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If you wanted перевод на испанский

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Well, I uid understand if you wanted to stay here.
Entendería que no quisieras quedarte aquí.
Wasn't sure if you wanted him or not.
No estaba seguro de si querías quedarte con él o no.
I've got some sugar on the tray, But if you wanted honey, then i... ( felix sighs )
Puse algo de azúcar en la bandeja, pero si quieres miel, entonces...
Although... if you wanted, you could move a little further than that.
Aunque... si quisieras, podrías ir un poco más allá.
I was just being genuine and asking if you wanted to just come hang out with my friends, have a beer.
Sólo era genuino y quería saber si querías salir con mis amigos a tomar una cerveza.
Listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night.
Escucha, me preguntaba si querrías salir mañana por la noche.
You could see one, if you wanted to.
Podrías tener una razón, si quieres.
In fact, I told you to drop it, that defamation was hard to win, but that if you wanted to pursue it, we would do our best, and we did.
De hecho, le dije que lo dejara, que la difamación era difícil de ganar, pero si quería seguir adelante, haríamos nuestro mejor esfuerzo, y lo hicimos.
I don't think I'd blame you if you wanted revenge.
no creo que me sintiera culpable por querer venganza.
So I'm 30 pounds overweight, and I suck at life and stuff, and I was wondering if you wanted to buy a vacuum.
Peso treinta kilos de más, y mi vida es una mierda, y me preguntaba si querrías una aspiradora.
We wanted to know if you wanted us to check back in with the neighborhood watch on Roosevelt?
Queríamos saber si quería que fuéramos a verificar... con la vigilancia barrial de Roosevelt.
Anyways, um, I, uh... I just... I wanted to call and tell you that, and, um... let you know that if you needed me for anything, well, I'm completely unavailable, so...
De todas maneras, yo... solo... quería llamar y decírtelo, y... que supieras que si me necesitabas para algo, bueno, no estoy totalmente disponible, así que...
If I wanted to make an impression on you,
Si quisiera hacer una impresión en ti,
I have a few questions that I wanted to ask you, and I thought you'd prefer it if I was discreet.
Debo hacerte unas preguntas... y pensé que preferirías que fuera discreta.
You'd be in cuffs right now if I wanted to arrest you.
Usted sería esposado en este momento si quería arrestarlo.
I didn't know if I was gonna see you, so I wanted to make something that could travel.
No sabía si iba a verte así que quería prepararte algo que pudieran llevarte.
Even if I wanted to, I can't help you.
Aunque quisiera, no puedo ayudarla.
- Mm-hmm. If you ever wanted to feel like you were in L.A., look no further.
- Si alguna vez quisiste sentirte como si estuvieras en L.A., no busques más.
Yeah, but I wanted to see if you were okay.
Sí, pero quería ver si estabas bien.
But if you're going to continue being his master, remember what you really wanted when you were a brat.
Pero si en verdad vas a ser su maestro, trata de recordar lo que realmente querías cuando niño.
Don't let tonight fool you, - really, because most of the time... - ♪ couldn't get back even if we wanted to ♪
No dejes que esta noche te confunda, en serio, porque la mayoría del tiempo...
And if Paul found out that I wanted to leave you, wouldn't you want to know?
Y si Paul descubriera que yo iba a dejarte, ¿ no te gustaría saberlo?
If he wanted to, you wouldn't have to ask.
Si quisiera hacerlo, no se lo tendrías que pedir.
After I let you escape, my father said I had to obey his rules if I wanted to live in his ocean.
Después de dejarte escapar, mi padre dijo que tenía que obedecer sus reglas si quería vivir en su océano.
Even if I wanted to, I can't help you.
Aunque quisiera, no puedo ayudarte.
Well, I mean, we wanted to know if you were okay, so give us a... or one of us a call.
Queríamos saber si estabas bien... así que llámanos o llama a alguno de nosotros.
He wanted to know if you have the copy test'?
Quiere saber si tienes la copia de la prueba.
Well, Lesli, if you really knew Mona well, you would know that what was between all of us was a lot more complicated than going to the mall and tweeting photos of shoes that we wanted.
Mira, Lesli, si realmente conocías a Mona, sabrías lo que pasaba entre nosotras era más complicado que ir de compras y twittear fotos de los zapatos que queríamos comprar.
Uh, we're just concerned that if anyone found out you wanted her to drop out because of a friendship she has...
Uh, nosotros solo estamos preocupados de que alguien se entere querías que abandonara por una amistad que ella tiene...
I wanted you to hear this from me, but if anyone asks, this conversation didn't happen.
Quería que escucharas esto directamente de mí, pero si alguien pregunta, esta conversación nunca ocurrió.
If she wanted to hurt me, she could have let that thing last night finish the job, but she didn't. And if you scare her off, I'll never know how she fits in to any of this, or how I fit in... to things in general.
Si quisiera lastimarme, hubiera dejado que esa cosa me matara anoche, pero no lo hizo, y si la ahuyentas, jamás sabré si ella tiene parte en esto o si yo encajo con las cosas en general.
If you had just... given me what I wanted.
Si tan solo me... hubieras dado lo que yo quería.
Erm, I was just... wanted to see if you're still up.
Yo solo... quería ver si seguíais despiertos.
You know, even if I wanted to,
¿ Sabes?
I'm not sure if that's what you wanted, but, well, at least it's over, right?
No estoy seguro de que fuera lo que querías, pero... bueno, al menos se ha terminado, ¿ no?
You see, if I were in Louis'shoes, and I wanted to attack Holland, the first thing I would do is approach her allies.
Vereis, si yo estuviera en los zapatos de Luis y quisiera atacar Holanda... lo primero que haría sería acercarme a sus aliados.
And if I wanted to make you jealous- -
Y si quieres darme celos...
I was wondering if you still wanted to be the godfather.
Me preguntaba si aún quieres ser el padrino.
You wanted to know if it was possible for her to exist in another prison world.
Querías saber si era posible que ella existiera en otro mundo-prisión.
If we'd wanted you dead, you wouldn't be here now.
Si lo quisiéramos muerto, no estaría aquí ahora.
If only she hadn't wanted you.
Si ella no había querido usted.
Brenda, if I wanted to shoot you, I'd have done it in the woods.
Brenda, si quisiera dispararte, lo habría hecho en el bosque.
Uh, after we saw you the other day, he wanted to know if it was okay to ask you out.
Después de que te vimos el otro día, él quería saber si estaba bien invitarte a salir.
I mean, how would you feel if one of your friends wanted to go out with me?
Quiero decir, ¿ cómo te sentirías si alguna de tus amigas quisiera salir conmigo?
If you only knew how I wanted to be among them.
Si solo supieras cuánto quise estar entre ellos.
If I wanted to kill you, Catherine, I would have by now.
Si quisiera matarte, Catherine, ya lo habría hecho.
Well, I just felt terrible that everything wasn't working out, and if you were gonna be sick, I wanted to be sick.
Bueno, me sentía terrible porque nada me salía, y si tú ibas a estar enfermo, yo quise estar enferma.
If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already.
Si quisiese asesinarte, ya estarías muerto.
so you could start your practice up again, or, if you wanted, come work with us at S.T.A.R. Labs. I don't know.
No sé.
You know, Elena wanted you to be happy, to live, even encouraged you to date, but if she wakes up and everyone she loves is dead, do you think that she'd be able to forgive that?
Ya sabes Elena quería que tu fueras feliz para vivir, incluso animarte a salir, pero si ella despierta y todo lo que ama está muerto, ¿ Crees que sería capaz de perdonar eso?
If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead.
Si te quisiese muerto, estarías muerto.

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