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Not really my thing перевод на испанский

268 параллельный перевод
It's not really my thing.
No es mi género.
It's not really my thing.
En el tondo, no es mi tipo.
Not really my thing.
La verdad, no es cosa mía.
Work's not really my thing.
Trabajar no es realmente lo mío..
That's not really my thing.
Putos no soy yo.
Not really my thing.
No es lo mío.
Well, football's not really my thing.
Pensándolo bien, el fútbol americano no es para mí.
It's not really my thing.
No es realmente lo mío.
Mediation's not really my thing.
La mediación realmente no es lo mío.
Film's not really my thing, but thanks for thinking about me, Mr. Potter.
El cine no me gusta, pero gracias por pensar en mí.
- No, it's not really my thing.
- No, no es lo mío.
I'm sorry. I'm trying to flirt with you. It's not really my thing.
Lo lamento, estaba tratando de flirtear contigo no es verdaderamente mi estilo.
- Yeah it's just basketball's not really my thing.
- El básquetbol no es lo mío.
It's not really my thing.
No es lo mío en realidad.
It's just not really my thing to sleep around.
No me gusta acostarme con unos y con otros.
Not really my thing.
No es mi estilo.
It's not really my thing, but I found these in Farrelly's night table.
No es lo mío, pero he encontrado estos en mesa de noche de Farrelly.
Confession's not really my thing.
La confesión no va mucho conmigo.
[ARES'VOICE] Hm. Not really my thing.
Realmente no es mi estilo.
Look, moonshine is not really my thing. I'm more into beer and... and things like that.
Bueno, es que el brebaje no es lo mio, prefiero una cerveza.
No-No, I don't - I'm not-That's not really my thing.
- Eso no es lo mío.
Not really my thing.
En realidad no son lo mío.
- Anna, that's not really my thing.
- Anna, yo no estoy en esto.
- Medical research, not really my thing.
Investigación médica, no es realmente lo mío.
I don't know. It's not really my thing.
No me interesa, realmente.
It's not really my thing. Like physics.
Es 1-7-7-5-5-3-1.
Ben, it's just the whole racing to save Jane thing, it's not really my problem anymore.
Ben, es toda esa carrera para salvar a Jane, en realidad ya no es mi problema.
It's really not my business, that kind of thing.
La verdad es que no lo sé, no lo he pensado.
But when I think back about it now I realise that, all the time I was talking, the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask what it was her boss Rappalo was so sorry for.
Pero, pensándolo ahora, me doy cuenta de que, mientras hablaba, en realidad estaba pensando que no debería preguntarle por qué se disculpaba su jefe Rappalo.
One thing that really bothered me a lot... that really got into my heart... was knowing, not only that animals... are being treated in such a violent way after death... in this rendering company... by being torn apart... and every scrap of their body being used in one way or another.
Algo que a mí me molestaba mucho... y que realmente me entristecía... era saber que los animales... eran tratados de una manera tan violenta después de muertos... en esta compañía de reciclaje... donde los descuartizaban... para aprovechar cada pedazo de sus cuerpos de una forma u otra.
Now I spent the past 40 years of my life in Africa, so you see, I'm really not terribly well informed of what is happening in the rest of the world, which is possibly not a bad thing, don't you think?
Pasé los últimos 40 años en África. Como ve, no estoy tan bien informado como parece del resto del mundo. Lo que posiblemente no sea tan malo, ¿ verdad?
But when I think back about it now I realise that, all the time I was talking, the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask what it was her boss Rappalo was so sorry for.
pero, pensándolo ahora, me doy cuenta de que, mientras Hablaba, en realidad estaba pensando que no debería preguntarle por quÉ se disculpaba su jefe Rappalo.
It's really not my thing.
No es mi sector.
My mother lives 50 miles away... and Holly's not into that kind of thing... so that really only leaves one person.
Mi madre está a 80 km de aquí, y a Holly no le gusta eso. - Entonces, sólo queda una persona.
I hope that you don't mind, but it's just that I've been through this before with my mother and she was constantly trying to turn me into a debutante. It's just not really my thing.
Ella trató de meterme en esto, pero no es lo mío.
- I'm not imag- - - really isn't my thing.
- No estoy imag - - no es mi campo.
This kind of thing is really not my style.
Este tipo de cosas realmente no es mi estilo.
Meanwhile, they're filming the movie and you really wanna not start to feel like you're part of the thing, because, in my case I knew I was getting back on a plane the next day.
Mientras, seguían rodando y tú no quieres sentir que formas parte del rodaje porque, en mi caso sabía que me volvería en el avión al día siguiente.
Marjorie begged me to join, but it's really not my thing.
Marjorie me pidió que me uniera, pero no es lo mío.
Well, they're not really my thing, so...
And if you accept my proposal you will have at your disposal the ability to mak e me do one thing I really do not want to do.
Si aceptas mi propuesta, dispondrás de un tiempo limitado para obligarme a hacer algo contra mi voluntad.
Well... it's really not my thing.
Bien... No es realmente mi cosa.
It's really not my thing.
A mí no me va ese rollo.
Thank you, Kiffany but it's really not my thing.
Gracias, Kiffany pero no me interesa.
Well, the fun thing is not really where my head's at at the moment,
No me muero por divertirme en este momento.
It's not really my kind of thing.
No es lo que procuraba.
It's not really my kind of thing.
No es en verdad lo que quiero.
Oh, I'm not really doing the dorm thing'cause of my mom.
Oh no, no voy a quedarme a dormir... por lo de mi madre..
This is not really my kind of thing anymore.
Ya no me van esas cosas.
Well, it's not really my thing, either.
Bueno, tampoco mucho la mía.
Oh, well, the thing is, Charlie's not really my boyfriend.
La verdad es que Charlie no es mi novio.

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