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Jack narrating перевод на испанский

56 параллельный перевод
[Jack Narrating] Mom died last winter.
Mama murio elinviernopasado.
[Jack Narrating] Dylan and I were still learning things you need to know... when you move to a new house.
Dylanyyo todavia aprendiamos cosas sobre la casa nueva.
Let's go. [Jack Narrating] And Dexter, who lived next door.
YDexter, que vivia en la casa de al lado.
[Jack Narrating] His parents were really his grandparents... because his real parents had split from each other and from him... and probably from everything.
Sus padres eran realmente sus abuelos porque sus verdaderos padres se separaron y lo abandonaron. Adivina que.
[Jack Narrating] Of course, his grandparents weren't doing much better.
Claro que sus abuelos no hacian muybuen trabajo.
[Jack Narrating] And then there was Norman the Zombie... who mangled one ofhis legs in a terrible accident as a teenager... when he crashed his T-Bird into an ice cream truck.
Norman ElZombise destrozo unapierna en un accidente. Cuando era adolescente estrello su auto contra un camion.
[Jack Narrating] He said he'd cut his foot investigating a noise... outside his house.
Dijo quese habia cortado elpie investigando un ruido fuera de su casa.
[Jack Narrating] I guess that's when it all started.
Creo que ahiempezo todo.
[Jack Narrating] Mom always said Dad bristled when he got mad.
Mamadecia quepapase erizaba cuandose enojaba.
[Jack Narrating] Maybe that's where the trouble really came from.
Tal vez de ahi venia elproblema.
For you. [Jack Narrating] Long ago in Hollywood, Mom's parents... were put on a blacklist they kept for Communists.
Hace mucho, en Hollywood, estaban en la lista negra por comunistas.
- Uh-huh. [Jack Narrating] I could tell he was tryin'to get me to rat on Dad... the way his friends ratted on him long ago.
Queria que traicionara apapa comosus amigos lo habian traicionado.
[Jack Narrating] They left that night.
Se fueron esa noche.
[Jack Narrating] The weeks went by, and fall came... with cold mornings, like in Syracuse.
Las semanas pasaronyllego el otono con sus mananas frias.
[Jack Narrating] She was what my dad called " a long drink of water.'"
Era lo que papa llamaria "un oasis en el desierto".
[Jack Narrating] I figured I was really lame, because I knew... there was something I should do about the situation, and I didn't know what it was.
Se que parecia un tonto. Sabia que tenia que haceralgo pero no sabia que.
[Jack Narrating] I know it was stupid, but I found myself wishing... Mom could somehow fly back into the world.
Era estupido, pero desee que mama pudiera regresar al mundo.
[Jack Narrating] I was afraid they were gonna ask about my family... and I'd have to tell them about Mom.
Temia quepreguntaransobre mi familia ytuviera que hablar de mama.
[Jack Narrating] And then they'd have to say, " We're sorry to hear about that.'"
Entonces ellos dirian : "Lo lamentamos mucho".
- [Jack Narrating] Dad was really on.
Papase estaba luciendo. ?
- [Jack Narrating] He was like an artist.
Era un artista.
[Jack Narrating] Someday, if I ever get that far... maybe I'll be able to do the same thing for my son.
Tal vezalgun diapodre hacer lo mismopormi hijo.
- [Continues ] - [ Jack Narrating] I don't know what it was--maybe the rain- - but after that night, everything just started falling into place.
No se que era. Tal vezla lluvia. Pero despues de esa noche, las cosas empezaron a mejorar.
- [Jack Narrating ] And on that last fly ball... - [ Jack] Come on! Come on!
Y en el ultimo tiro estabamos saltando, porque eramos los campeones.
[Jack Narrating] Dad always went all out for Halloween.
Papa disfrutaba mucho el Dia de las Brujas.
[Man On TV ] Milltown- - [ Jack Narrating] Dad showed Invasion of the Body Snatchers that night, his favorite movie.
Papapaso "La invasion de los robacuerpos" esa noche.
[Jack Narrating] He was drunk, not pretending.
Estaba borracho. No actuando.
[Jack Narrating] He was really big up close.
Se veia muy grande de cerca.
[Jack Narrating] The vet said poison, and we were the prime suspects.
Murio envenenado. Eramos los principales sospechosos.
[Jack Narrating] I didn't know why Dad stopped going to work.
Nosabiaporquepapa no trabajaba.
[Jack Narrating] I was beginning to wonder if the awful reprisals... we expected from Norman weren't coming instead from ourselves... from the darkest chambers, as Dad said, of our hearts.
Mepreguntabasi las represalias que esperabamos de Norman no vendrian de nosotros mismos. De los oscuros rincones de nuestros corazones, como decia papa.
[Jack Narrating] It was like a dream... where your legs keep moving, but you can't get anywhere.
Era como unsueno en que tuspiernas se muevenpero estasparalizado.
[Jack Narrating] It was getting to be his bedtime.
Era casisu hora de dormir.
[Jack Narrating] Mr. Festinger thought he'd died and gone to heaven.
El Sr. Festinger estaba feliz.
[Jack Narrating] They found him in the woods by the Piedmont Reservoir.
Lo encontraron en elbosque, junto a la represa.
[Jack Narrating] I couldn't get back into the whole school thing.
No podia regresara la escuela.
[Jack Narrating] Everything in L.A. was big and bright, except their house.
Todo en LosAngeles era grande ybrillante, menos su casa.
[Jack Narrating] I kept wondering what Mom would say if she saw Dad... cleaning up the house and trying to make things great for Dylan's homecoming... but I didn't have much faith in what he could do anymore.
Que diria mamasi viera apapa Iimpiando la casa para recibira Dylan? ? Yo no tenia fe en lo que elpodia hacer.
- [Jack Narrating] Even though he was doing better... - Chick.! - it's just that I knew now... there was more than one kind of monster in the world.
Aunque el estaba mejor ahora yo sabia que habia mas de un tipo de monstruo en el mundo.
[Jack Narrating] So, I laid it all out.
Así que, lo solté todo.
[Jack Narrating] Working in a kitchen... is a lot like working in a submarine. - You spend all day, every day...
pasas todo el día, todos los días con la misma gente en espacios muy reducidos.
- [Laughing ] - [ Jack Narrating] When we're at work, there are no men... there are no women - there are only chefs.
En el trabajo, no hay hombres ni mujeres, sólo hay chefs.
[Jack Narrating] The truth is most of us are barely even aware... that there's a connection between the animal and the meat on our plate. The rabbit special.
La verdad es que la mayoría no nos damos cuenta de que hay un conexión entre el animal y la carne del plato.
[Jack Narrating] Here's the thing about New York City. It's a city of small apartments and even smaller kitchens... which is why New Yorkers love to eat out.
Una de las características de Nueva York son sus pequeños apartamentos y sus cocinas aún más pequeñas.
[Jack Narrating] Bold.
[Jack Narrating] Here's the thing about being a leader. Everybody takes their cues from you.
Lo que tiene ser un líder es que todos siguen tu ejemplo.
[Jack Narrating] Look, we all know nothing in life is easy.
Todos sabemos que en la vida no hay nada fácil.
She called- - She called clubs. - She called clubs. - [Jack Narrating] And it was all for Karen and me.
Y todopara Karenypara mi.
~ ~ [Ends ] [ Jack Narrating] Any pro will tell you... a popular restaurant presents a special challenge for the head chef.
Cualquier profesional te dirá que un Restaurante popular presenta un reto especial para el Chef Jefe
[Jack Narrating] You know what chefs hate?
¿ Sabes que odia un Chef?
[Jack Narrating] The truth is you can't save other people from their own temptations.
Miren, la verdad es que no pueden salvar a un hombre de sus propias tentaciones

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