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If i can't have you перевод на испанский

1,165 параллельный перевод
I don't have the authority to decide if this examination can proceed without you wearing your cap.
No tengo autoridad para decidir si el examen puede continuar sin que lleve su gorra.
Because I have to tell you you can't talk about Hamid or the Embassy because if you do, they'll never let us get away.
No digas nada sobre Hamid y la embajada. Si lo haces, nunca nos dejarán salir.
Can't have a relationship with a woman who uses words like ¡ ¡ counsel "and ¡ ¡ authority." Even if you are a good-lookin'broad, you know what I'm sayin'?
No salgo con una mujer que dice "abogada" y "agencia" aunque sea una hembra atractiva.
If I can manage, I don't have to ask you.
- ¿ La espalda? - Sí.
Frankly, Carl, I can't see giving much more, but if you have any suggestions,
Miren, no tengo ilusiones de ganar un concurso de popularidad con ustedes.
I can't help but wonder, if I hadn't have left, you know, if I didn't quit, then...
Y yo no puedo dejar de preguntarme si no me hubiera ido si no hubiera abandonado, entonces...
Forty-eight hours, if the car is still missing, then you can report it stolen. But until then, I'm afraid you don't have a case. Or a car.
Necesito que seas un buen y feliz anfitrión y que te asegures de que los invitados la pasen bien.
I don't have too much time and I'm on the midnight plane back, so if you or your husband are truly interested- - because I can't hold this parcel past- -
Regresaré esta noche a la medianoche. Si Ud. o su marido están interesados... no puedo aguantar este terreno...
But you have to understand, if you won't work with us, I can't let you live.
Pero debe comprenderlo, si no trabaja con nosotros, no puedo dejarle vivir.
Now, understand if I can't have you no one can.
Debes entender que si no te cojo yo no lo hará nadie.
I mean, it's like if you have a swimming pool in your backyard, you can tell your children not to go in it, you can even build a fence around it, but if you know that they're going to find a way into that water, don't you think you ought to teach those kids how to swim?
Es como si uno tuviera una piscina en el patio trasero puedes decirle a tus hijos que no entren incluso puedes construir una cerca alrededor pero si sabes que van a encontrar la forma de entrar al agua ¿ no habría que enseñarles a esos chicos a nadar?
As much as I care for you, if you can't tell me I'll have to take it to the hospital board of inquiry.
Aunque me preocupe por ti. Si no puedes decirme, tendré que llevarlo a la comisión de investigación del hospital. ¡ No!
I didn't want to worry Granny... but how can you meet Ellen if you have to go to Washington today?
No quise preocupar a la abuela ¿ pero cómo irás a esperar a Ellen si debes ir a Washington hoy?
You can have one of mine, if you want. No, I couldn't possibly.
- Te puedo dar uno mío, si quieres.
If you ain't gonna eat them vittles, can I have'em?
Si usted no quiere cenar más, me la puedo comer yo?
If you and your pissant army can't persuade this woman to sell, - - I may have to find somebody who can.
Si usted y su armada de mierda no convencen a esa mujer... tendré que buscar a alguien que pueda.
Even if I'd known what it was, there's nothing I could have done about it... because you can't create this thing.
Incluso si hubiera sabido lo que era, no hay nada de lo que podría haber hecho al respecto... porque no se puede crear esta cosa.
Don't take this wrong, nothing personal, but if you can't, I'll have to find someone else.
No me malinterpretes, no va contigo, pero, si no puedes, tendré que encontrar a otro.
I mean, why don't we just say : "Give us the unhappy, the sad, the slow, the ugly people that can't drive, that they have trouble merging if they can't stay in their lane, don't signal, can't parallel park if they're sneezing, if they're stuffed up, if they're clogged if they have bad penmanship, don't return calls, if they have dandruff food between their teeth, if they have bad credit, if they have no credit missed a spot shaving." In other words any dysfunctional, defective slob that you can somehow cattle prod onto a wagon send them over, we want them.
¿ Por qué no invitamos a los desdichados, los tristes, los lentos, los feos o los que no saben conducir o que no saben quedarse en su carril los que no ponen la luz o no saben estacionarse los que estornudan, se congestionan escriben feo o no devuelven las llamadas, los que tienen caspa o comida entre los dientes, los que no tienen crédito o se afeitan mal.
I guess if I can't have you, I'll take those ten bars of latinum after all.
Bueno, si no puedo tenerte aceptaré esos 10 lingotes de latinio.
If I can't have the Knicks, I want season tickets where you sit with Jack Nicholson and Spike Lee.
Si no pudiera comprar un equipo, quiero un pase de temporada... para sentarme con Jack Nicholson y Spike Lee y que me sirvan.
Well, you can't go in without it, MacGyver. If you don't wear a wire, we'll have no way of knowing if anything goes wrong. I don't like wires.
no puedo ir sie el MacGyver si no lleva microfono, no podremos saber si algo va mal no me gustan los microfonos si algo va mal son imposibles de explicar se lo aseguro es una temeridad se encontrara desprotegido hagame caso en esto de acuerdo?
Under the circumstances, if your parents can't control you, I'll have to remand you in social welfare custody.
Bajo estas circunstancias, si tus padres no pueden controlarte, debo confiar tu custodia a una institución de ayuda social.
- If you can't turn that thing off I'll have to ask you to leave.
- Si no puede apagar eso tendrá que retirarse.
I didn't want to believe the things he said about you yesterday, but if you can stand here and murder this pathetic little man then you have no honor... and you have no place in this hall.
No quería creer las cosas que dijo de ti, pero si estás dispuesto a asesinar a este hombrecillo patético, entonces, no tienes honor... y no hay sitio para ti en esta sala.
If that happens you have to decide because I can't.
Si ocurriera, tendrás que decidir tú porque yo no puedo.
Can't sell it, but if you like I'll let you have the brains.
No puedo venderlo, pero puedo darle los sesos.
I figure, if I can't have you, no one will
Supongo que si no puedes ser mía no serás de nadie
If you can't handle it, I could have a yard sale and send you half the cash.
Si es demasiado para ti puedo vender todo y enviarte la mitad en efectivo.
Even if I have it, I can't give it to you.
Aunque lo tuviera, no puedo dárselo.
Maybe if I can download the last plasmatic morphing gem into the transport core, I might have just enough power to get you there. - But there won't be any left to get you back.
Si pudiera descarga el plasma mórfico de la gema que pasa por... pero no hay forma de traerlos de regreso.
If for any reason you need to get in touch with me... I don't know if they have phones there, but you can talk to one of the nurses- -
Si necesitaras comunicarte conmigo... No sé si hay teléfonos aquí, pero pídele a uno de los enfermeros.
Why do you have a phone if I can't make long distance phone calls?
¿ Para qué tienen un teléfono si no puedo hacer llamadas?
If you can't work things out, that's one thing but you haven't even tried, and that I won't have.
Y eres mayor para venir corriendo a casa, si no pueden solucionarlo, es una cosa pero ni siquiera han tratado, y eso no lo soporto.
If you have something to tell me about Lieutenant Arutti, it won't be privileged but I'll do what I can to keep it confidential.
Si tiene algo que decirme sobre la teniente Arutti, no quedará en secreto, pero haré lo que pueda para mantenerlo confidencial.
"Memory is wonderful if you don't have to deal with the past." Can I put that on a bumper sticker?
"La memoria es algo maravilloso si no hay que lidiar con el pasado".
'Cos if you can't, you'd better tell me right now... so that I can have them thrown off this station and sent somewhere else.
Porque si no puede, es mejor que lo diga ahora... para que pueda echarlos de esta estación y enviarlos a otra parte.
At least if I was a monk, you know, I wouldn't have to put up with women, you know... Women going on and on, who can talk the hind leg off a... – Camel?
... si fuera un monje, no tendría que soportar a las mujeres.
If you're nothing can I have your presents? You can have them all right now just don't tell my mom where I've gone.
Tu no entiendes, hoy tengo 6 mañana no podría ser nada.
The big new accessory with eyeglasses seems to be that strap that connects so you can take them on and off which I don't get because if you have glasses, isn't that because you need to wear glasses?
La última moda para los anteojos es una tira que va por detrás para ponérselos y quitárselos lo cual no entiendo, pues si usas anteojos ¿ no necesitas llevarlos puestos?
If for some reason I can't make it, you'll have to leave without me.
Si por alguna razón no llego, tendrán que irse sin mí.
If you can't stop him, I'll have to!
¡ Si no puedes detenerlo, tendré que hacerlo yo!
Well, if you can live with that, great! But I don't have to!
Si puedes vivir con eso, bien, pero yo no tengo por qué hacerlo.
I suggest you try again because if you can't produce a sample we'll have to put a catheter in to get one.
Le sugiero que vuelva a intentarlo, porque si no lo consigue tendremos que sondarla para sacársela.
If you can't, I can't afford to have you fail down there.
Porque si no puedes, yo no puedo permitir que fracases ahí abajo.
Mr Roberts, if you have to ask that after six months at sea, I can't explain it to you.
Si no lo sabe después de pasar 6 meses en alta mar, yo no se lo puedo explicar.
Because I have to be able to trust you. If I can't trust you, there's no way that this can work.
Porque tengo que ser capaz de creerte... y si no puedo creerte, entonces no hay forma de que esto funcione.
You can't buy that kind of P.R., but you can get it for nothing by having a baby... which, by the way, your insurance will cover except for the deductible... which I'll reimburse you for if you get the part... which you will if you have a baby.
Esa publicidad no se compra. Puedes obtenerla gratis teniendo un hijo, que paga tu seguro menos el deducible, que pagaré si obtienes el papel y lo tendrás, si tienes un bebé.
You can have it if I don't want it.
es tuyo si yo no lo quiero.
But I can tell you who the first will be on shore... and the first to have a good meal... and the first, if you don't mind, to have a good... ahh!
Depende. Pero ya sé quién será el primero en desembarcar, el primero en pegarse una buena comida, y el primero... si no os importa, en echar un buen...
'Cause if you can't see that doing the right thing, even with nothing to gain, is what makes you a mensch and decent and civilised I can't have anything to do with you.
Porque si aún no puede ver que hacer lo correcto aún sin ganar nada, es lo que lo hace ser un hombre íntegro decente y civilizado no puedo tener nada que ver con usted.

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