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It's our house перевод на испанский

526 параллельный перевод
It's absolute ruination to their beastly old house. We'll put our chimneys on the very edge, not 300 yards off.
Vamos a arruinar su bonita casa colocaremos las chimeneas muy cerca.
- Our house is over there, two kilometres from here... it's a beautiful bungalow with a garden, on a hill... near the lake.
- Nuestra casa está en ese lado, a dos kilómetros de aquí... es un bungaló bonito con un jardín, en una colina... cerca del lago.
But, Geoffrey, with poor Pam in the house... I think it's awful to be leading our normal useless lives.
Pero, Geoffrey, con la pobre Pam en casa... me parece terrible seguir llevando una vida normal y ociosa.
So long as it's OK with you, I won't oppose bringing in Oyu to our house.
Con tal de que te parezca bien, no me opondré a que Oyu venga a casa.
It's our house, all right.
Es nuestra casa, desde luego.
It's our house, isn't it?
Al fin y al cabo es mi casa.
You're not going. It's our first night in this house.
Tú no vas a ir, que sí hoy es nuestra primera noche en esta casa.
Let's see now, uh... Here's to our house, through sunshine or showers, be it ever so humble, by golly, it's ours.
A ver. "Por esta casa nuestra que a través del sol y lluvias... por muy humilde que sea, sigue siendo nuestra".
Gentlemen, it's high time we started putting our house in order.
Caballeros, ya es hora de empezar a poner nuestra casa en orden.
It's a loss for the French theater, but a great honor for our house.
Es una gran pérdida para el Teatro Francés
It's our new house. I want you to see it.
Verás la nueva casa.
Now it's a town hall, but it used to be our house.
Ahora lo es, pero entonces era nuestra casa.
It's our house.
¡ Es nuestra casa!
Oh, it's only their way of showing their love for our welfare house.
Es una muestra de amor a nuestro centro benéfico.
We know that it's not your fault but you must not bring dishonour into our brother's house.
Te sabemos sin culpa, pero no puedes traer la deshonra a casa de nuestro hermano.
Mr. stedman, you know that it's within our rights to ask you to leave this house immediately.
Sr. Stedman, sabrá que tengo derecho a pedirle... que abandone esta casa inmediatamente.
Ma she's welcome in our house as though it were her own.
Pero nuestra casa es la suya.
It's been in our house, but we're forced to sell.
Todo de madera maciza.
It's from our house, but we've got no place for it. We thought it would look better in your church.
Lo teníamos en casa y como no teníamos un sitio adecuado... hemos pensado venderlo a un convento de frailes.
It's our old house.
Es nuestra antigua casa.
Why don't you bring it out to the house? Any time, our door's never locked.
¿ Por qué no la trae un día a casa?
It's our house!
Es nuestra casa.
Pretend it's our house.
Imaginando que es nuestra casa
It's his church or our house.
Es su iglesia o nuestro hogar.
It's a pleasure to receive you in our house.
Es un placer recibirlo en nuestra casa.
Charlotte, Mona's having a little get-together later on at our house, and she and Freddy Beale and some others, are having a jam session, or whatever it's called.
Charlotte, Mona va tener una reunión en nuestra casa más tarde, ella y Freddy Beale y algunos más, tendrán una fiesta o como se llame.
I see it's a small house, but soon, maybe, we can have our own house
Veo que la casa es pequeña, pero pronto tendremos la nuestra propia.
You have to admit, Mr. K., it's in the interest of all my guests to keep our house completely beyond reproach.
Debe admitir que es del interés de los inquilinos mantener la casa de manera intachable.
It's our house, Mrs. Prine.
- Es nuestra casa, Sra. Prine.
It's tuning in on our own house again.
Está sintonizando la casa de nuevo.
It's nice you're interested in our house, Mr. Murdock, but it simply isn't for rent.
Me alegra que le interese la casa, Sr. Murdock... pero sencillamente no está en alquiler.
It's our house!
¡ Es nuestra casa!
And anyway, you've no right to do anything with this house! It's OUR house...
Aparte de que no tienes ningún derecho a hacer nada con esta casa.
For our kids, it's on the house. Right, Ray?
Para mis chicos, todo es gratis, ¿ eh?
Of course, in your own house, you don't notice it any more, because it's the breath itself... of our life.
nosotros ya no lo notamos, porque es el mismo aliento de nuestra vida.
It's our house.
Es nuestra casa.
It's our house specialty.
Es la especialidad de la casa.
- It's a standing joke in our house.
- En casa ya es la broma clásica.
It's easy to find our house
Es fácil encontrar la casa.
If he turned from the bush towards our house, then it's father. If not, it meant it was not father and that father would never come.
Si del arbusto dobla hacia la casa, es papá, si no, no es nuestro padre, y eso significa que ya nunca vendrá.
Well, it's not just that we're using unnamed sources that bothers me... or that everything we print, the White House denies... or that almost no other papers are reprinting our stuff.
No es sólo el hecho de usar fuentes anónimas. Ni que todo lo que publicamos es desmentido por la Casa Blanca. Ni que ningún otro periódico vuelve a publicar nuestro material.
It's our only problem in this house, but it's insuperable. I don't mind admitting it.
Es nuestro único problema, pero no tiene solución.
- It's two hours from our house.
- Son dos horas desde nuestra casa.
Well, it's just our house.
- Es sobre nuestra casa.
It's our house.
Nuestra casa.
We kind of think that it's our house, George.
Creo que es nuestra casa, George.
Larissa and I bought a little house there to spend most of our time, but unfortunately, it's not working out.
Larisa y yo compramos una pequeña casa alli para pasar la mayoria del tiempo Pero desafortunadamente, no esta funcionando
If you don't want the Vice President or the networks, or anyone else in our house, that's it!
Si no quieres que ni el vicepresidente... ni la televisión, ni nadie entre en nuestra casa, estoy de acuerdo.
I've been thinking that it's bad for our image... to have a parking lot attendant in our house.
Estaba pensando que no es bueno para nuestra imagen... tener a un estacionador de autos en nuestra casa.
It's the same as our house.
- Moki Parmiónovich, sería con nosotros.
Do you want to go out there and tell Bob and Ellen... that we can't leave our house because there's a girl in it?
¿ Quieres salir a decirles a Bob y Ellen... que no podemos irnos de casa porque hay una chica?

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