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My responsibility перевод на испанский

2,469 параллельный перевод
I don't usually get involved in matters beyond my responsibility.
Yo no suelo meterme en asuntos que no son de mi incumbencia.
She's my responsibility.
Ella es mi responsabilidad.
Hard luck without a doubt,... but what happens out there is none of my responsibility.
Desafortunado destino, sin duda, pero todo lo que pase fuera de la Villa no es de mi incumbencia.
It's my responsibility.
Sí, soy el responsable del caso, señor.
I can't stop you from getting wrong, that's my responsibility.
Es mi responsabilidad evitar que te equivoques.
'Cause it's my responsibility and it's my ass.
Porque es mi responsabilidad y mi trasero está en juego.
Breaking off an engagement, 10 % is my responsibility.
Romper un compromiso, es 10 % mi responsabilidad.
It is my responsibility, and it is my legal right to do so.
Tengo la responsabilidad y el derecho legal de hacerlo.
It's my responsibility!
Es mi responsabilidad!
They told me my responsibility to the four nations... In the ceremony when everybody bows to me...
Me dijeron que mi compromiso con las 4 naciones... en la ceremonia, cuando todos se inclinaron ante mí...
It's my responsibility to bring them back. Muster the men.
Es mi responsabilidad traerlos de vuelta.
Zoey was my responsibility and I couldn't take care of her.
Zoey era mi responsabilidad y no pude cuidarla.
It's my risk, my responsibility.
Es mi riesgo y mi responsabilidad.
It's my responsibility.
Es mi responsabilidad.
That's my responsibility.
De eso me encargo yo, señor Diwan.
No. It's my responsibility.
No, es mi responsabilidad.
Look, this isn't my responsibility.
Oye, no es mi responsabilidad.
Because it was my responsibility.
Porque era mi responsabilidad.
It's not my responsibility to keep up with whatever it is they're calling themselves these days.
No es mi responsabilidad mantenerme al día con lo que sea que les llamen en estos días.
They're my responsibility.
Son mi responsabilidad.
I have to leave, I have my responsibility.
Tengo que irme, tengo mi responsabilidad.
You can go, this is my responsibility.
Puedes ir, es mi responsabilidad.
As their guardian and protector, that's my responsibility.
Como su guardián y protector, esa es mi responsabilidad.
Well, I'm uncomfortable because I'm looking after the house and it's my responsibility.
Bueno, pero yo estoy incomodo, porque estoy a cargo de la casa, y es mi responsabilidad.
You're my responsibility.
Tú eres mi responsabilidad.
It's also my responsibility to love and trust people.
También es mi responsabilidad amar y confiar en la gente.
It's my responsibility.
No puedo dejar esto aquí.
This must be my responsibility alone.
Esto debe ser sólo responsabilidad mía.
It was a war, it was a necessity, that was my responsibility.
Eso era una guerra. Era una necesidad, que era mi responsabilidad.
It's my responsibility to educate you.
Es mi responsabilidad educarte.
He was my responsibility!
Él era mi responsabilidad!
It was my responsibility.
Era mi responsabilidad.
He has absolutely no-one, Mummy, except for a brother who's disowned him, and, besides, I want it to be my responsibility.
No tiene absolutamente a nadie, mamá, excepto un hermano que le repudió, y... además, quiero que sea mi responsabilidad.
Do you understand the responsibility that I bear to my name?
¿ Entiende la responsabilidad del nombre que llevo?
I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love.
Me ha resultado imposible soportar la pesada carga de la responsabilidad, y desempeñar mis funciones como Rey, en la forma en que desearía hacerlo, sin la ayuda y el apoyo de la mujer que amo.
You just fell flat on your own face. I should not have tried to save you. If I even get one scratch, you take responsibility for my life.
Dígale al Dr. Rhodes... que deberemos posponer nuestra charla... sobre la composición de la sangre.
Did you not tell my daughter that you would accept full responsibility for being father of this baby, you shit-eater?
¿ Acaso no le dijo a mi hija que aceptaría toda la responsabilidad como padre de este bebé, asqueroso?
I love my son. From now on, I'm taking personal Responsibility?
Quiero a mi hijo, y a partir de ahora, asumiré personalmente la responsabilidad.
My first responsibility is to ensure that this war stays won.
Mi responsabilidad primordial es asegurar que esta guerra siga ganada.
Well, I'll tell you, Dina, it's a lot of responsibility on my plate.
La verdad, tengo muchas responsabilidades.
and even though the memories are painful, and it's hard to face. I've chosen to assume responsibility for my actions.
Aunque estos recuerdos hacen daño, y que esta realidad sea difícil, elijo enfrentarla y asumir mis actos.
Okay, I gotta take some responsibility for my life.
Debo tomar algo de responsabilidad por mi vida.
And my doctor, he says that I can't handle any kind of responsibility, or else I could just snap at any moment.
Y mi médico dice que no puedo asumir ningún tipo de responsabilidad o podría perder el control en cualquier momento.
At least I was man enough and took responsibility for my child.
Al menos fui suficientemente hombre y tomé responsabilidad por mi hijo.
But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king without the help and support of the woman I love.
Pero deben creerme cuando les digo que me ha resultado imposible llevar la pesada carga de la responsabilidad y renunciar a mis tareas como Rey sin la ayuda y el apoyo de la mujer que amo.
l, Nathan Hayes, do solemnly resolve before God.... To take full responsibility for myself, my wife and my children.
Yo, Nathan Hayes, prometo solemnemente ante Dios asumir la responsabilidad por mi vida y la de mi familia.
That I will take full responsibility for myself, my wife and my children.
Asumir la plena responsabilidad sobre mi vida, las de mi esposa y mis hijos.
I've still got a lot to work on but he's helping me make sense out of my life and take more responsibility for who I am as a man.
Todavía me falta mucho pero ÉI me ayuda a vivir y asumir más responsabilidad como hombre.
Who will accept the responsibility of providing and protecting my family?
¿ Quién aceptará la responsabilidad de proveer y proteger a mi familia?
I accept this responsibility, and it is my privilege to embrace it.
Acepto esta responsabilidad, y es mi privilegio abrazarla.
Unlike you I take responsibility for my actions and the people I work with.
Me responsabilizo por mis acciones y la gente con la que trabajo, no como tú.

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