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In order to do that перевод на испанский

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In order to do that, we must be able to give the person a new bloodstream.
Para hacer eso, debemos poder... darle a Ia persona un nuevo flujo sanguíneo.
In order to do that, she had to make Gerda forget everything, forget Kay.
Para eso, tenía que hacer que Gerda olvidara todo, incluyendo a Kay.
In order to do that, we have to clear this area immediately.
Para eso tenemos que despejar este área inmediatamente.
In order to do that, we must climb over this mountain.
Y el único remedio es atravesando esa montaña.
In order to do that, I've got to fly her real low.
Para hacer eso, tendría que volar realmente bajo.
In order to do that, I'm obliged to make do with the best possible personnel I have.
Y para hacerlo, me veo obligado a utilizar el mejor personal a mi disposición.
In order to do that, I'll need you to drop your charges, Major.
Para eso, debe retirar los cargos, mayor.
In order to do that, he needed access to keys.
Para hacer eso, necesitó acceso a las llaves.
Yes, but in order to do that, I'd specifically have to know what it is I'm trying to find.
Sí, pero para eso, necesito saber concretamente que estoy intentando encontrar.
In order to do that, you have to turn it past the 12 twice after midnight.
Para hacerlo hay que... dar dos vueltas a la aguja pasada la medianoche.
All right, what death defying feat must we undertake in order to do that? .
¿ Muy bien, que proeza que desafié a la muerte tenemos que abordar para hacer eso?
In order to do that, we've got to dry-dock.
Para hacer eso, solo fondeándola.
But in order to do that, he needs to catch me, and in order to catch me, he's counting on you.
Pero para hacer eso, tiene que encontrarme, y para encontrarme, él cuenta contigo.
In order to do that, he had to useJapanese-style rooms with shoji screens, futon pallets and tatami mats, all straight lines and right angles.
Para hacer eso, tenía que usar habitaciones estilo japonés con biombos shoji, futones y placas de tatami, todo líneas y ángulos rectos.
In order to do that you will have to gain access to this area here.
Para eso, hay que ganar acceso a esta área aquí.
But in order to do that, we have to flood the entire complex with sodium hydroxide.
Pero para hacer eso tenemos que inundar todo el complejo con hidróxido de sodio.
But in order to do that, you gotta hit rock bottom first.
Pero para hacer eso, tienes que golpear fondo primero.
And we gotta act like jerks and get in trouble in order to do that.
Y si tenemos que actuar como idiotas y meternos en problemas, ¡ al diablo!
Most we could do is ship him home. But, in order to do that, we would have to catch this man with the stolen diamonds, right in the palm of his hand.
Podríamos enviarle a su país, pero para hacer eso tendríamos que cogerle con los diamantes robados en las manos.
In order to do that, I'll have to get to know you.
Para hacerlo, primero tengo que conoceros.
But in order to do that, it's got to be able to find its way home, because it's foraging for grasshoppers for quite a long distance.
Debe hallar el camino de regreso a casa, pues recorre largas distancias en busca de sus presas.
In order to do that, you must have enemies.
Para eso es necesario tener enemigos.
And you have to help others in order to do that.
Para eso, debes ayudar a los demás.
In order for a rōnin such as me to gain fame I had no choice but to do that!
¡ ¿ Y, sin embargo, se considera un ser humano?
If I do not receive a response tomorrow your silence will be that joyous response to which I shall come, in order to give all my life to you
Si no recibo una respuesta mañana su silencio será la alegre respuesta por la cual vendré, para darle toda mi vida
Be that as it may, ladies and gentlemen in order to prove that he is well able to do anything he claims to have done the management makes this standing offer at each and every exhibition :
Sea como sea, damas y caballeros... con el fin de demostrarles que es muy capaz de hacer... todo lo que asegura haber hecho... la gerencia les hace esta oferta en todas y cada una de las demostraciones.
I've already said that there is nothing left to do here, that everything is in order.
Le he dicho que aquí ya no hay nada que hacer, que todo estaba en orden.
You'll take no more photos in these studios that I do not order you to take.
No tomarás más fotos sin mi autorización.
Now that Mr. Stevens is here, I do want him to check the phone to see that all is in order.
Ya que el Sr. Stevens está aquí, quiero que mire el teléfono para ver si está todo en orden.
Do you really believe that you must declare yourself guilty in order to be accepted in society?
¿ Crees que basta declararse culpable para ganarse la estima de la sociedad?
You divide in order to rule, that's what you do.
Los divideron para seguir gobernando. Eso es lo que ha pasado.
Who ever told you that's what you had to do in order to reach somebody.
Crees que tienes que hacer esto para conseguir a alguien?
And though it is with some regret that I finally satisfy the greed of my relatives I nevertheless do devise and bequeath that my entire estate be divided equally between my fourth cousin, George Crossfield in order that he no longer need borrow from his clients'funds my niece, Rosamund Shane in order that she may support her husband in the style to which he would like to be accustomed to my nephew, Hector Enderby, in order that he may be able to afford to hunt every day, rather than once a week thereby providing more opportunity for breaking his neck and finally, my sister, Cora Lansquenet out of gratitude that she stayed out of the country for 30 years and didn't bother me.
"... y aunque sea con algún pesar que yo finalmente satisfaga la avaricia de mis parientes. No obstante, deseo que toda mi fortuna sea dividida igualmente entre : Mi cuarto primo.
You do realize that in order to clean the window you have to wipe off the cleaner.
¿ Sabes que para limpiar el vidrio tienes que secarlo con el trapo?
I wasn't apologizing, Vincent. I just want you to know that I do what I have to do... in order to stay alive.
Sólo quiero que sepa que hago lo que hago para seguir viviendo.
Deal kindly, Lord, with Your departed servant in order that those who guard Your will do not suffer the punishment of their acts, those that with truthful faith had associate You on earth to the faithful people.
Reparte amablemente, Señor, con Tu sirviente para que aquéllos que hacen Tu voluntad no sufran el castigo de sus actos, aquéllos que con fe verdadera te han asociado en la tierra a las personas fieles.
Do you know, Brigadier, a think perhaps a visit to that plastics factory would be in order, don't you?
Sabes, brigadier,... opino que tal vez una visita a esa fábrica de plásticos sería adecuada, ¿ no cree?
Now, what do you expect me and the United Nations, though not necessarily in that order, to do about it?
¿ Qué espera que yo y las Naciones Unidas, y no necesariamente por ese orden, hagamos al respecto?
That's why I've invented Hap Ki Do, in order to gather all the courageous and ambitious young people in Korea.
Por eso cree el Hap Ki Do, para unir a toda la gente valerosa y ambiciosa en Corea.
Do you believe the government, and in particular the Minister of the Interior, is going to take measures in order to confront a situation that has already lasted six years and has become intolerable
¿ El Gobierno, y en particular el Ministro de Interior, va a tomar medidas para afrontar una situación que ya dura seis años y que se ha vuelto inaguantable?
Are you looking for that snake in order to do away with yourself?
¿ Buscas a la serpiente para acabar con tu vida?
Now that we know all of the Emperor's doctrines, each day, after lunch, we do spiritual and physical exercises, in order to forget them.
Nosotros ahora conocemos todas las doctrinas del Emperador. Y cada día, después de la comida más importante,... hacemos ejercicios físicos y espirituales, tratando de olvidarlas,... porque son demasiado, demasiado diferentes entre sí y demasiado diferentes de nosotros.
We anticipate in Mr. Manson's defense, he'll claim neither he nor anyone else was the leader of the Family and that he didn't order anyone to do anything much less commit these murders.
Anticipamos que en su defensa, el Sr. Manson, dirá que ni él ni nadie era el líder de la Familia y que ni él ni nadie hizo nada ni cometió los asesinatos.
But in order to leave him I had to believe it was the only thing I could do and that it was the best thing for him.
Pero llegué a creer que dejarlo era lo único que podía hacer y que era lo mejor para él.
In order to survive, we have to give people something they can't get anywhere else... and, uh - and we do that.
Para sobrevivir, proveemos al público... lo que no se consigue en otra parte y, ah- - eso es lo que hacemos.
You don't think Carlisle feigned his own death... in order to smuggle that bit of brass back into Malta, do you?
¿ No crees que Carlisle fingió su propia muerte... con el fin de pasar de contrabando que poco de latón de nuevo en Malta, ¿ verdad?
Now it's a question do they have to buy more land... in order to use that farm machinery efficiently?
Por eso compran más tierra, para aprovechar la maquinaria.
And in order for me to do that, I gotta be in charge of all the elements that go into it.
Y para que yo pueda lograr eso debo controlar todos los aspectos que la conforman.
You should realize that things have an order in the world and you can't do anything to upset it.
Debes darte cuenta de que las cosas en el mundo, tienen un orden. Y no puedes hacer nada por cambiarlo.
- No. The "Southern Railway" pays to me fortunas in order that I do not do that.
No, los viernes el ferrocarril del sur me paga grandes cantidades para que no haga ese tipo de cosas.
And when I get the scent, there's very little that I wouldn't do in order to solve the case.
hay muy pocas cosas que no haría con tal de resolver un caso.

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