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I think you know why перевод на испанский

978 параллельный перевод
I think you know why I am here, Henry.
Ya sabe por qué he venido.
- I think you know why, Ann.
- Creo que lo sabes, Ann.
I think you know why I'm leaving this place.
Me voy de este Colegio. Creo que sabes bien el por qué.
- I think that's why I feel so comfortable around gay people,'cause they get how I feel because, you know, they get treated the same way.
Si, al final del dia todos queremos ser amados. Todos quieren encajar. Exactamente.
Don't you think I know why you came up here?
¿ No crees que sé por qué viniste aquí?
You know, I could think of six reasons Why you should be in jail.
Sé al menos seis razones para que te metan en la cárcel.
- You know, I don't think that we ought to tell him about that Black Dog, now, do you? - Well, why not?
- No creo que haga falta contarle lo de Perronegro, ¿ no crees?
- I don't know why you should think so.
- No sé de qué te sorprendes.
I don't know why I didn't think of you before.
No sé por qué no pensé en ti antes.
Zé Iria, I don't know why, but I think you're right.
Zé Iria, no sé por qué, pero creo que tienes razón.
I don't know why you think I've taken to drink.
No sé por qué piensas que me ha dado por beber.
Do you think I don't know why you came here tonight... and made a point of dancing with me in front of all those people?
¿ Cree que no sé que usted ha venido aquí esta noche con el propósito de bailar conmigo frente a toda esa gente?
I know he's been in love many times but now he loves very well you've chosen that path it won't be easy a baron and a former actress the people think us lower than thieves or vagabonds why are you so sad?
Lo sé él se ha enamorado muchas veces pero ahora lo ama muy bien usted ha escogido ese camino no será fácil un barón y una actriz la gente cree que bajamos como ladrones o vagabundos ¿ por qué está tan triste?
You know I think that's why your notes intrigued me so.
¿ Sabe? Creo que por eso me intrigaron sus tarjetas.
Oh, I know you'll think it silly... That's why I hesitated to tell you.
Sé que lo crees una tontería por eso dudaba en contártelo.
Do you think I don't know why you are here?
¿ Crees que no se por qué estás aquí?
You pretend to think that i want to keep her to me, 788bis 01 : 31 : 37,490 - - 01 : 31 : 39,126 to lock her up i don't know why..
Y eso no te hace ningún bien. Te engañas pensando que la quiero solo para mí, para encerrarla a saber por qué...
All right. Why? I don't know, this suit seems a little dull, don't you think?
A este traje le falta un poco de alegría, ¿ verdad?
Well. You know, and I know, and Gay knows why it is you think Latour's the murderer.
Yo, Gay y tú sabemos... por qué piensas que LaTour es eI asesino.
I don't know why you think these things.
No sé por qué las crees.
Why, Sid, don't you think I know about it?
Pero, Sid, ¿ es que crees que no lo sé?
Do you know I think I am why?
¿ Quién me creo que soy?
I think I know why you came.
Creo saber a qué vienen ustedes.
Oh, do you think you can fool me? Don't I know what's been going on? Don't I know why you came back in the first place?
Crees poder engañarme. ¿ Crees que no sé qué ocurre, ni por qué razón regresaste?
I still don't know what it's all about, Pat... or why you think it's important enough to change our plans.
Sigo sin saber qué ocurre, o por qué crees... que es más importante que nuestros planes.
She touched us for 24 pounds, and do you know why I think it was well-spent?
Nos sacó 24 libras y creo que valió la pena.
I know you long time This is first time you stop and think why do you fight Blackfeet.
Nunca le había visto vacilar para combatir a los Pies Negros.
You wanna know why I think about it?
¿ Sabes por qué pienso en eso?
Maybe in a different way, but that's why I think I know what's bothering you.
Quizá de un modo distinto... pero por eso creo saber lo que le preocupa.
I don't know from nothin'about what you think you're doin'or why... but you look like a nice kid to me.
No sé lo que crees que estás haciendo ni por qué... pero pareces buena gente.
I think I know why you seem so sad...
Yo... Sé por qué tu expresión es de tristeza.
You know why I think we had that awful fight?
¿ Sabes por qué tuvimos esa pelea horrible?
Mark, I know you think it's silly, but when you get to know Tony... you'll understand why I said that.
Sé que piensas que es tonto pero cuando lo conozcas entenderás.
Don't you think I've tried through the years to know why?
¿ No crees que he intentado saberlo todos estos años?
And don't think I don't know why you want my ranch in particular, Campbell, because I do.
Y no crea que no sé por qué quiere precisamente mi rancho, porque lo sé.
Why, because you don't think I know how to sheriff?
¿ Por qué, no crees que sepa desempeñarme?
I should think you'd have sense enough to know why not.
Ya sabes por qué no.
Why, you cheap lag you think that i don't know that you've been driving without a licence?
¿ Qué crees, ex presidiario? ¿ Crees qué no sé qué has estado conduciendo con un carnet falso?
I know we think differently about things, but... But I can't understand why you were so hostile at the Hsien-Cheng-Fu.
Sé que no pensamos igual... pero no comprendo por qué fue tan hostil... en el Hsien-Chang-fu.
And have too much pride. I know why you think that!
- ¿ Cómo la has encontrado?
I know you`re fighting. I think I know why.
Sé que se está peleando. Creo saber por qué.
You know, I think I've discovered why you fascinate me.
Me parece que he descubierto porque me fascina usted.
You know, I think I finally turned the right one? Why go back out in that crowd and get lost again?
Y ahora que creo haber encontrado a ese hombre ¿ debo dejarle escapar y quedarme soltera?
I do not know why, but I feel that something must have happened to him. - You always think the worst.
Ellos se divierten poniéndolo en situaciones muy peligrosas.
I don't know why you got started in this nasty business... but I think your real place is in a home.
No sé por qué empezaste en este negocio tan macabro... pero creo que tu verdadero lugar está en casa.
You both two seem to have something to do with this boy. Look, Griffin, I don't know who you think you are and why you bring this girl here.
No sé quien se ha creído ni por qué trae a esa chica.
After that I'll be free to tell you the truth. Why are you asking me that? Think what you want, I know you think I'm a monster!
Pero te lo ruego, te lo suplico, dame sólo 24 horas.
Now I know exactly what you think of me, and why.
Sé exactamente lo que piensa de mí, y por qué.
Now I think you'll know why I am on this ship.
Creo que sabrá porqué estoy en este barco.
Do you think I don't know why you didn't leave me here?
¿ Cree que no sé por qué no ha dejado que me tomen aquí?
You and I know it isn't true, so why do we care what they think?
Tú sabes que no es verdad y yo sé que no es verdad. - Así que ¿ qué importa lo que piensen?

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