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Joey potter перевод на испанский

98 параллельный перевод
Joey Potter, I was hoping to run into you. Nice to see you, Mr. Kubelik. You're coming to my party tomorrow night?
No creo que ella sea ninguna Mary Poppins pero tiene derecho a saberlo.
Oh, honestly, I didn't realize you were such an ageist. I'm not an ageist.
En todo caso, la cosa es ésta Joey Potter, te quiero mucho.
What does Joey Potter really think about me?
¿ Qué piensa realmente Joey Potter acerca de mí?
Get out. Joey Potter entering a beauty pageant?
Anda ya. ¿ Joey Potter en un concurso de belleza?
You know, Joey Potter :
Ya sabes, Joey Potter :
- Joey Potter, I applaude you.
Te aplaudo.
- So Joey Potter's sticking around Capeside for some guy...
- Entonces Joey Potter se queda en Capeside por un chico...
".. writer and director, Dawson Leery, and producer, Joey Potter, have been allotted a budget of $ 2500 towards their next project. "
"El escritor Dawson Leery y la productora Joey Potter recibirán $ 2.500 para su próximo proyecto".
I'm Joey Potter, virgin at large.
Joey Potter, la virgen suelta.
- Trust me, I love this new happy-go-lucky Joey Potter.
Créeme, me encanta esta nueva y alegre Joey Potter.
You're talking about Joey Potter, right? The one who can't walk into the same room with me without gagging?
Hablas de Joey Potter que no puede estar en el mismo sitio que yo sin vomitar.
- And Little Joey Potter doesn't blush? - No.
¿ Y la pequeña Joey no se ruboriza?
You'd be surprised, Dawson. I'm changing. I'm not Little Joey Potter anymore.
No te sorprendas, ya no soy la pequeña Joey Potter.
I mean, I tried to be adult about this, and not behave like little Joey Potter, but the truth is, you know, I'm really not that experienced with... Um, a lot of things. And I really don't think I could handle seeing you naked right now, so if you could probably just get dressed and go home, that would...
Traté de ser adulta al respecto y no la pequeña Joey pero no tengo experiencia con... muchas cosas y no creo que pueda verte desnudo así que por favor vístete y vete a casa.
Tonight was a big step in the life of little Joey Potter.
Fue otro gran paso en la vida de la pequeña Joey.
Dawson Leery and Joey Potter have been apart for months now. Summer has passed, and the world is waiting to figure out what'll happen.
Dawson y Joey Potter llevan tiempo separados y el mundo entero se pregunta qué va a pasar.
I'm gonna crumble. Joey Potter at 3 o'clock.
Voy a desplomarme.
As day number two folds on our quiet little creek-side village Dawson Leery has again proven successful in his endeavour to avoid Miss Joey Potter.
Y al amanecer del segundo día en la aldea al lado del arroyo Dawson Leery tuvo éxito en su intento por esquivar a Joey.
- So tell me, Joey Potter... - Hmm? Will you always love me?
Dime, Joey Potter ¿ me amarás siempre?
And he doesn't know anything about Joey Potter, waitress extraordinare.
Y tampoco sabe nada de mí, la mesera extraordinaria.
- Joey Potter! You vulgar little thing!
Joey Potter, qué niña tan vulgar.
I don't know. I think... I think I'm just Joey Potter, you know?
Sólo soy Joey Potter la chica del pequeño pueblo que vivirá y morirá aquí.
Hi, I'm Joey Potter.
Hola, soy Joey Potter.
That's me. Joey Potter, flesh and blood.
Ésa soy yo, Joey Potter en carne y hueso.
You're all right, Joey Potter.
Eres increíble, Joey Potter.
You're talented, and everybody at that school knows it. They've known for years, and today they're going to see proof that Joey Potter is a force to be reckoned with.
Tú tienes talento, todos lo saben desde hace años y hoy verán una prueba de que Joey Potter no puede ser dejada a un lado.
I'd like to ask Joey Potter to step up and grace us with a few words about her creation.
Quiero pedirle a Joey Potter que suba y nos honre con unas palabras acerca de su creación.
I was just about to tell little Joey Potter here that her Saturday night off is now a Saturday night back on.
lba a decirle a Joey Potter que se cancela su sábado libre.
Forgive me if I don't think that this is the worst tragedy in history, that Pacey Witter, in a moment of impulsive, compulsive, hormone-induced insanity had the nerve to kiss Joey Potter.
Disculpa, pero no creo que esto sea una tragedia. Pacey Witter sólo tendría el valor de besar a J. Potter en un momento de impulsividad y de locura hormonal.
It's a picture of me and little Joey Potter.
Una foto de Joey Potter y yo cuando éramos niños.
We're talking about Josephine Potter the girl whose destiny is intrinsically linked to your own.
Nos referimos a Joey Potter cuyo destino está muy unido al tuyo.
Well, I've never seen Joey Potter with Cliff Notes before.
Nunca había visto a Joey Potter haciendo fichas.
I thought you would understand someone falling for Joey Potter.
Creí que entenderías el hecho de que alguien se enamorara de Joey.
Let's not forget who pushed me towards Joey in the first place.
Tú me empujaste hacia Joey Potter.
Dawson Leery and Joey Potter.
Dawson Leery y Joey Potter.
Yeah, Joey Potter against the system.
Sí, Joey Potter contra el sistema.
Joey Potter, the girl who painted the mural was at tonight's meeting and summed it up best when she said this about Caufield's harsh punishment.
Joey Potter, la chica que pintó el mural, estuvo presente hoy y resumió esto muy bien cuando se expresó así sobre el castigo.
Without further ado, Miss Joey Potter!
Sin más preámbulos, Joey Potter.
Who is the person that knows you, Joey Potter the best?
¿ Quién es la persona que mejor conoce a Joey Potter?
It's the universe's way of saying, "Joey Potter, not so fast. You're not going anywhere."
Así es como el universo me dice que no me apresure porque no voy a ninguna parte.
To Joey Potter. May Worthington be worthy of her.
Por Joey Potter, que Worthington sea merecedora de ella.
I just feel like I'm acting like I think Joey Potter is supposed to act. You know, I'm- - Everything that I thought I was supposed to want and to have has shifted. I just....
Siento que actúo como se supone que Joey Potter debe actuar que todo lo que pensé que debía tener cambió.
Yeah, Joey Potter from Capeside.
- Sí. Es Joey Potter, de Capeside.
Joey Potter from Capeside.
Joey Potter, de Capeside.
Tell us a story, Joey Potter.
Échanos el cuento, Joey Potter.
This is such Joey Potter logic.
La típica lógica de Joey Potter.
- Joey Potter.
Joey Potter.
Where are Joey Potter and Pacey Witter? - Probably off sucking face.
¿ Dónde están Potter y Witter?
Our first runner-up, and winner of a free day of beauty at Betty's Hair Barn is Miss Josephine Potter!
El segundo premio, consistente en un tratamiento de belleza en el Betty ´ s Hair Barn es para... ¡ Para Josephine Potter! ¡ Bravo Joey!
- Joey. Joey Potter.
- Soy Joey, Joey Potter.
- Can I buy you a cup of hot chocolate Joey Potter?
¿ Te puedo brindar un chocolate, Joey Potter?

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