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If it was me перевод на испанский

6,214 параллельный перевод
You know, I wouldn't have argued if it was me.
¿ Sabes? , yo no te habría contradicho.
If it was me, I'd do it right now, while you're in the middle of a demo.
Si fuese por mí, me gustaría hacerlo ya, mientras hacemos la reforma.
I'm just saying if it was me.
Solo digo si fuese por mí.
But what if it was me in the silver dress?
Pero, ¿ y si era yo la del vestido plateado?
If anyone at the council knew I was a Mottershead, that'd be it for me.
Si alguien en el Consejo supiera que soy una Mottershead, sería todo para mí.
If I was meant to have it, it'll find its way back to me.
Si yo estaba destinado a tenerlo, encontrará su camino de regreso a mí.
I was kidnapped and held hostage for two years, and if it weren't for my friends, I wouldn't be standing here.
Me secuestraron y me tuvieron como rehén durante dos años, y si no fuese por mis amigas, yo no estaría aquí.
If there was anything left, the only thing preventing me from burning it is the possibility that it would help Aria, if she would let me help.
Si aún queda algo, la única cosa que me aleja de quemarlo, es la posibilidad de que ayude a Aria, si ella me dejara ayudar.
And she couldn't tell me because she was frightened of how I'd react, of me making her report it, which God knows I wouldn't have done, not if it was something that she couldn't...
Y no pudo contármelo porque tenía miedo de mi reacción, de mí obligándola a denunciarlo, algo, que Dios sabe, que no habría hecho, no si iba a ser algo que no pudiera...
I bowled a strike once when I was a little girl and it seems to me if you can do it once, then you should be able to do it 12 times in a row, which would be a perfect game.
Hice un strike una vez cuando era pequeña y me pareció que si lo puedes hacer una vez, entonces deberías poder hacerlo doce veces seguidas, lo que sería un juego perfecto.
I... I was worried, if you saw that, it would make you upset.
Me preocupaba que lo vieras, te habría sentado mal.
Well, he asked me if the, uh, police thought it was a homicide, and I said, uh, "I don't know."
Me preguntó... si la policía creía que era un homicidio... y yo le dije : "No lo sé".
Because if anybody connects me to this, it will be assumed that it was a criminal act and not a political one.
Porque si alguien me relaciona con esto, la gente asumirá que ha sido un acto criminal y no uno político.
If the ghost was really photographed, could it mean that there is a ghost who looks exactly like me around here?
Si el fantasma fue realmente fotografiado, ¿ Podría significar que hay un fantasma que luce exactamente igual a mí por ahí?
If I was a thief, I would have taken it, wouldn't I?
Si yo fuera un ladrón, me lo habría llevado, ¿ no?
He was rather a bumptious type but if anyone objected to that, it was me.
Era más del tipo presuntuoso pero si alguien se oponía a eso, ese era yo.
It's as if he were expecting me to make trouble first and so he was covering himself in case I did.
Es como si esperase que yo causase problemas primero y se estuviera cubriendo por si lo hiciera.
Well, the obvious choice is Jessica Tallison, but if whoever helped Ayesha was involved in both murders, it's not her, she was with me when Alastair Stoke was killed.
Bueno, la elección obvia es Jessica Tallison, pero si quien ayudó a Ayesha participó en ambos asesinatos, no fue ella, estaba conmigo cuando mataron a Alastair Stoke.
I couldn't tell if it was an ironic good fortune or a sick joke that she wanted me to visit him.
No supe decir si su pedido de visitar a Lawrie... fue un irónico golpe de suerte o una broma de mal gusto.
I thought if I could just prove myself, show him that everything could be as it was, he would change his mind and want me back.
Pensé que si hacía algo para mostrarle que todo podía ser como antes, cambiaría de idea y me pediría que regrese.
Well, I wouldn't have dared said this if she was here, but you made it just as good. - ( laughs )
No me atrevería a decirlo si estuviera aquí... pero lo hiciste igual de bueno.
Hey, if it wasn't me, it was you.
Hey, si no era yo, que eras tú.
If it was life or death you would have left me chilling. - You would have bailed...
Si fuera de vida o muerte, me habrías dejado solo.
I mean, even if Blunt admits he gave the gun to Harbach, he could still claim it was for home protection and that he knew nothing of the old man's plans to kill Neyers.
Me refiero a que, aunque Blunt admita que él le dio la pistola a Harbach... podría alegar que era para defenderse... y que no conocía las intenciones del viejo para matar a Neyers.
Well, if there was, I'd keep it for going out of my way, wouldn't I?
Si así fuera, me lo quedaría por haber hecho el esfuerzo, ¿ no?
I got E.T., I think it was Christmas of 1982, if I remember correctly.
Me regalaron E.T. creo que en Navidad de 1982, si no recuerdo mal.
I was just wondering if I could play it just for a minute.
Me estaba preguntando si podría tocarla solo por un minuto.
- Look, I don't want to overstep the mark and I'm sorry if I've got the wrong end of the stick, but last night, when you said, "I'm with my husband," it occurred to me that maybe you couldn't speak, and maybe that was your way of telling me, and I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I didn't ask...
Mire, no quiero pasarme de la raya y siento si lo he tomado por lo que no es, pero anoche, cuando dijo, "estoy con mi marido", me sugirió que quizás no podía hablar y quizás esa era la manera en que me lo estaba diciendo
I don't care if it was a haiku.
No me importa si es un jaiku.
I was wondering if you wanted to poke it with a stick or something.
Me preguntaba si querías tocarla con un palo o algo.
If it was someone I didn't know I'd be able to move past it.
Si fuera alguien que no cociera, o me importaría.
I wonder if it was necessary to make it such a big deal when we could have just moved past it.
Me pregunto si era necesario hacer tanto escándalo, cuando se podía dejar pasar.
Uh, but I was wondering if maybe we could do it at your house instead?
Pero me estaba preguntando si quizás podríamos hacerlo en tu casa.
God, if there was a vacuum tube that got me out of here faster, I'd take it.
Dios, si hubiera un teletransportador que me sacara de aquí más rápido, lo cogería.
Yes, uh, I... I'm sorry about this morning, But I was wondering if it would be possible to, uh, to reschedule my meeting with Sergeant Rollins.
Sí, siento lo de esta mañana, pero me preguntaba si sería posible volver a concertar una reunión con el sargento Rollins.
And when it got to 20 past, I rang to see if he was round at Cesco's, and guess what Cesco's mum told me?
Cuando pasaron 20 minutos, llamé por si estaba donde Cesco y ¿ sabes lo me dijo la madre de Cesco?
So, I was thinking it would be really fun if maybe this year, you guys tell me how great I am.
Así que estaba pensando que sería divertido si este año, ustedes me dijeran a mí lo increíble que soy.
I'm sorry if this was because of what you told me about Mona which I think it was.
Lo siento si esto era por lo que me dijiste sobre Mona que creo que sí.
Look, if it was up to me, you'd get a bullet in the head and a decent funeral, but Fish has her ways.
Mira, si fuera por mí, tendrías una bala en la cabeza y un funeral decente, pero Fish tiene su manera de hacer las cosas.
And I didn't think it was gonna be this bad, and I feel like, why even be happy, if it's just gonna lead to this?
Y pensaba que no iba a ser tan malo... y me pregunto, ¿ por qué ser feliz alguna vez... si después te vas a sentir así?
Even if a girl did talk to me, it was normally just to fill the time until someone better came along.
Incluso si una chica me dirigió la palabra, normalmente era sólo para llenar el tiempo hasta que alguien mejor llegó
If he had one that was stolen, I don't know where he got it, but it wasn't from me.
Si tenía una de las robadas, no sé dónde la consiguió, - pero no fue de mí.
If I thought there was anything dangerous about Aterna, I wouldn't drink it every day.
Si pensara que hay algo peligroso en Aterna, no me la bebería todos los días.
I told him we had his sister in custody and that it was his fault because he left her behind, and if he told me what I needed to know, I would help her.
Le dije que tenía su hermana bajo custodia y que era su culpa porque él la dejó atrás, y si él me dijo lo que necesitaba saber, me ayudaría ella.
You ask me if it's possible the virus was preserved?
¿ Me está preguntando si es posible que se haya preservado el virus?
If Pritchard thought it was better not to testify, than, trust me, it was.
Si Pritchard pensó que era mejor que no testificaras, entonces, confía en mí, lo era.
It's not as powerful as it was during harmonic convergence, but if I can get close enough, I think I can do it.
No es tan poderoso como lo fue durante la convergencia armónica pero si me acerco lo suficiente, creo que puedo hacerlo.
This girl in P.E. asked me if it was true if Ali was fed raw meat.
Una chica en educación física me ha preguntado si es verdad que Ali fue alimentada con carne cruda.
All right, well, just let me know what happened at the par... if it was up to me, I'd pick Zelanski.
Está bien, simplemente dime que pasó en la fie... Si fuese por mí, elegiría a Zelanski.
If I had noticed it was you, maybe I wouldn't have to...
Si me hubiera dado cuenta que eras tú, quizás no hubiese tenido que...
You knew it would upset him if you told me that it was your move, but you did it anyway?
¿ Sabías que se enfadaría si me decías que era tu movimiento, y aún así lo hiciste?

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