Just because перевод на испанский
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Just because you have escaped the boundaries of your land?
¿ Sólo porque escapaste de los límites de tu tierra?
Look, I'm well aware that parents give me presents just because they want something from me.
Miren, soy consciente de que los padres me dan regalos solo porque quieren algo de mí.
So, you're saying just because
Así que, ¿ solo lo dices porque
And you don't get to keep your job just because it came up heads.
Y no tiene que conservar su puesto solo porque a una idiota se le ocurrió esto.
She thinks I'm selfish, just because I won't go skydiving with her.
Ella piensa que soy egoísta, sólo porque no quiero tirarme en paracaídas con ella.
I cannot ignore my duties just because one man has illegally entered my kingdom.
No puedo olvidarme de mis deberes solo porque un hombre ha entrado ilegalmente a mi reino.
Last year, he called me an extremist just because I told him I was a member of the NRA.
El año pasado, me llamó extremista solo porque le dije que era miembro de la ANR.
I cannot ignore my duties just because one man...
No puedo olvidarme de mis deberes solo porque un hombre...
Just because you failed as a mother doesn't mean I will!
¡ Que tú fracasaras como madre no significa que yo también vaya a hacerlo!
Just because you can't handle the answers doesn't make them lies.
Que no soportes las respuestas no las hace mentiras.
But just because you're in the van doesn't mean you're not an important part of the mission.
Pero solo porque que se quede en la furgoneta no significa que no sea una parte muy importante de la misión.
Just because you're starving doesn't make you an artist.
Solo porque estés hambriento no te hace un artista.
Just because I look sickly doesn't mean I'm starving.
Solo porque parezca enfermizo no quiere decir que estoy hambriento.
Just because you're starving doesn't make you an artist.
Sólo porque mueres de hambre no te hace un artista.
Just because I look sickly doesn't mean I'm starving.
Sólo porque me veo enfermo no quiere decir que muero de hambre.
Is it just because we live there?
¿ Es solo porque vivimos allí?
I'm not here just because it's fun, and I'm not just lying around.
No estoy aquí solo porque es divertido. No estoy tirada todo el día.
Back then I think I voted for Nader in'96 and'92 was probably a third party thing because Clinton was just too, he was a very conservative Democrat.
En ese entonces creo que Votado por Nader en 1996 Y'92 fue probablemente Una cosa de terceros Porque Clinton también era demasiado,
I'm just saying though, it was a very special moment for me, because I just felt you know, she had been, it was, her treatment was just awful.
Porque solo sentía Usted sabe, ella había sido, Fue, su tratamiento Era simplemente horrible.
But here's what I, this is, I want to say this just to close out, because
Pero esto es lo que yo, este Es, quiero decir esto Sólo para cerrar, porque
It's just hard to tell because it's so high up.
Es difícil decirlo porque está muy alto.
So your donor kind of is a superhero, because they're one in a million just like you.
No hay otra ciencia, que la que puede ser explorada experimentalmente.
I guess, really, you just remind me of her because of your age.
Supongo que me recuerdas a ella por tu edad.
Yeah, i just needed tomorrow, Because that's when we're having our big family football game.
Sí, solo necesitaba lo de mañana, porque es cuando vamos a celebrar nuestro gran partido familiar.
It just came up because we-we were talking about secrets and...
Solo pasó porque hablábamos de secretos y...
Danger passed, and that's just as well, because he is a father and he's guarding some very precious eggs.
El peligro ha pasado y menos mal, porque es padre... y está cuidando de unos cuantos preciosos huevos.
Climbing grass is harder than climbing trees, not least because their stems just won't stay still.
Trepar por la hierba es más complicado que trepar por los árboles, en particular porque sus tallos no están quietos.
Ignore him, he's just cranky because Bert from the geology lab won a big grant.
Ignoralo, Él es apenas irritable porque Bert del laboratorio de la geología Ganó una gran subvención.
I'm mad because you basically were my dad... Closest thing I ever had... And then you just left.
Lo estoy porque tú eras básicamente mi papá... lo más cercano que tuve... y luego solo te fuiste.
So when I do things for you, like give you snacks and tell you things you want to hear, it's as much for me as it is for you, because you're basically the only person in the world that I truly have, and I just don't want to lose you.
Así que cuando hago algo por ti, como darte bocadillos y decirte cosas que quieres oír, es tanto por mí como por ti, porque básicamente eres la única persona en el mundo que verdaderamente tengo y simplemente no quiero perderte.
Well, maybe start with what you just said, because it was awesome.
Bueno, podrías empezar con lo que acabas de decir, porque fue impresionante.
I called you in here because I just spoke with SecDef.
Les he llamado porque acabo de hablar con el Secretario de Defensa.
I didn't say it before because I couldn't prove it, but you are one of them, and dropping that canister has just confirmed it!
No lo dije antes porque no podía probarlo, pero eres uno de ellos, ¡ y dejar caer esa bombona lo ha confirmado!
I asked you here because I don't know where else to talk, because I thought that this was supposed to be a safe place for us, not just of the mission.
Te pedí que vinieras aquí porque no sé dónde más hablar, porque creía que esto supuestamente era un lugar seguro para nosotros, no solo de la misión.
You just got burned because of something you did.
Solo fuiste despedido por algo que hiciste.
You can't kill Ozzie, because his article just went to the paper, and if he ended up dead now, it would look awfully suspicious.
No puedes matar a Ozzie, porque su artículo ya fue enviado, y si termina muerto, sería muy sospechoso.
Okay, you know, you're trying to say it's whatever because you just....
De acuerdo, ya veo, trata de decir lo que sea porque usted no es más...
Because you're angry and you're insecure, and you just want everyone else to feel as bad as you do.
Porque estás enfadado e inseguro y lo único que quieres es que todo el mundo se sienta tan mal como tú.
In fact, I want you to keep the apartment flag, and I'm not just saying that because it touched your genitals.
De hecho, quiero que te quedes con la bandera del apartamento y no lo digo solo porque tocó tus genitales.
When I was a kid, I thought Puerto Ricans were just speaking Spanish because they speak so quickly.
De nino, pensaba que hablaban espanol porque hablan rápido.
No, it's just as well. Because, I mean, my progress was very slow, so... this is going to force me to look at the case another way.
Porque, quiero decir, mi progreso era muy lento, por lo que esto va a obligarme a mirar el caso desde otro ángulo.
You do not because he is at home, confined to his wheelchair, just waiting for the one thing that helps him get through his lonely, handicapped day : beer.
No, porque está en casa, confinado a su silla de ruedas, esperando la única cosa que lo ayuda a superar su solitario y discapacitado día : la cerveza.
It's gonna be un-weighted for this test because we just wanna see how the bungees are gonna perform.
No llevará peso para esta prueba, porque solo queremos ver cómo funcionarán las cuerdas elásticas.
And so my dream run comes to an end because some drivers just won't do the speed limit.
Y así mi sueño llega a su fin, porque algunos conductores no respetan el límite de velocidad.
When you're taking off, that is the hardest part because you need to give it enough thrust, just enough to get off the ground, and if I'm not careful with it, it will send me into the ceiling, instantly.
Cuando despegas es la parte más difícil porque debes darle suficiente impulso para despegar, pero si no tengo cuidado, me envía el techo de inmediato.
Because the eyes of the beholder find not just beauty where they want, but also shallowness, ugliness, confusion... prejudice.
Porque no solo la belleza depende de quién mire, sino también la frivolidad, la fealdad, la confusión... el prejuicio.
Because you're just a normal baby, and that's what normal babies do.
Porque eres un bebé normal y eso hacen los bebés.
Because he could be just a sweet forgetful professor or a really cunning liar.
Porque podría ser un tierno profesor olvidadizo o un gran mentiroso.
Tatsuya just wanted to say that he didn't want to leave because he wouldn't be able to see Minori as often.
Tatsuya quiso decir que no quería irse porque no podría ver a Minori tan a menudo.
- It's because they just met.
- Porque recién se conocen.
There's a lot that will bother her during an argument, but she'll just say, "I understand," because she doesn't want to bother.
Durante una discusión, le molestan muchas cosas, pero solo dice : "Entiendo". Porque no quiere tomarse la molestia.
because 7201
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i'm happy 21
because of you 630
because i love you 339
because you're stupid 16
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because you're my friend 21
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17
because i'm 96
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20
because i'm your friend 17
because you're my friend 21
because i love her 53
because i don't care 17
because i'm 96
because i am 105
because i'm a woman 25
because it's true 90
because if 20