asked him what he wanted to name the baby, and he said...
Le pregunté qué quería con el nombre del bebé, y dijo...
And I said, "Could you get me some information about this?" And I pumped him for how to get there.
Le pedí información sobre cómo llegar allí.
I walked in to take mine and I saw him sitting there and I knew he had already taken his own test, so I asked him what the hell he was doing, and he said, "Making 350 bucks."
Entré para hacer el mío y lo vi sentado allí y sabía que ya había hecho el suyo, así que le pregunte que demonios esta haciendo, y dijo,'ganando 350 pavos'.
Okay, when you put Turell Baylor on the street in front of his own gang members who we knew wanted to kill him, I asked you, I said, "are you sure you want to leave him like that?"
Vale, cuando dejó a Turell Baylor en la calle delante de los miembros de su propia banda, quienes sabíamos que querían matarlo, le pregunté, dije "¿ está segura de que quiere dejarle así?"
He said that he could protect me if I went to a hotel with him.
Él dijo que podía protegerme si iba a un hotel con él.
They're in here, too? I asked them to leave, but he said that the director told him to shoot all this.
- Les pedí que se fueran... pero dicen que el director le pidió que filmaran todo.
The last time I talked to him, he said that he missed me and he would pay me to come eat popcorn with him, but then he hasn't returned a text of mine in over two weeks.
La última vez que hablé con él, dijo que me echaba de menos y que me pagaría para que fuera a comer palomitas con él, pero luego no me ha devuelto los mensajes en dos semanas.
The first time I saw him, he came to m ي and said :
La primera vez que lo vio, él vino a mí y me dijo :
ة ي m l came to me and said, "I ي I like to talk to him."
Él vino a mí y me dijo : "Yo Me gustaría hablar con él".
It's like I said when he first stopped speaking, y-you can't force him to talk, but he has to ask for what he wants.
Es como dije cuando dejó de hablar al principio, no puedes obligarlo a hablar, pero tiene que pedir lo que quiere.
I'm bet you any money that the two surgeons who said no to him were both under 35.
Apuesto lo que sea a que los 2 cirujanos que dijeron que no eran menores de 35 años.
After I'd told him I knew, he said something to me and...
Después de decírselo, me dijo algo...
I met with him once and he said to me,
Tuve una cita con él una vez y me dijo,
i said 6904
i said yes 136
i said no 690
i said okay 48
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said wait 33
i said i would 56
i said enough 36
i said yes 136
i said no 690
i said okay 48
i said don't move 33
i said go home 16
i said i don't know 41
i said wait 33
i said i would 56
i said enough 36
i said stop 168
i said i'm sorry 104
i said go 69
i said to myself 122
i said nothing 76
i said i'm fine 68
i said stop it 59
i said go away 28
i said to her 39
i said shut up 121
i said i'm sorry 104
i said go 69
i said to myself 122
i said nothing 76
i said i'm fine 68
i said stop it 59
i said go away 28
i said to her 39
i said shut up 121
i said that's enough 43
i said now 46
i said get out 84
i said it 310
i said that 196
i said not now 30
i said it first 38
i said drop it 37
i said so 46
i said good 17
i said now 46
i said get out 84
i said it 310
i said that 196
i said not now 30
i said it first 38
i said drop it 37
i said so 46
i said good 17