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Maybe nothing перевод на испанский

1,228 параллельный перевод
Maybe nothing.
Quizá no vea nada.
Maybe nothing can get in unless... it drops in from hyperspace.
Quizá nada pueda entrar, a no ser que proceda del hiperespacio.
Maybe nothing.
Quizás nada.
Well, maybe nothing.
Bueno, tal vez nada.
Maybe nothing's wrong!
¡ Quizá no tengamos nada!
Maybe nothing should.
Quizá sea mejor asi.
Maybe nothing.
- Quizá nada.
Maybe nothing. Maybe I am exactly what you say I am... A woman stuck in a book.
Quizás nada, quizás sea exactamente lo que dices una mujer atada a un libro, un lugar seguro.
- The answer is, maybe nothing.
- La respuesta es : quizá nada.
Maybe nothing will.
Puede que no suceda nada.
Well, maybe that's because nothing good went into it.
Bueno, tal vez porque nada bueno entraró en ella.
Except maybe Israel, but for me Reverend, the fact that when we die we are nothing more than worm meat,
Excepto Israel, quizá, para mí, reverendo, eso de que al morir somos pasto para los gusanos,
Maybe it's nothing...
Posiblemente no significa nada...
Well, I guess I got nothing to hide now, so- - I don't know. Maybe there's hope for him.
Ya no tengo nada que ocultar, así que no sé quizá se pueda reformar.
Maybe, but I haven't had to do that for ages. Anyway, believe me, there's nothing like it.
Puede ser, sólo que estaba seguro de que no me iba a entender, así que créeme, ¡ no hay nada mejor!
Maybe, but if you ask me, this is gonna be nothing but trouble.
Quizás, pero si me preguntas, esto va a ser nada más que problemas.
Nothing fits the description, Willie. Man, maybe it was stolen or something. Ou yeah, right again?
- Hombre, quizá fue robado o... o si, claro
- Nothing! I just said he was right. Maybe something of us does survive after death.
Nada, que tenía razón, que puede que algo de nosotros sobreviva.
I've got nothing against it but maybe your friend...
No tengo nada con eso, pero creo que a tu amiga...
Nothing... they need nothing at all... or maybe just a window... only... to say it's night already... day already.
♫ Nada de nada,... ♫... no necesitan nada de nada... ♫... o quizá sólo una ventana,... ♫... solamente... ♫... para decirse que ya es de noche... ♫... de día.
Nothing right now i'm writing a film manuscript i have appointments maybe a film will be made on it
Ahora mismo nada. Estoy escribiendo un guión. Tengo citas.
Maybe orphans, because there's nothing in here for an adult.
Quizá huérfanos, porque no hay nada aquí para un adulto.
She's right. None of you ever considered that maybe she needed something... nothing.
Ninguno de vosotros ha considerado que tal vez necesitaba algo... nada.
Yeah, maybe not, but without the truth, you got nothing.
Sí, tal vez no... pero sin la verdad, no tienes nada.
Morgan, this whole trading thing has brought nothing good to the group, except maybe a few measly pieces of fruit.
Morgan, todo este asunto del trueque no trajo nada bueno al grupo excepto quizá unas miserables frutas.
Maybe, there's nothing wrong at all.
Tal vez no pase nada malo en absoluto.
Maybe so, but I can't think of anyone I'd rather do nothing with than you.
Quizá, pero no conozco a nadie mejor que tú para no hacer nada.
On the other hand, maybe you'd better say nothing. I'll do the talking.
Por otro lado, quizá no debería decir nada. Hablaré yo.
No... nothing. Telling me all this is hard for you. Maybe I should come back some other time.
Leo mucho para ver cómo se consigue y pienso en qué escribir.
Maybe we'll die in the attempt, but that's better than sitting here like frightened Tika cats doing nothing!
Tal vez muera en el intento... Pero es mejor que sentarse aquí.... ¡ Como miedosos gatos Tika sin hacer nada!
Maybe like Tuvok says, there's nothing we can do but let it happen and hope for the best.
Quizá lo único que podemos esperar es que todo salga bien.
Maybe there's nothing here.
Quizás no haya nada allí.
Maybe there's nothing to know.
Tal vez no haya nada para conocer.
Well, I think maybe I got no imagination...'cause I never think of nothing going wrong.
Nunca pienso que algo va a salir mal.
Well, maybe I got nothing.
¿ Qué tienes? Puede que nada.
Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing.
Tal vez haya algo, tal vez no.
Maybe it's nothing, but it never hurts to run a few more tests.
Tal vez no sea nada, pero no está de más hacer otra prueba.
I don't know, maybe it's nothing.
No sé, quizá no sea nada.
So maybe he shrunk away to nothing.
Quizás se redujo a nada.
Maybe because we have nothing in common. We women are rarely wrong about that.
Llovía, me di la vuelta para el otro lado, y volví a dormir.
- Maybe there's nothing there.
- A lo mejor no hay nada.
And waste your time and maybe get killed for nothing?
¿ Y desperdiciar el tiempo y tal vez morir por nada?
But I'm not about to encourage you to develop a relationship with one of my largest clients when I know there's nothing keeping you from picking up and going to work for one of my competitors and maybe taking my big client with you.
Pero no te dejaría desarrollar una relación con uno de mis mejores clientes, cuando no hay nada que te impida que te vayas a trabajar para la competencia, tal vez llevándote a mi gran cliente.
Maybe there was nothing missing from the crate. Maybe the leaves were the shipment.
Quizá no faltaba nada de las cajas, quizá las hojas eran la carga.
She was able to afford to go to these places and everything else, so, uh... And then that went on for 2 or 3 years... maybe 18 times... and all I did was talk positive things to her, and then all of a sudden- - Pfft! Nothing.
Era capaz de permitirse el ir a estos lugares y todo lo demás, así que, uh... y luego continuó durante 2 o 3 años... quizás 18 veces... y todo lo que hice fue el contarle cosas positivas,
Yes, maybe... - 30,000, It's nothing for him.
Sí, tal vez... 30.000 para él es una boludez...
Maybe they mean nothing at all.
A lo mejor no quieren decir nada.
Maybe there's nothing wrong.
Quizás sea porque todo está bien.
I mean, maybe everything is fine, which would be creepy because nothing is ever fine.
Quiero decir, quizás todo está bien, lo que sería escalofriante porque las cosas nunca están bien.
Look, nothing personal, but maybe this isn't the right place for you.
Mira, no es nada personal, pero tal vez este no es el lugar adecuado para ti.
You know, nothing personal, but maybe you should look into selling dictionaries or..... some...
Sabe, no es personal, pero tal vez debería considerar vender diccionarios o algunos...

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