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If he's not there перевод на испанский

426 параллельный перевод
If you are not only Lord Kim Eung Boo's son, there is no way he will leave you alone...
Sí. Si usted no fuera el hijo Lord Gim Eun Bul, de ninguna forma lo hubiera dejado en paz todo este tiempo.
Well, it's not like he has signed a contract, and there is only its title, not even the synopsis, so how can we say if it's good or bad?
No es como si Kang Hyun Min hubiera firmado un contrato o algo. No hay guión sino sólo el título. Es tonto debatir si es bueno o malo.
If I'm not there, ask for Mr. Jamison, that's my secretary, and If he sees you, I'll discharge him.
Si no estoy, pregunte por el Sr. Jamison, mi secretario, y como le atienda, le despido.
If he's not there, he's with my daughter.
Si no está ahí, está con mi hija.
On the square, if you'd seen that kid down there... I'm not holding for him, maybe he is a dirty pup, but he's scared... and so kind of dumb and worthless.
De verdad, si hubieras visto al pobre chico, no le defiendo, quizá esté metido en asuntos sucios, pero tiene miedo... y es tan poquita cosa.
If he's not there, leave the message.
Si no está, deja el mensaje.
So I thought If he's busy at 4 : 00... and I invite them for 3 : 45 and I'm not there... I'm sure he'll leave at 3 : 55 and... I'm almost sure she'll stay.
Si tiene algo a las 4 y lo invito a las 3 : 45 y no estoy presente seguro que se va a las 3 : 55 y casi seguro que ella se queda.
Después de todo, si no está satisfecho, podría haber uno en el tren.
Gramercy, 550264. If he's not there, try the Racquet Club.
Gramercy, 550264, Si no está allí, pruebe en el Club Racquet.
If he's not there, try the Yale Club.
Si no, en el club Yale. Pero encuéntrele.
If he's not there, the porter will find him and tip you a sovereign.
Si no está allí, el portero le buscará y te dará una libra de propina.
The Hoxton Creeper, to the best of my knowledge, is not a madman or if he is then there's method in his madness and that method I'm convinced is supplied by Giles Conover.
Pienso que el Reptil de Hopston no es un loco. Si lo es, hay un método en su locura. Ese método seguro que se lo da Conover.
"She may not be much to look at," I said to myself... "but there's a worker if ever I saw one."
Tal vez no sea muy guapa, me dije, pero es una trabajadora nata, si es que he visto alguna.
If he's not there, for heaven's sake, remember you're dressed like a duke.
Si no llega a estar, recuerde que viste como un duque.
And if you speak nicely to him... and whisper in his ear... there's not a race he wouldn't win for you and him only half trying.
No le hables alto. Susúrrale al oído. 'No hay carrera que no vencería por ti.'
If he's not there, please try him at home.
Si no está ahí, pruebe en su casa.
- He carries with him proof. If further proof were needed... there's his skin where the sun has not scorched it.
Si hace falta otra prueba... tiene esa piel que no ha quemado el sol.
Because if he's not here when Miller comes, my hunch is, there won't be any trouble, not one bit.
Porque si no está aquí cuando llegue Miller me imagino que no habrá problemas.
If he's not there, go into town and find him.
- Bien. Si no está allí, lo encontrarás en la ciudad.
He's not in. How can I if there's nobody there?
¿ A quién quiere que se las dé si no hay nadie?
And if he's not there, he's just not in town.
Y si no está ahí, es que está fuera de la ciudad.
If there's one thing I've learned in this world it's the exact moment when not to be frank and aboveboard.
Si algo he aprendido en este mundo, es saber cuándo uno debe ser franco y sincero.
If not, he's probably left the state and there's nothing I can do about it.
Si no, habrá salido del estado y no habrá nada que pueda hacer.
There's a restaurant in Boston called Jimmy's at the Pier, I don't know if it's still there or not, and they knew Hitch, he had been there before.
Había un restaurante en Boston llamado Jimmy's, en el muelle, no sé si sigue allí, y conocían a Hitch porque ya había estado allí.
If he's not there I'll leave a message.
Si no está allá le dejo un mensaje.
~ It's just that if I'm not there, he won't dare.
- Es que si yo no estoy cerca no se arranca, éste.
"I suggest you take due precautions, since he will come incognito," "if he's not there already, as I presume."
Te aconsejo, por lo tanto, tomar tus precauciones ya que este funcionario... llegará de incógnito, sino es que ya ha llegado, como presumo y creo.
There's a clause in the will, it's in many of these Boston wills, although civilised people don't put such drivel in wills any more. It says if anyone can prove that the heir is not of good moral character, according to Boston standards, he may be deprived of his inheritance.
Hay una cláusula en el testamento, hasta ahora corriente en los de Boston, aunque ya la gente civilizada no incluye cláusulas tan llenas de mala fe, según la cual si alguien puede probar que el heredero no observa una conducta moral de acuerdo con las normas de Boston, queda automáticamente desheredado.
What I've been thinking, er, what I mean to say, if I was to'ave your bed,... .. you'ave my bed... There's not all that difference between'em, they're the... the same sort of bed.
Lo que he estado pensando, lo que quiero decir, he pensado que, si usted me diera su cama y usted durmiera en la mía, no hay mucha diferencia entre ellas, son el... el mismo tipo de cama.
- I'm not sure if he's just hired help, but, there's a rogue ronin going around with Asahina these days.
No sé si tuvo ayuda. Pero hay un ronin que va siempre con Asahina.
How can anything go wrong? If he sticks to the tricks in this book, there's not a chance of him making a boob of himself.
Si hace lo que dice este libro... no podrá meter la pata.
I wonder if there is anyone here who thinks he's better than this man who has not harmed a soul.
Yo quisiera saber si hay aquí alguno que se crea superior a ese hombre que no ha hecho mal a nadie.
Well if he's there it's not a matter of choice.
Bueno, si está ahí, no es cuestión de elegir.
I like Pierre, but it's better if he's not there.
Admiro mucho a Pierre, pero preferiría que no lo viera.
He's not hiding in there, if that's what you're thinking.
No se ha escondido ahí, si eso es lo que piensa.
Not if he's meeting someone up there.
No si se va a reunir con alguien allí.
And he tells me there's a rule for fish tanks. I don't know if you're aware of this or not, but he tells me that for every inch of fish in the tank, you gotta have one gallon of water.
No se si es consciente de ello o no, pero él me dice que por cada pulgada de peces en el tanque, debe haber un galón de agua.
- Well, if he's up there, he's not worth finding.
Si está ahí arriba, no vale la pena encontrarlo.
If he's not completely crazy there are three people here too.
Si no estoy del todo equivocado, hay tres personas aquí.
The man's probably dying if he's not dead already, so I think the best thing to do is to get up there.
El hombre posiblemente agoniza, si ya no está muerto... así que creo que lo mejor es ir para allá.
But if he's not there...
Pero si no está ahí...
I'll cover his house, but even if he's got it, he's not gonna have his stash there.
Vigilaré su casa, pero aunque sea él, no tendrá el alijo encima.
That's not the point. He said he didn't know if the place was inhabited or not, and then he spends his nights there.
No es verdad, dijo que no sabía si la casa estaba o no habitada.
If he wants to play his pipes, there's not much I can do about it.
Si quiere tocar la gaita, no hay mucho que yo pueda hacer.
Victor. If he's not out there I want to know it for a fact.
Víctor, si Alan no está ahí fuera, quiero saberlo.
If you hit a guy there, he's not gonna lose any sleep.
Si golpeas a alguien aquí, apenas se va a enterar.
- If he's not there, there's no danger.
- Si no está ahí, no hay peligro.
If he's not there, I'll borrow his phone.
Si no está allí, Voy a tomar prestado su teléfono.
If he's not there now, they're way overdue.
Si no están allí... se han retrasado...
And what if he's not there?
¿ Y si no está ahí?
Jason, Marty phoned again he said if you're not there in 10 minutes he's getting John Huston!
¡ Llamó Marty! ¡ Si no estás allí dentro de 10 min., contrata a John Huston!

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